I apologize if this question has already been answered in the archives. I've
followed this list for a couple days and hadn't seen this specific question
come up.

My application has been white listed. In doing so, I specified a set of 5 IP
addresses from which traffic from my application may come. TFM states [1]:

we offer whitelisting which will raise an account or IP address' rate limit
to 20000 requests per hour.

My understanding is that this means each of my 5 IP Addresses can make
20,000 unique API requests per hour (for a total of 120,000 API requests /
hr as long as I write some sort of IP Address load balancing code.) But I
have not seen that actually spelled out in so many words. Is my assumption
correct? (my app is nowhere near that limit, but I am working on some
capacity planning numbers.)
If my assumption is correct, is there a further limit on the number of
unique addresses my Application can have whitelisted?

Also, is whitelisting limited to IPv4? I have not yet tried it with any IPv6

[1] http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Rate-limiting?SearchFor=white+list&sp=1

Patrick Burrows

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