Hi there,

We're working to make the window of tweets you can search longer but we've had some technical limitations to work out. Once we have passed these issues we should be able to make the window larger but I think it is unlikely we will ever support searching all tweets.

 – Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
     Twitter Dev

On Apr 25, 2009, at 10:46 AM, Esé wrote:


I've been trying to dig up some older tweets by date range (from last
year) and the results keep coming up empty. I found this post from
Matt here - 

"The reason for your error is that the since: date you  provided is
older than the data currently available. We plan to improve the error
messaging when we merge the search and main APIs, so hopefully things
will be clearer after that.
    We try to keep as much search data on hand as we can but we're
currently limited on disk space. As the rate of tweets increases we
need more and more disk to keep old data on hand. We've ordered more
disks and await them eagerly. Once those are installed the date range
for searches can start growing again. Sorry for the confusing error
messaging. "

So, currently, are only the past 7 days or so indexed? And would there
be an ETA as to when all the archived tweets are finally made
available or are you folks still fighting the happy problem of just
trying to not get swamped right now? :-)



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