Hello Francois and Arno for the replies.

I read online that on Unix, close() reduce a ref count for
a socket. The last close() will call shutdown() automatically.
I'm not sure if the same is true on Windows but I would think
so because it makes sense and the whole TCP/IP thing starts on
Unix platforms.

Anyway to answer my original question, I made a test and found
out that calling shutdown(0) locally will not trigger a SessionClosed
on remote side. Calling shutdown(1) and shutdown(2) will.

Sunday, August 10, 2008, 10:44:15 PM, you wrote:

> Yes, Shutdown at one side will cause session close at the other side.
> Actaully, Shutdown is the way to gracefully close a connection. Shutdown
> send to the other part a close request. The other part respond with a close.
> The the initiating part call close. This is really the proper way to
> negociate session end.

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