[twitter-dev] Get Twitter users list(by screenname)

2009-04-23 Thread kkp


I am new to this group(Twitter API).
we have a requiremnt like ...

we need to get the "Twitter" users list (to follow).
After getting the list,user can select the user from the list and
follow the twitter user. we are able to get the twitter users who are
followed and whom i am following.But i am unable to get the twitter
users list to follow.

How can we get the twitter users list?.

Any help can be appriciated.


[twitter-dev] Reg: statuses/show method in REST API

2009-04-28 Thread kkp


I have a  problem while getting the twitter user information using API
method "statuses/show".
I have a account "https://twitter.com/scpltest"; . It contains 6
followings and 1 follower.

But when i am trying to get the user information using the API method
(using following URL)

It is showing the "followers_count=0  and friends_count=0 ". In site
it is showing it as 6 and 1. Why the "Show" API method is not getting
the updated count?
Is there any method to get the total Followings and Followers count
using API methods.

Thanks & Regards,

[twitter-dev] Reg: Find People by name using API

2009-05-08 Thread kkp


I want to search the people  by using the "Search by Name" optioin in
my application.
In www.twitter.com we have a option like this to find the people in

1. Like this searching is possible using the Twitter API ?
   Is there any Twitter API methods are there for searching
the people by name?

and another question...

I follwoed a user and unfolwed after some time(days). when i am trying
to follow the user using the Twitter API method "friendships create",
I want to check the user "previously un-followed" status through the
API methods.

2. Is there any method is there to get  this status "previously un-
followed" using the API?

any help can be appreciated ...

Thanks & Regards

[twitter-dev] Reg. Get the New Twitters to follow

2009-06-01 Thread kkp

Hello All,

I want to fetch the twitter accounts which i need to follow
based on a particular twitter user's followers / followings directly.
When i search a twitter account say(twitter) and i want to follow the
specified twitter id's followers / followings where there is no
friendship exists among the specified account and the one which is
searching. So that they can directly follow the other user's
followers / followings without rechecking for the freindship exists
among each of the users which we get.

Here is an example in detail:

I am a user with twitter account id as "searcher" and i want to follow
a particular twitter id's(say "searchable") followers / followings. If
i've already followed some of the users whom "searchable" is
followed / followed by then those must not be included in getting
the results which i need to follow.

I am using the following method to get the friends list.
this method is returning all the followings who are also followed by
I want to get the friends list  who i am not following. If i get all
the results i have to check "friendships/exists" explicitly the  for
every user. this will waste a call and consume time also.

How can i get the twitters info whom i am not following using
"statuses/friends" and "statuses/followers" ?

Is there  other methods in API to get this list?

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks & Regards

[twitter-dev] Reg: Follow/Un-Follow Multiple users

2009-06-01 Thread kkp


I want to follow/unfollow multiple users in one web request.
At present i am following/un follow users individually by sending each
user. It is taking long time and waste calls. If i have 100 users to
follow/un follow i am sending 100 requests , this will take a long
time process and taking more time and take 100 calls.

I have another problem...
If i want to unfollow "unmutuals" .Is there any method to get the
Present i am using the following scenario ..I have 100 followings and
i want to unfollow the "Un mutauls". using my application. i get the
100 users and checking the frienship is exists or not from following
user to me using "friendships/exists " API method. if friendship is
not exists i unfollow users using the API method "friendships/destroy
". So in this way i consuming 200 calls . 100 calls for "friendships/
exists" and 100 calls for "friendships/destroy". so many calls are
taking and application will also take too long time to perform this
operation. How can wee overcome this.

So my questions are ..
1. Is there any way(methods) to " follow/unfollow" users as bulk ?
2. Is there any methods are available to get the "Un mutuals" from
following list?

thanks & regards

[twitter-dev] Cancel Following request for protected users

2009-06-15 Thread kkp


I am able to follow and unfollow users by usig API. it is working
I have a problem now.. when i send a following request to "protected
updates type users(protected=true)" my request is showing pending in
twitter UI. Now i want to cancel this request using the API.
In Twitter site it is showing a message "Cancel Request" when i click
this button my following request is cancel.
I want to do this same using my application also.

How can we cancel the "following request" to protected users using
Twitter API?

Any help can be appreciated.

Thanks & regards

[twitter-dev] Reg: cancel Following request for protected users

2009-06-15 Thread kkp


I am able to follow and unfollow users by using API Methods. it is
fine. I have a problem now.. when i send a following request to users
like  "protected their updates(protected=true)" my request is showing
"pending" in twitter UI.

when i try to destroy(unfollow) this user using
http://twitter.com/friendships/destroy/andresc03.xml"; it is giving a
403 returned error.Because it is not following the user.Just we send
the following request and the status still "pending".
Now i want to cancel the "following" request using the API.In
Twitter.com site it is showing a message "Cancel Request" when i click
this button my following request is cancel.I want to do this same
using my application also.

How can we cancel the "following request" to protected users using
Twitter API?

Any help can be appreciated.

Thanks & regards