Re: [twsocket] SocketSpy (2nd request)

2011-01-21 Thread Francois PIETTE

I'm using Vista64. My source code is included below. I hope you'll
forgive me if I have included too much code. My program is 257 lines.

It is better that you provide a complete test project (source code only) so 
that anybody wanting to help can be started quickly with your code. Don't 
attach your zip file to a message posted to the list, but provide a direct 
link to the file.

btw: Usually W. Mestdagh read this mailing list.  I guess he will answer.
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[twsocket] SocketSpy (2nd request)

2011-01-20 Thread richard
Hi All,

I have done a cbuilder translation of Mr. Mestdagh's SpocketSpy 
program. But, I have a problem. When I run the program and try to 
connect with a server, I get this immediate error:

An unknown response was received in response to a request for 
information from the news server 'SocketSpyC++ Local TCP Proxy'

Under the details button of the error dialog, I get:

SocketSpyC++ Local TCP Proxy

   Account: SocketSpyC++ Local TCP Proxy
   Protocol: NNTP
   Port: 119
   Secure(SSL): 0
   Code: 800ccca0

I don't have any idea what the problem is. First, while trying to 
debug, I put a popup messagebox at the end of the 
WSocketServerClientConnect procedure to take a look at a variable. 
What I discovered was that messagebox being open allowed the program 
to actually connect and go further before error. After that, I 
replaced the messagebox with an Application-ProcessMessages() loop 
as a test. I was amazed that after that, the program ran completely 
and reliably--everytime. It works just great, but I haven't tried 
more than 1 connection because of the ProcessMessages loop. Though 
the loop has been helpful, I doubt it is the appropriate fix for this.

I'm wondering if this problem is somehow related to changes made to 
cbuilder in the 2007 edition I'm using. I have already discovered and 
fixed 2 other problems related to the 2007 upgrade.

I'm using Vista64. My source code is included below. I hope you'll 
forgive me if I have included too much code. My program is 257 lines. 
Please have a look.


Richard Christman

#ifndef socketwinsH
#define socketwinsH
#include Classes.hpp
#include Controls.hpp
#include StdCtrls.hpp
#include Forms.hpp
#include OverbyteIcsWndControl.hpp
#include OverbyteIcsWSocket.hpp
#include OverbyteIcsWSocketS.hpp
#include ComCtrls.hpp

class TSocketWin : public TForm
__published:// IDE-managed Components
TRichEdit *TCPLog;
TStatusBar *StatusBar;
TEdit *RemoteAddr;
TLabel *Label3;
TEdit *RemotePort;
TLabel *Label2;
TEdit *LocalPort;
TLabel *Label1;
TButton *ListenBtn;
TWSocketServer *WSocketServer;
void __fastcall WSocketServerClientConnect(TObject *Sender,
  TWSocketClient *Client, WORD Error);
void __fastcall WSocketServerClientDisconnect(TObject *Sender,
  TWSocketClient *Client, WORD Error);
void __fastcall WSocketServerSessionClosed(TObject *Sender, WORD 
void __fastcall ListenBtnClick(TObject *Sender);
private:// User declarations
void __fastcall BgException(TObject *Sender, Exception *E, bool 
void __fastcall ClientDataAvailable(TObject *Sender, WORD Error);
void __fastcall RemoteSessionConnected(TObject *Sender, WORD Error);
void __fastcall RemoteDataAvailable(TObject *Sender, WORD Error);
void __fastcall RemoteSessionClosed(TObject *Sender, WORD Error);
void __fastcall RemoteDnsLookupDone(TObject *Sender, WORD Error);
public: // User declarations
bool cancel;
TStrings *log;
__fastcall TSocketWin(TComponent* Owner);
__fastcall virtual ~TSocketWin();
void __fastcall Log(AnsiString Msg);

class TClient : public TWSocketClient
AnsiString rcvd;
TWSocket *remote;
__fastcall TClient(TComponent *Owner);
__fastcall virtual ~TClient();

extern PACKAGE TSocketWin *SocketWin;

#include vcl.h
#pragma hdrstop

#include socketwins.h
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma link OverbyteIcsWndControl
#pragma link OverbyteIcsWSocket
#pragma link OverbyteIcsWSocketS
#pragma resource *.dfm
TSocketWin *SocketWin;
const AnsiString lineend = \r\n;
const bool linemode = true;

__fastcall TSocketWin::TSocketWin(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
   log = TCPLog-Lines;

__fastcall TSocketWin::~TSocketWin()

void __fastcall TSocketWin::ListenBtnClick(TObject *Sender)
   if (ListenBtn-Tag == 0)
  WSocketServer-Banner = Welcome to OverByte