[TYPES/announce] Postdoc position on Reversible computing

2014-03-10 Thread Ivan Lanese
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Call for PostDocs

The ANR REVER project is seeking applicants for two 1-year
post-doctoral research positions. The work will be done either at the
Spades team at INRIA Grenoble, at the Focus team at University of
Bologna (joint team with INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée) or at
the PPS laboratory at the University of Paris Denis Diderot.  The
REVER project aims at facilitating the programming of recoverable
systems, i.e. of systems that can tolerate faults by means of system
recovery techniques, using reversible computing.  More precisely, the
REVER project aims to study the possibility of defining semantically
well-founded and composable abstractions for dependable computing on
the basis of a reversible programming language substrate, where
reversibility means the ability to undo any distributed program
execution, possibly step by step, and to revert it to a state
consistent with the past execution.

for more information on the REVER project.

The successful applicants will be expected to contribute to this
research effort, which will include both semantic foundations,
programming abstractions, and practical implementations.

Requirements for application:
* Ph.D. in Computer Science (completed or near completion)
* A research background on concurrency theory, programming language
semantics, programming language implementation, or distributed algorithms.

Application procedure:

* To apply send a curriculum, a publication record and a statement of
  interest via e-mail to Prof. Jean-Bernard Stefani
  jean-bernard.stef...@inria.fr, Dr. Ivan Lanese
  lan...@cs.unibo.it, and Dr Jean Krivine

* Deadline: April 30, 2014

[TYPES/announce] Final CFP: 7th Interaction and Concurrency Experience (ICE 2014) - June 6, 2014, Berlin, Germany

2014-03-10 Thread Ivan Lanese
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

   ICE 2014
   7th Interaction and Concurrency Experience
June 6, 2014, Berlin, Germany

  Satellite workshop of DisCoTec 2014

=== Highlights ===

- Innovative selection procedure
- ICE welcomes submissions of full papers, short papers, and brief 
announcements of already published papers

- Invited talks: Kim Larsen and Pavol Cerny
- Special issue in a highly-reputed journal

=== Important Dates ===

12 March 2014...Abstract submission
15 March 2014...Full paper submission
16 March - 15 April 2014Reviews and PC discussion
16 April 2014...Notification to authors
6 June 2014.ICE in Berlin
15 September 2014...Camera-ready for post-proceedings

=== Scope ===

Interaction and Concurrency Experiences (ICEs) is a series of international 
scientific meetings oriented to theoretical computer science researchers with 
special interest in models, verification, tools, and programming primitives for 
complex interactions.

The general scope of the venue includes theoretical and applied aspects of 
interactions and the synchronization mechanisms used among components of 
concurrent/distributed systems, related to several areas of computer science in 
the broad spectrum ranging from formal specification and analysis to studies 
inspired by emerging computational models.

We solicit contributions relevant to Interaction and Concurrency, including but 
not limited to:

* Formal semantics
* Process algebras and calculi
* Models and languages
* Protocols
* Logics and types
* Expressiveness
* Model transformations
* Tools, implementations, and experiments
* Specification and verification
* Coinductive techniques
* Tools and techniques for automation
* Synthesis techniques

The special focus of ICE 2014 is automation in concurrency and interaction.

=== Selection Procedure ===

Since its 1st edition in 2008, the distinguishing feature of ICE has been an 
innovative paper selection mechanism based on an interactive discussion amongst 
authors and PC members.

During the review phase, each submission is published on a dedicated discussion 
forum. The discussion forum can be accessed by the authors of the submission 
and by all the PC members not in conflict with the submission. The forum is 
used by reviewers to ask questions and clarifications to the authors, allowing 
them to better explain all the aspects of their submission. The evaluation of 
the submission will take into account not only the reviews, but also the 
outcome of the discussion.

As witnessed by the past six editions of ICE, this procedure considerably 
improves the accuracy of the reviews, the fairness of the selection, the 
quality of camera-ready papers, and the discussion during the workshop.

=== Submission Guidelines ===

We invite for three types of submissions:
(1) Full Papers;
(2) Short Papers;
(3) Brief Announcements of already Published Papers.

Full and short papers will appear in the post-proceedings and must report 
previously unpublished work and not be simultaneously submitted to other 
conferences/workshops with refereed proceedings. The ICE 2014 post-proceedings 
will be published in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 
(http://eptcs.org/). In addition, we invite for brief announcements of already 
published results, should the authors be interested in discussing their 
published research with the ICE community and giving a talk. Brief 
announcements will not be part of the post-proceedings.

Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format via EasyChair 
(http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ice2014). Full papers should not 
exceed 15 pages in length, while short papers and brief announcements should 
not exceed 5 pages with the EPTCS style (http://style.eptcs.org/).

Accepted (full and short) papers and brief announcements must be presented at 
the workshop by one of the authors.

=== Special Issue ===

We plan to invite extended versions of selected full papers to a special issue 
in a highly-reputed journal. Such contributions will be regularly peer-reviewed 
according to the standard journal policy, but they will be handled in a shorter 
time than regular submissions.

=== Invited Talks ===

Kim Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Pavol Cerny (University of Colorado Boulder, USA)

=== Program Committee ===

Luis Soares Barbosa (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
Massimo Bartoletti (University of Cagliari, Italy)
Simon Bliudze (EPFL, Switzerland)
Laura Bocchi (Imperial College London, UK)
Filippo Bonchi (CNRS, France)
Roberto Bruni (University of Pisa, Italy)
Marco Carbone (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Nicolas D'Ippolito (Imperial 

[TYPES/announce] Call for Papers: SSV 2014

2014-03-10 Thread Toby Murray
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

SSV 2014 Call for Papers

 8th International Workshop on
 Systems Software Verification

Vienna, July 23-24, 2014
  co-located with CAV and ITP,
  as part of the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014.

Important Dates
Paper Submission: April 1, 2014
Notification: May 1, 2014
Conference: July 23-24, 2014

Industrial-strength software analysis and verification has advanced in
recent years through the introduction of model checking, automated and
interactive theorem proving, and static analysis techniques, as well as
correctness by design, correctness by contract, and model-driven
development. However, many techniques are working under restrictive
assumptions that are invalidated by complex embedded systems software
such as operating system kernels, low-level device drivers, or
microcontroller code.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and developers
from both academia and industry who are facing real software and real
problems with the goal of finding real, applicable solutions. By real
we mean problems such as time-to-market or reliability that the industry
is facing. A real solution is one that is applicable to the problem in
industry and not one that only applies to an abstract, academic, toy
version of it. In this workshop we will discuss software analysis and
development techniques and tools; this forum will serve as a platform to
discuss open problems and future challenges in dealing with existing and
upcoming systems-level code.

Topics include, but are not restricted to:
* Model checking
* Automated and interactive theorem proving
* Static analysis
* Automated testing
* Model-driven development
* Embedded systems development
* Programming languages
* Verifying compilers
* Software certification
* Software tools
* Experience reports

Submissions must be made electronically through the EasyChair system
[https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ssv2014] until April 1st,
2014. Papers should be up to 10 pages in pdf format and formatted in
EPTCS style [http://info.eptcs.org/]. Additional details may be included
in a clearly marked appendix, which will be read at the discretion of
the program committee. All will be subject to peer review under normal
conference standards. Experience reports and papers on work in progress
are welcome as long as there is a clear contribution. Submissions which
are based or discuss a non-trivial piece of software are required to
make all those non-standard software parts available, which a referee
may need, in order to check the claims of the submission.

Submitted papers must not have previously appeared in a journal or
conference with published proceedings and must not be concurrently
submitted to any other peer-reviewed workshop, symposium, conference or
archival journal. Any partial overlap with any such published or
concurrently submitted paper must be clearly indicated.

PC Chairs
Kim G. Larsen, AAU, Aalborg, Denmark
Mads Chr. Olesen, AAU, Aalborg, Denmark

Program Committee
Alessandro Coglio, Kestrel Institute
Björn Lisper, Mälardalen University
Cyrille Valentin Artho, AIST
Frédéric Boniol, ONERA
Heiko Falk, Ulm University
Jan Peleska, TZI, Universitat Bremen, Germany
Joe Leslie-Hurd, Intel Corporation
John Regehr, University of Utah
Jun Sun, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Martin Schoeberl, Technical University of Denmark
Natarajan Shankar, SRI International
Raimund Kirner, University of Hertfordshire
Stefan Berghofer, secunet Security Networks AG
Thomas Kropf, University of Tübingen
Toby Murray, NICTA

Steering Committee
R. Huuck, NICTA and UNSW, Sydney, Australia
G. Klein, NICTA and UNSW, Sydney, Australia
B. Schlich, ABB Corporate Research, Ladenburg, Germany