[TYPES/announce] CiE 2015 in Bucharest - FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS and EXTENDED DEADLINE, 21 Jan, 2015

2015-01-08 Thread S B Cooper
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]


FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS (incl. deadline extension due to popular demand)

COMPUTABILITY IN EUROPE 2015: Evolving Computability
Bucharest, Romania
June 29 - July 3


EXTENDED Submission Deadline for LNCS: 21 January 2015
Notification of authors: 9 March 2015
Deadline for final revisions: 6 April 2015

CiE 2015 is the 11-th conference organized by CiE (Computability in 
Europe), a European association of mathematicians, logicians, computer 
scientists, philosophers, physicists and others interested in new 
developments in computability and their underlying significance for 
the real world. Previous meetings have taken place in Amsterdam (2005), 
Swansea (2006), Siena (2007), Athens (2008), Heidelberg (2009), 
Ponta Delgada (2010), Sofia (2011), Cambridge (2012), Milan (2013) 
and Budapest (2014)

Evolution of the universe, and us within it, invite a parallel 
evolution in understanding. The CiE agenda - fundamental and engaged - 
targets the extracting and developing of computational models basic 
to current challenges. From the origins of life, to the understanding 
of human mentality, to the characterising of quantum randomness - 
computability theoretic questions arise in many guises. The CiE 
community, this coming year meeting for the first time in Bucharest, 
carries forward the search for coherence, depth and new thinking 
across this rich and vital field of research.

In all cases we are looking for fundamental and theoretical submissions. 
In line with other conferences in this series, CiE 2015 has a broad 
scope and provides a forum for the discussion of theoretical and 
practical issues in Computability with an emphasis on new paradigms 
of computation and the development of their mathematical theory.

We particularly invite papers that build bridges between different 
parts of the research community.

For topics covered by the conference, please visit


The best student paper award is presented to the author(s) of the 
best paper, as selected by the PC, written solely by student author(s). 
This award is sponsored by Springer.


CiE 2015 has received funding from  ASL (Association for Symbolic 
Logic) and EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science) 
that allows students who are members of ASL or EATCS and want to attend 
CiE 2015 to apply for travel funds or a reduction of the early 
registration fee.

Preference will be given to presenters of accepted papers.

Applications for ASL travel grants have to be addressed directly to 
ASL, with a strict deadline of March 28, 2015.

Applications for EATCS travel grants have to be sent to 
prior to the early registration deadline.


* John Reif (Duke Unversity)

* Steve Simpson (Pennsylvania State University)


* Ann Copestake (University of Cambridge)

* Mircea Dumitru (University of Bucharest, Public Lecture)

* Pawel Gawrychowski (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik)

* Julia Knight (University of Notre Dame)

* Anca Muscholl (Universite Bordeaux)

* Gheorghe Paun (Romanian Academy)

* Alexander Razborov (University of Chicago and Steklov Mathematical 

* Vlatko Vedral (University of Oxford)


* Representing streams (Organizers: Joerg Endrullis and Dimtri Hendriks)

* Automata, logic and infinite games (Organizers: Dietmar Berwanger 
and Ioana Leustean)

* Reverse mathematics (Organizers: Damir Dzhafarov and Alberto Marcone)

* Classical computability theory (Organizers: Marat Arslanov and 
   Steffen Lempp)

* Bio-inspired computation (Organizers: Andrei Paun and Petr Sosik)

* History and philosophy of computing (Organizers: Christine Proust 
and Marco Benini)

The speakers of the special sessions may be find at 


* Marat Arslanov (Kazan)   * Jeremy Avigad (Pittsburgh)
* Veronica Becher (Buenos Aires)   * Arnold Beckmann (Swansea)
* Laurent Bienvenu (Paris) * Alessandra Carbone (Paris)
* Gabriel Ciobanu (Iasi)   * S Barry Cooper (Leeds)
* Laura Crosilla (Leeds)   * Liesbeth De Mol (Ghent)
* Walter Dean (Warwick)* Volker Diekert (Stuttgart)
* Damir Dzhafarov (Storrs,Connecticut) * Peter van Emde Boas (Amsterdam) 
* Rachel Epstein (Harvard) * 

[TYPES/announce] PLMW 2015: Final Programme

2015-01-08 Thread Derek Dreyer
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]


PLMW 2015
ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop
Mumbai, India

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Co-located with POPL 2015

PLMW'15 web page: http://plmw15.iisc-seal.net/

After the resounding success of the first three Programming Languages
Mentoring Workshops at POPL 2012, 2013, and 2014, we proudly announce
the final programme for the 4th ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages
Mentoring Workshop (PLMW), co-located with POPL 2015 and organised by
Derek Dreyer, Aditya Kanade, Ruzica Piskac, Alan Schmitt, and Ross

The purpose of this mentoring workshop is to encourage graduate
students and senior undergraduate students to pursue careers in
programming language research, with a particular emphasis on women and
under-represented minorities. The workshop will provide technical
talks on cutting-edge research in programming languages, as well as
mentoring sessions on how to prepare for a research career.

The final programme for the workshop is now set and is viewable at:


8:50 - 9:00
  Opening remarks
-- PLMW Organizers

9:00 - 9:30
  You and your graduate research
-- Nate Foster (Cornell University)

9:30 - 10:00
  Building automatic program verifiers
-- Peter Müller (ETH Zürich)

10:00 - 10:30
  Proof theory and its role in programming language research
-- Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University)

10:30 - 11:00COFFEE BREAK

11:00 - 11:30
  How to write a good research paper
-- Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania)

11:30 - 12:00
  Coinductive techniques, from automata to coalgebra
-- Damien Pous (CNRS, LIP, ENS Lyon)

12:00 - 12:30
  The story of Arjun Guha, or: The arc of a research project
-- Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University)

12:30 - 14:00LUNCH

14:00 - 14:30
  Proof engineering: Implementation challenges in rigorously
  verified software
-- Adam Chlipala (MIT)

14:30 - 15:00
  Formal verification of compilers and static analyzers
-- Sandrine Blazy (IRISA, University of Rennes 1)

15:00 - 15:30
  Cultivating research taste (illustrated via a journey in
  program synthesis research)
-- Sumit Gulwani (Microsoft Research)

15:30 - 16:00COFFEE BREAK

16:00 - 16:30
  Separation logic for weak memory models
-- Viktor Vafeiadis (MPI-SWS, Germany)

16:30 - 17:00
  Repeatability, reproducibility and rigor in CS research
-- Jan Vitek (Northeastern University)

17:00 - 17:30
  How to give a good research talk
-- Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania)

The workshop will be followed by a reception for PLMW participants.

PLMW is part of the activities surrounding POPL, the Symposium
on Principles of Programming Languages, and takes place the day before
the main conference. One goal of the workshop is to make the POPL
conference more accessible to newcomers. We hope that participants will
stay through the entire conference.

A number of sponsors (listed below) have generously donated
scholarship funds for qualified students to attend PLMW. These
scholarships are being used to cover reasonable expenses (airfare,
hotel, and registration fees) for attendance at both the workshop and
the POPL conference.

Students attending this year will get one year free student membership
of SIGPLAN, unless they prefer to opt out during their application.

The workshop registration is open to all. Students with alternative
sources of funding are welcome.

PLATINUM Sponsors:

An Anonymous Donor
National Science Foundation

SILVER Sponsors:

Jane Street Capital

BRONZE Sponsors:

IBM Research

PLMW'15 Organizers:

Derek Dreyer (MPI-SWS, Germany)
Aditya Kanade (Indian Institute of Science)
Ruzica Piskac (Yale University)
Alan Schmitt (INRIA)
Ross Tate (Cornell University)