[twitter-dev] Re: master thesis related to Twitter

2009-09-26 Thread Tony


On Sep 25, 1:46 pm, Kevin Mesiab  wrote:
> Good luck and I look forward to reading some drafts, yeah?
> On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 7:41 AM, Stefna  wrote:
> > I've submitted a ticket with following content:
> > *** *** ***
> > I am a 23 years old student of informatics at AGH Universtity of
> > Science and Technology in Cracow (Poland). Due to a rapid development,
> > strict formed data and accessible API I would like to designate my
> > master thesis to the Twitter related topic. My promoter is the PhD at
> > the Department of Computer Linguistics and our first pick was vaguely
> > to analyse the semantic meaning of tweets.
> > Do you have suggestions about the dissertation topic?
> > Do you have any pending requests or prospect features you want to
> > develop?
> > I will browse known issues, I will think thoroughly about the topic
> > but still - your suggestion might be very helpful. Even the shortest
> > one (like "good luck") will encourage me to more intensive research.
> > *** *** ***
> > Does anyone have any suggestions? My ticket has a six-digit number so
> > I'm afraid I won't get any answer :)
> > I'll probably ask for help during my work so I subscribe to this group
> > anyway.
> > Thanks in advance!
> --
> Kevin Mesiab
> CEO, Mesiab Labs 
> L.L.C.http://twitter.com/kmesiabhttp://mesiablabs.comhttp://retweet.com

[twitter-dev] Twitter post returns back without posting the tweet

2010-09-27 Thread tony
Hello ,

I ma trying to post the tweet using the oAuth twitter API.

When I run the script It redirects me to the twitter authentication
page and ask for username and password of twitter.com and when I allow
the application it take me back to the return URL.

But the post is not updated to my account. I am using this code:


// Fill in the next 2 variables.
$tweet = 'i have just updated the new post';

// POST a tweet using OAuth authentication
   $tweet, $access_token,
   true, true,$url);

 * Call twitter to post a tweet
 * @param string $consumer_key obtained when you registered your app
 * @param string $consumer_secret obtained when you registered your
 * @param string $status_message
 * @param string $access_token obtained from get_request_token
 * @param string $access_token_secret obtained from get_request_token
 * @param bool $usePost use HTTP POST instead of GET
 * @param bool $passOAuthInHeader pass OAuth credentials in HTTP
 * @return response string or empty array on error
function post_tweet($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $status_message,
$access_token, $access_token_secret, $usePost=true,
  $retarr = array();  // return value
  $response = array();
  $url = $url; //'http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.json';
  $params['status'] = $status_message;
  $params['oauth_version'] = '1.0';
  $params['oauth_nonce'] = mt_rand();
  $params['oauth_timestamp'] = time();
  $params['oauth_consumer_key'] = $consumer_key;
  $params['oauth_token'] = $access_token;

  // compute hmac-sha1 signature and add it to the params list
  $params['oauth_signature_method'] = 'HMAC-SHA1';
  $params['oauth_signature'] =
  oauth_compute_hmac_sig($usePost? 'POST' : 'GET', $url, $params,
 $consumer_secret, $access_token_secret);

  // Pass OAuth credentials in a separate header or in the query
  if ($passOAuthInHeader) {
$query_parameter_string = oauth_http_build_query($params, true);
$header = build_oauth_header($params, "Twitter API");
$headers[] = $header;
  } else {
$query_parameter_string = oauth_http_build_query($params);

  // POST or GET the request
  if ($usePost) {
$request_url = $url;
$headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
$response = do_post($request_url, $query_parameter_string, 80,
  } else {
$request_url = $url . ($query_parameter_string ?
   ('?' . $query_parameter_string) : '' );
$response = do_get($request_url, 80, $headers);

  // extract successful response
  if (! empty($response)) {
list($info, $header, $body) = $response;
if ($body) {
$retarr = $response;

  return $retarr;

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Incorporating the api into a site

2010-03-16 Thread Tony
How would I incorporate this api into my website.?

[twitter-dev] xAuth Approval?

2010-04-26 Thread Tony
I recently submitted a request for xAuth approval for a mobile app. I
was wondering if anyone knows roughly how long it takes for approval.

Subscription settings: 

[twitter-dev] Re: xAuth Approval?

2010-04-26 Thread Tony
Thanks for the info Raffi. I'll give it another day or two before
following up on the status.

On Apr 26, 3:29 pm, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:
> it should be on the order of days (hopefully less - depends on our backlog
> and our queue).
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Tony  wrote:
> > I recently submitted a request for xAuth approval for a mobile app. I
> > was wondering if anyone knows roughly how long it takes for approval.
> > Thanks!
> > --
> > Subscription settings:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/subscribe?hl=en
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/raffi

[twitter-dev] Re: New blocks still happening

2009-08-07 Thread Tony Blyler

It appears that I am getting the 408 error as well. Is there any way
to be added to a whitelist? My twitter followers for my script aren't
too happy.

On Aug 7, 1:06 am, Sean Callahan  wrote:
> Users on our site Jesse provide username and password and still can't
> login. It has been like that all day. I feel your pain and wish we
> could get back online quicker.
> On Aug 6, 6:16 pm, Jesse Stay  wrote:
> > This is also another nick against OAuth.  My users can't even log in right
> > now because we're relying on OAuth for login.
> > Jesse
> > On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 8:45 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > > I have seen the same thing.
> > > So, if you have white listed IPs that are still showing a rate limit
> > > of 20,000, DO NOT use them right now.
> > > After a few minutes of use their rate limits are cut down to 150 per
> > > hour.
> > > Dewald
> > > On Aug 6, 8:58 pm, Tinychat  wrote:
> > > > So, like everyone else I was receiving 408's from all our production
> > > > servers. Wasnt sure what was causing it, but it turned out to be that
> > > > twitter is blocking the IPs. Ok, must be related to the ddos stuff
> > > > from earlier on- Must have gotten caught in the crossfire.
> > > > So I go ahead and use some development servers to start sending
> > > > requests- All is fine, for about a hour. They are blocked now. So to
> > > > anyone out there, there is no point using a new IP- It will get
> > > > blocked within a hour or so. I guess we have to wait for twitters host
> > > > to fix it, or use actionscript/ajax to have the end user request the
> > > > data himself (Which is what I am going to do) so its always a unique 
> > > > IP- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

[twitter-dev] oauth/authenticate is redirecting me to oauth/authorize and giving a PIN

2009-08-12 Thread Tony Amoyal

I am implementing some ruby on rails code tweet stuff for my users. I
am creating the proper oauth link...something like


but Twitter redirects the user to oauth/authorize after he clicks
"Allow" which then gives him the 7 digit PIN!

"You've successfully granted access to . Simply return to and enter
the following PIN to complete the process. 1234567"

According to this article

Twitter should be redirecting the user to the callback URL I provided
in the application settings when I hit the /oauth/authenticate path
because that is saying that I am now a Desktop or iPhone app. Does
anyone know why this is happening?

Rate Limit For Mass POSTs

2008-10-29 Thread Tony Stubblebine

I'm building an app for managing large twitter accounts and have two
desires. One, to be able to mass-follow a selection of people who are
following me. Two, to send direct messages to all followers or to
slices of my followers. These may bring up etiquette/user-expectation/
spam issues, but first I want to get a very specific RATE limiting
question answered.

The documentation says that POST requests are not limited. My test
account has 4900 followers and 4600 unfollowed followers. Can I DM
them in parallel? Serially? Five at a time? What's the polite thing to
do here?


Re: Rate Limit For Mass POSTs

2008-10-29 Thread Tony Stubblebine

Thanks Alex,

What's the limit on DMs per day and is that something that can be
whitelisted by IP?

I guess whitelisting by IP wouldn't make much sense in a general case.
The project I'm working on is going to live on the web and live both
inside and outside of CrowdVine. For the inside CrowdVine part, it's
for paying conferences doing things like sending updates when a
session changes rooms. I can vouch for them. But for general usage, I
wouldn't want to open up a loophole.


On Oct 29, 5:17 pm, "Alex Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For one, you'll need to get your account whitelisted.  POST requests
> aren't rate limited as a rule, but there are some rules around the
> number updates and direct messages one can send per day that apply
> whether you're using the API or the web site.  Getting whitelisted
> lifts those limits.
> Beyond that, feel free to POST either serially or in parallel.  Five
> at a time sounds perfectly reasonable.
> On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Tony Stubblebine
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm building an app for managing large twitter accounts and have two
> > desires. One, to be able to mass-follow a selection of people who are
> > following me. Two, to send direct messages to all followers or to
> > slices of my followers. These may bring up etiquette/user-expectation/
> > spam issues, but first I want to get a very specific RATE limiting
> > question answered.
> > The documentation says that POST requests are not limited. My test
> > account has 4900 followers and 4600 unfollowed followers. Can I DM
> > them in parallel? Serially? Five at a time? What's the polite thing to
> > do here?
> > Thanks,
> > Tony
> >http://www.stubbleblog.com
> >http://www.crowdvine.com
> --
> Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

Re: Twitter Trends

2009-02-18 Thread Tony Sidaway
The search API only seems to support json for the trends, so if you want XML
you'll have to perform your own conversion.  http://json.org/ has a heap of
tools and methods to do that in most programming languages.

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Nirav Thakker wrote:

>  Is there any way I can retrieve the twitter trends in XML format???

[twitter-dev] Cookies for Tweet Button

2011-05-05 Thread Tony House
I am a web developer with the Census Bureau.
We are hoping to place the "Tweet" button on some of our pages
(@USCensusBureau the official account for the Census!) Being that we
are government we have rules about cookies on our web pages. I can see
that Twitter sets a total of 14 cookies, 10 of which are persistent. I
am trying to find any information regarding these cookies. I need to
know what those cookies are and what information they are collecting
and who sees that information. (For instance, I don't really care why
__qca needs to exist indefinitely, but I would like to know what __qca
is, what it's recording, who sees this, etc).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Twitter button code limiting cookies

2011-05-20 Thread Tony House
I am hoping to add the Twitter Button to several pages at the Census,
but need to limit the cookies (Being a government agency we have laws
regarding cookies on our sites in addition to concerns over Personally
Identifiable Information).  I have noticed that I have 14 cookies
related to twitter. Is there code for the like button which turns off
specific cookies - or at least makes the button work with just session

Twitter developer documentation and resources: https://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: https://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: https://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Additional attribute in share link

2011-05-23 Thread Tony House
I'm looking through the FAQ for the tweet button and am not seeing one
of the attributes listed.
On the page, the different examples have an underscore and equal and a
13 digit number (e.g. http://twitter.com/share?_=1306165040196 ).  It
looks like the first 10 digits could be a unix timestamp, but I'm not
100% sure about that.  It also means the three digits at the end (196)
are something else.
I couldn't find anything in FAQ, so I'm hoping someone can help.  What
is this number?

Twitter developer documentation and resources: https://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: https://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: https://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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