[twitter-dev] Re: Privacy issues with the proposed annotations feature

2010-04-19 Thread alexro

not to ignore privacy issues but just to simplify the situation a
bit ...
What currently protects a user from a malicious (desktop) application
stealing all kinds of user data via submitting tweets through it's
proxy? And even by submitting such information directly to it's

On Apr 19, 2:03 am, Raffi Krikorian ra...@twitter.com wrote:
  Right now the web UI exposes every piece of metadata in a tweet to
  end-users. That is, an end-user can use twitter.com to check the complete
  contents of tweet sent by an application. I didn’t see anything in the
  proposals regarding the annotation feature that says that users will be able
  to see all the annotations through the web UI. And, even if they could see
  them, chances are they couldn’t understand them. And, even if end-users
  could understand them, applications will be able to use encryption and other
  obfuscation to make them impossible to interpret. This reduces the amount of
  control users have over their tweets.

 this wasn't always true -- there was a period where the web client showed no
 geo information at all.  geo was an API only feature.  at current time, it
 is still a bit unknown how the twitter.com webclient will utilize
 annotations (just like its unknown how the ecosystem will utilize

  I think there must be some kind of control mechanism in place for
  annotations, or the web UI must present all the annotations of a user’s
  tweets to that user, or both, in order to prevent the annotations feature
  from becoming a side channel for applications to communicate users’ private
  information without users’ knowledge or consent. I would like to know more
  about how this is going to be done.

 at this point, we're not planning to have any elaborate control mechanisms
 over annotations, however, your point of being able to use twitter.com as a
 debugging interface is an interesting one.

 Raffi Krikorian
 Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/raffi


[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-02-23 Thread alexro
Hi, I'm Alex. London-based. Currently working on a conversation
tracking application.

My tools are .Net specific, thanks Mayo for LinqToTwitter library!
Thanks to all of you for providing great advice!

On Feb 21, 11:03 pm, Anton Krasovsky anton.krasov...@gmail.com
 Hi Guys,

 @ak1394 Anton Krasovsky, Dublin, Ireland. Author of PavoMe (twitter
 client for java mobiles).

 I've been working with twitter for about half a year, and my efforts
 are split between working
 on client application and backend server (which handles all
 communication between handset and Twitter servers, and is written in

 So far the only twitter opensource released by me was an Erlang client
 library. I don't think anyone except me actually uses it.

 I'm looking forward to see xAuth avaiable - few users in China will
 appreciate not having to
 struggle with GFW to get their oauth tokens.




 On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 8:20 PM, Abraham Williams 4bra...@gmail.com wrote:
  We have not had an introductions thread in a long time (or ever that I could
  find) so I'm starting one. Don't forget to add an answer to the tools thread
  [1](Gmail link [2]) as well.
  I'm Abraham Williams, I've been working with the Twitter API and this group
  since early 2008. I do mostly freelance Drupal and Twitter API integration
  and personal projects. I love seeing the creative projects developers build
  or integrate with the API and look forward to meeting many of you at Chirp.
  TwitterOAuth [3] the first PHP library to support OAuth is built and
  maintained by me, and will hopefully see a new release soon. I also built a
  fun Chrome extension [4] that integrates common friends and followers into
  Twitter profiles.
  The feature I would most like added to the API is a conversation method to
  get replies to a specific status.
  So. Who are you, what do you do, what have you built, and what feature do
  you most want to see added?
  [1] http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread...
  [2] https://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/12680cd0fa59011e
  [3] https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/npdjhmblakdjfnnajeomfbogo...
  [4] http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=142
  Abraham Williams | Community Advocate |http://abrah.am
  Project | Out Loud |http://outloud.labs.poseurtech.com
  This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
  Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

[twitter-dev] Re: The XML for user settings would be helpful

2010-02-19 Thread alexro

I believe such request still counts against your usage limit. Just to
remember to stay within the boundaries :)

On Feb 18, 10:15 pm, Dmitri Snytkine d.snytk...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sorry to bother you, but I found out that this feature is already
 Turns out I can easily get user's  profile as json or xml without
 using oAuth or API

 Very simple, like this:

 This is just great!

 On Feb 18, 3:36 pm, Dmitri Snytkine d.snytk...@gmail.com wrote:

  I just though of something that would be very helpful to developers:
  what if there was a url to get xml or json of user's profile,
  background image, color settings and avatar.
  I mean similar to regular RSS feed, only for the current user's

  This way we don't even need to use API if we want to generate a page
  that looks like user's own twitter page. And because it would be
  static files, they could be served from Twitter very fast and make use
  last-modified and etag headers.

  Currently if I want to style a page to mimin user's twitter page, I
  have to access thehttps://twitter.com/account/verify_credentials.json
  and for that I have to use oAuth call. But this is an overkill. Why do
  I even need to have user's token and secret just to get his latest
  profile that is basically available on his twitter page, I just don't
  want to to and scrape it from the actual twitter page.

  Why not give us the url to get these settings as json or xml the same
  way we can get the RSS for user's latest messages without having to
  use API

[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth maintaining tokens?

2010-02-11 Thread alexro
The way I did it for my website is to store the tokens in a db and put
a custom persisting cookie on the user's browser. The user can 'sign-
off' removing the cookie and will have to authenticate with Twitter
next time she uses the protected functionality on my website. Or the
cookie can expire/be deleted locally. But if the cookie remains intact
user will be singed-in automatically.

I think this approach is quite secure and still convenient to all
parties involved.


On Feb 11, 4:53 pm, John Meyer john.l.me...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 2/11/2010 9:30 AM, Paul wrote:

  My question at last is then, what are good practices for the 3rd party
  site?  Should the site request the user to reauthorize with Twitter
  each  every time he/she comes to the site?  Should the 3rd party site
  have it's own login/username/password for users and store the token in
  a database?  Should it offer to store the token as a cookie on the
  user's computer?

 Different strokes for different folks.  Whatever you do, make it clear
 what your site is doing to the user  If you want to store a
 username/password for your own site and then store that authentication
 information in a MySQL database, tell them that.  And explain to them
 that they can revoke authentication at anytime through the Twitter website.

[twitter-dev] Re: Looking for someone to help wiith oauth

2010-02-11 Thread alexro
Also check out LinqToTwitter, it includes a sample web application in

On Feb 10, 10:33 pm, John Meyer john.l.me...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 2/10/2010 7:48 AM, Merrows wrote: I am seeking someone skilled in .NET 
 3.5, C# to help with implementing
  twitter oauth, and I would welcome any suggestions of how to find

 TwitterVB implemetns oAuth and can be used with any .NET compliant language:
