Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

2009-11-22 Thread Ruud Kerstens

Hi Arno,

Great, after reading the header, this is actually what i was looking for!
I will let you know how it worked out..

Thanks for the help!

Best regards,

Ruud Kerstens

From: "Arno Garrels" 
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 7:54 PM
To: "ICS support mailing" 
Subject: Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

Ruud Kerstens wrote:

Ok, I will go and read it.

anyway, thanks for your replies, lets see if i can find any solution,
if so i will let you know!

Looks like porting this stuff to delphi would do the trick:
From a brief look, OverbyteIcsMD5.pas seems to include all MD5 stuff

Arno Garrels   

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Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

2009-11-22 Thread Arno Garrels
Ruud Kerstens wrote:
> Ok, I will go and read it.
> anyway, thanks for your replies, lets see if i can find any solution,
> if so i will let you know!

Looks like porting this stuff to delphi would do the trick:
>From a brief look, OverbyteIcsMD5.pas seems to include all MD5 stuff

Arno Garrels   

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Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

2009-11-22 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I also know there are different options, like using --des for des
> encryption. and also --md5 for md5 way of encrypting. and a --check
> option to check the password.
> > MD5-based scheme
> What ever it is, it's not supported by ICS (currently).

There is a free TDESCrypt component that encrypts a given input string by
using DES. The code has been translated from crypt.c (Unix GNU Library).
The component allows user names and passwords to be encoded into a format
suitable for use with UNIX systems, in particular for the Apache web
server running on UNIX to restrict access to your web site.

TTDESCrypt always creates passwords 14 bytes long (base64 encoded), of
which the first two are the user supplied SALT (usually the first two
characters of the account name).

This is not the same as MD5, but may help.


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Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

2009-11-21 Thread Ko Brink

For who cares about it, its called "freeBSD md5 crypt" or "unix md5 crypt".

some text i had lying around

MD5 crypt was written by Poul-Henning Kamp for FreeBSD. The main reason  
for using MD5 was to avoid problems with American export prohibitions on  
cryptographic products, and to allow for a longer password length than the  
8 characters used by DES crypt. The password length is restricted only by  
MD5's maximum message size of 264 bits. The salt can vary from 12 to 48  

MD5 crypt hashes the password and salt in a number of different  
combinations to slow down the evaluation speed. Some steps in the  
algorithm make it doubtful that the scheme was designed from a  
cryptographic point of view--for instance, the binary representation of  
the password length at some point determines which data is hashed, for  
every zero bit the first byte of the password and for every set bit the  
first byte of a previous hash computation.

The output is the concatenation of the version identifier ``$1$'', the  
salt, a ``$'' separator, and the 128-bit hash output.

MD5 crypt places virtually no limit on the size of passwords, while bcrypt  
has a maximum of 55 bytes. We do not consider this a serious limitation of  
bcrypt, however. Not only are users unlikely to choose such long  
passwords, but if they did, MD5 crypt's 128-bit output size would become  
the limiting factor in security. A brute force attacker could more easily  
find short strings hashing to the same value as a user's password than  
guess the actual password. Finally, like DES crypt, MD5 crypt has fixed  

On Sat, 21 Nov 2009 20:24:16 +0100, Ruud Kerstens  

the password 'test' should generate : $1$/mMVthpE$sgNAe9PaR0ORB1YCc1CVq1
The server i need these hashed passwords for is freeradius, however on  
that site is no real information about this.
As you can see the $1$ seems to tell the server it is encrypted, as i  

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Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

2009-11-21 Thread RTT

well, i created the string with a linux-tool on the radius-server 
(freeradius). It is used as:

cryptpasswd --md5 .

Free pascal has a unit that does exactly what your posted perlscript 
code does

But, as the perl script, uses an imported crypt function. You just need 
to import it from the same dll Perl use.

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Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

2009-11-21 Thread Ruud Kerstens

Ok, I will go and read it.

anyway, thanks for your replies, lets see if i can find any solution, if so 
i will let you know!

Have a nice weekend!!

Ruud Kerstens

From: "Arno Garrels" 
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 11:22 PM
To: "ICS support mailing" 
Subject: Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

Ruud Kerstens wrote:

Well, i actually do not know, you could be right, i really do not

I also know there are different options, like using --des for des
encryption. and also --md5 for md5 way of encrypting. and a --check
option to check the password.
I guess it really is some encryption, but why do they name it MD5
hash.. In the perl-script is a line mentioning salt and some
characters to be used for encryption..

I just found this description on internet wikipedia :

MD5-based scheme

What ever it is, it's not supported by ICS (currently).

Arno Garrels
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Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

2009-11-21 Thread Arno Garrels
Ruud Kerstens wrote:
> Well, i actually do not know, you could be right, i really do not
> know... 
> I also know there are different options, like using --des for des
> encryption. and also --md5 for md5 way of encrypting. and a --check
> option to check the password.
> I guess it really is some encryption, but why do they name it MD5
> hash.. In the perl-script is a line mentioning salt and some
> characters to be used for encryption..
> I just found this description on internet wikipedia :
> MD5-based scheme

What ever it is, it's not supported by ICS (currently).

Arno Garrels
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Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

2009-11-21 Thread Ruud Kerstens

Well, i actually do not know, you could be right, i really do not know...

I also know there are different options, like using --des for des 
encryption. and also --md5 for md5 way of encrypting. and a --check option 
to check the password.

I guess it really is some encryption, but why do they name it MD5 hash..
In the perl-script is a line mentioning salt and some characters to be used 
for encryption..

I just found this description on internet wikipedia :

MD5-based scheme
Poul-Henning Kamp designed a baroque and (at the time) computationally 
expensive algorithm based on the MD5 message digest algorithm. MD5 itself 
would provide good cryptographic strength for the password hash, but it is 
designed to be quite quick to calculate relative to the strength it 
provides. The crypt() scheme is designed to be expensive to calculate, to 
slow down dictionary attacks. The printable form of MD5 password hashes 
starts with $1$.
This scheme allows users to have any length password, and they can use any 
characters supported by their platform (not just 7-bit ASCII). (In practice 
many implementations limit the password length, but they generally support 
passwords far longer than any person would be willing to type.) The salt is 
also an arbitrary string, limited only by character set considerations.
First the passphrase and salt are hashed together, yielding an MD5 message 
digest. Then a new digest is constructed, hashing together the passphrase, 
the salt, and the first digest, all in a rather complex form. Then this 
digest is passed through a thousand iterations of a function which rehashes 
it together with the passphrase and salt in a manner that varies between 
rounds. The output of the last of these rounds is the resulting passphrase 
The fixed iteration count has caused this scheme to lose the computational 
expense that it once enjoyed. Variable numbers of rounds are now favoured.

Best regards,

From: "Arno Garrels" 
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 10:36 PM
To: "ICS support mailing" 
Subject: Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

Ruud Kerstens wrote:

well, i created the string with a linux-tool on the radius-server
(freeradius). It is used as:
cryptpasswd --md5 .

Doesn't this just encrypt the MD5 value of the password?
Just a wild guess..

Arno Garrels

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Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

2009-11-21 Thread Arno Garrels
Ruud Kerstens wrote:
> well, i created the string with a linux-tool on the radius-server
> (freeradius). It is used as:
> cryptpasswd --md5 .

Doesn't this just encrypt the MD5 value of the password?
Just a wild guess..

Arno Garrels

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Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

2009-11-21 Thread Ruud Kerstens
well, i created the string with a linux-tool on the radius-server 
(freeradius). It is used as:

cryptpasswd --md5 .

Ruud Kerstens.

this is the cryptpasswd  perlscript below (not farmiliar with perl) :

# cryptpasswd   Generate or check md5 and DES hashed passwords.
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#(at your option) any later version.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 

#Copyright (C) 2001 The FreeRADIUS Project
#Written by Miquel van Smoorenburg 
#$Id:,v 1.1 2001/09/28 14:04:29 aland Exp $

use Getopt::Long;

sub check_des {
return (crypt("fnord", "aa") =~ m/^aa/);

sub check_md5 {
return (crypt("fnord", "\$1\$aa") =~ m/^\$1\$/);

sub usage {
	die "Usage: cryptpasswd [--des|--md5|--check] plaintext_password 


@saltc = ( '.', '/', '0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' );

#   MAIN
sub main {

Getopt::Long::Configure("no_ignore_case", "bundling");
my @options = ( "des|d+", "md5|m+", "check|c+" );
usage() unless (eval { Getopt::Long::GetOptions(@options) } );

if ($opt_check) {
usage unless ($#ARGV == 1);
if (crypt($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]) ne $ARGV[1]) {
print "Password BAD\n";
return 0;
} else {
print "Password OK\n";
return 1;

usage() unless ($opt_des || $opt_md5);
usage() unless ($#ARGV == 0);

die "DES password hashing not available\n"
if ($opt_des && !check_des());
die "MD5 password hashing not available\n"
if ($opt_md5 && !check_md5());

$salt = ($opt_md5 ? '$1$' : '');
for ($i = 0; $i < ($opt_md5 ? 8 : 2); $i++) {
$salt .= $saltc[rand 64];
        $salt .= '$' if ($opt_md5);
print crypt($ARGV[0], $salt), "\n";


exit !main();

From: "Arno Garrels" 
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 9:33 PM
To: "ICS support mailing" 
Subject: Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

Ruud Kerstens wrote:

the password 'test' should generate :

A MD5 checksum/hash value is an array of 16 bytes, mostly
represented as a hex string, that's what StrMD5() returns.
The MD5 of "test" as a hex string looks like
The same MD5 Base64 encoded was "cxjvxXbYwktHVA1az9WOWg=="

I'm sorry, I've currently no idea what encoding might have
produced the string you posted above?

Someone else?

Arno Garrels
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Re: [twsocket] MD5 passwords

2009-11-21 Thread Arno Garrels
Ruud Kerstens wrote:
> the password 'test' should generate :
> $1$/mMVthpE$sgNAe9PaR0ORB1YCc1CVq1 

A MD5 checksum/hash value is an array of 16 bytes, mostly 
represented as a hex string, that's what StrMD5() returns.
The MD5 of "test" as a hex string looks like 
The same MD5 Base64 encoded was "cxjvxXbYwktHVA1az9WOWg=="

I'm sorry, I've currently no idea what encoding might have 
produced the string you posted above?

Someone else? 

Arno Garrels 
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