[TYPES/announce] Postdoctoral fellowship at Stockholm University

2023-10-17 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Interested in doing a postdoc on logic and related topics in Stockholm?
Applications are open for Sverker Lerheden postdoctoral fellowships in the
Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University:


Application deadline: *November 16*

Please contact me and Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine if you have any questions or
are interested in applying as you will need a letter of support from us.
Junior candidates will be given priority, so late stage and recently
graduated PhD students are especially encouraged to apply.


[TYPES/announce] Final call for participation (Deadline Friday 13 May): Workshop on Syntax and Semantics of Type Theories in Stockholm, Sweden, May 20-21, 2022

2022-05-11 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

As previously announced, we are organizing an in-person workshop on Syntax
and Semantics of Type Theories in Stockholm, Sweden, May 20-21, 2022.
Details can be found at:


Registration is free, but required for planning purposes, by *Friday 13 May*.
To register please fill out the form linked to on the event webpage.
# Invited speakers:

   - Andrej Bauer
   - Anja Petković Komel
   - András Kovacs
   - Ivan Di Liberti
   - Jonathan Sterling
   - Taichi Uemura
   - Théo Winterhalter

There will also be multiple contributed talks, for details see the schedule:


# Organisers

* Benedikt Ahrens (TU Delft & University of Birmingham)
* Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (Stockholm University)
* Anders Mörtberg (Stockholm University)

[TYPES/announce] Reminder: Workshop on Syntax and Semantics of Type Theories in Stockholm, Sweden, May 20-21 (contributed talk and funding deadline Monday 11 April)

2022-04-08 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Reminder: the deadline to contribute a talk and applying for funding to
participate in the workshop on type theory here in Stockholm is *Monday
next week (11 April)*. For details see the email below.

The meeting is open to anyone interested in type theory and the program
will consist primarily of short talks, with plenty of time for discussions
to share recent results, and co-ordinate future research. Everyone is very
welcome to apply for funding regardless of whether one is contributing a
talk or not. Priority will then be given to speakers, participants from
“Inclusiveness Target Countries”, early-career researchers, and women
(following the EU COST inclusiveness policy, details here


On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 6:27 PM Anders Mortberg 

> We are organizing a workshop on Syntax and Semantics of Type Theories in
> Stockholm, Sweden, on May 20-21, 2022:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://europroofnet.github.io/wg6-kickoff-stockholm/__;!!IBzWLUs!COIgzJXLn4eOcvtnmpH5Sq0RZksu0_Yqbr78KvPPwz79F3QQtmZKyQhuOZetgXOgiFY0neb2ht-NwQ$
> The event is intended as a kick-off meeting for working group 6 on type
> theory of the EuroProofNet EU Cost Action:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://europroofnet.github.io/wg6/__;!!IBzWLUs!COIgzJXLn4eOcvtnmpH5Sq0RZksu0_Yqbr78KvPPwz79F3QQtmZKyQhuOZetgXOgiFY0neY9WU9W1A$
> The programme will consist primarily of short talks, with plenty of time
> for discussion to share recent results, and co-ordinate future research,
> including collaboration towards deliverables. On the Sunday after the
> workshop, there will be an informal social excursion — details TBA. The
> meeting will be in-person.
> # Confirmed speakers (more TBA)
> * András Kovacs
> * Andrej Bauer
> * Anja Petkovic Komel
> * Ivan Di Liberti
> * Jonathan Sterling
> * Taichi Uemura
> * Théo Winterhalter
> # Deadlines
> Contributed talks deadline: *Monday 11 April*
> Funding request deadline: *Monday 11 April*
> Participation registration deadline: *Friday 13 May*
> To register please fill out the form linked to on the event webpage.
> # Organisers
> * Benedikt Ahrens (TU Delft & University of Birmingham)
> * Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (Stockholm University)
> * Anders Mörtberg (Stockholm University)

[TYPES/announce] Workshop on Syntax and Semantics of Type Theories in Stockholm, Sweden, on May 20-21, 2022

2022-03-28 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

We are organizing a workshop on Syntax and Semantics of Type Theories in
Stockholm, Sweden, on May 20-21, 2022:


The event is intended as a kick-off meeting for working group 6 on type
theory of the EuroProofNet EU Cost Action:


The programme will consist primarily of short talks, with plenty of time
for discussion to share recent results, and co-ordinate future research,
including collaboration towards deliverables. On the Sunday after the
workshop, there will be an informal social excursion — details TBA. The
meeting will be in-person.
# Confirmed speakers (more TBA)

* András Kovacs
* Andrej Bauer
* Anja Petkovic Komel
* Ivan Di Liberti
* Jonathan Sterling
* Taichi Uemura
* Théo Winterhalter

# Deadlines

Contributed talks deadline: *Monday 11 April*
Funding request deadline: *Monday 11 April*
Participation registration deadline: *Friday 13 May*

To register please fill out the form linked to on the event webpage.

# Organisers

* Benedikt Ahrens (TU Delft & University of Birmingham)
* Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (Stockholm University)
* Anders Mörtberg (Stockholm University)

[TYPES/announce] Reminder: 2 year position on HoTT and related topics in Stockholm, deadline Friday next week

2021-09-24 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Dear all,

A quick reminder of the postdoctoral position in HoTT and related topics
that I advertised a couple of weeks ago, with deadline *October 1*
(midnight Stockholm time).

Full details and application at:

Departmental webpage: 

Once again, please get in touch with me if you have any questions
about the position
or application process!


On Mon, Sep 6, 2021 at 1:43 PM Anders Mortberg 

> Dear all,
> I’m pleased to announce that we’re hiring a postdoctoral researcher in
> homotopy type theory and related topics at Stockholm University. It’s a 2
> year position, provisionally starting January 2022, in the computational
> mathematics group of the Mathematics Department. The application deadline
> is 1 October.
> We welcome all applicants interested in working on homotopy type theory
> and related topics. Potential project topics include, but are not limited
> to: homotopy type theory, categorical models of type theories, cubical type
> theories, implementation of proof assistants, computer formalization of
> mathematics and computer science.
> Full details and application at:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.su.se/english/about-the-university/work-at-su/available-jobs?rmpage=job&rmjob=15797&rmlang=UK__;!!IBzWLUs!DtuZsNTodN62rcs7_yEB1aKIn1Xx8dTk9UiLbqd1uYMpxjvbcYqcbVS_QBUW8oYrJdHrxn_2FSOquA$
> Departmental webpage: 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.math.su.se/english/research__;!!IBzWLUs!DtuZsNTodN62rcs7_yEB1aKIn1Xx8dTk9UiLbqd1uYMpxjvbcYqcbVS_QBUW8oYrJdHrxn-xPny4KA$
> Please get in touch with me if you have any questions about the position!
> Best,
> Anders

[TYPES/announce] Postdoctoral position in homotopy type theory and related topics at Stockholm University

2021-09-06 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Dear all,

I’m pleased to announce that we’re hiring a postdoctoral researcher in
homotopy type theory and related topics at Stockholm University. It’s a 2
year position, provisionally starting January 2022, in the computational
mathematics group of the Mathematics Department. The application deadline
is 1 October.

We welcome all applicants interested in working on homotopy type theory and
related topics. Potential project topics include, but are not limited to:
homotopy type theory, categorical models of type theories, cubical type
theories, implementation of proof assistants, computer formalization of
mathematics and computer science.

Full details and application at:

Departmental webpage: 

Please get in touch with me if you have any questions about the position!


[TYPES/announce] PhD positions in Computational Mathematics at Stockholm University

2020-03-20 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

The Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University invites
applications for PhD positions in Computational Mathematics. A
prospective student will have the opportunity to engage in exciting
research related to type theory, HoTT/UF, constructive mathematics,
programming language theory and category theoretic foundations.

The student will be part of the newly founded Computational
Mathematics division. It will also be possible to collaborate with
other groups in the department, such as the Mathematical Logic group
(with experts on constructive mathematics and type theory like Per
Martin-Löf and Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine) and the Algebra, Geometry,
Topology, and Combinatorics group.

For further information and instructions on how to apply see


The deadline for application is April 23, 2020.

Some potential project ideas can be found at


If you are interested in applying and have any questions feel free to
contact me!

Anders Mörtberg 

[TYPES/announce] Second CFP - Mathematical Logic and Constructivity (MLoC) 2019 : The Scope and Limits of Neutral

2019-05-04 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]


Second Call for Participation and Contributed Papers


Mathematical Logic and Constructivity:

The Scope and Limits of Neutral Constructivism

Stockholm, Sweden, August 20-23, 2019
Deadline for contributed talks:  May 31, 2019


With Errett Bishop's seminal work Foundations of Constructive Analysis
1967, a neutral position in the foundations of constructive
mathematics emerged. It avoided Brouwer's assumptions about
choice-sequences and continuity, and it did not assume that every
total function on the natural numbers is computable. This made the
position palatable also to the classical mathematician, and it is in
the intersection of the three realms of foundations, commonly
designated by the abbreviations INT, RUSS and CLASS. Successful
full-fledged formal logical foundations for neutral constructivism
exists, among the most well-known are Aczel-Myhill set theory and
Martin-Löf type theory.  Neutral constructive mathematics may also
be studied for systems that make fewer ontological assumptions, which
is important for reverse mathematics.   To the surprise of many in
constructive mathematics a new principle about sequences, the
boundedness principle BD-N, was discovered, and found to be true in
all the three realms without being true in neutral
constructvism. Further principles of this kind are being investigated.
In type theory new axioms have been discovered, such as the univalence
axiom, whose constructive status was only later settled. Important
questions are whether new axioms can be modelled indirectly using
neutral constructive methods, or whether they can be directly

This workshop aims to focus on the scope and limits of neutral
constructivism. The study of neutral constructivism paves the
way for further developments of interactive proof systems, which is of
strategic importance for verification of software, and in particular,
correctness-by-construction software.


* Douglas S. Bridges, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
* Thierry Coquand, Chalmers and Göteborg University, Sweden
* Martin Escardo, University of Birminham, England (to be confirmed)
* Makoto Fujiwara, Meiji University Tokyo, Japan
* Nicola Gambino, Leeds University, England
* Henri Lombardi, Université Franche-Comté, France
* Maria Emilia Maietti, University of Padova, Italy
* Takako Nemoto, JAIST, Japan
* Iosif Petrakis, L-M University, Munich, Germany
* Hideki Tsuiki, Kyoto University, Japan (to be confirmed)
* Chuangjie Xu, L-M University, Munich, Germany
* Keita Yokoyama, JAIST, Japan


* Hajime Ishihara, JAIST, Japan
* Anders Mörtberg, Carnegie Mellon University and Stockholm University


Proposals for contributed talks are welcome and are to be submitted
via the EasyChair system:


Suggested length of abstract: half a page.

Deadline for contributed talks:  May 31, 2019 (anywhere on Earth)
Notification of acceptance: June 14, 2019


* Hajime Ishihara, JAIST, Japan (co-chair)
* Tatsuji Kawai, JAIST, Japan
* Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine, Stockholm University
* Anders Mörtberg, Carnegie Mellon University and Stockholm University
* Erik Palmgren, Stockholm University (co-chair)


The workshop is free of charge, but to aid planning please register
by sending the organizers an email mlo...@math.su.se with name and
affilliation at the latest August 13, 2019.


A limited number of travel and accommodation grants are available for
contributed speakers and/or younger participants. Please write to
mlo...@math.su.se if you are interested in applying for these.


Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University, Sweden




2 April 2019 registration opens
31 May 2019 abstracts for contributed talks
14 June 2019 notification of acceptance
13 August 2019 registration closes
20-23 August 2019 conference

[TYPES/announce] PhD position in Computational Mathematics at Stockholm University

2019-03-18 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

The Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University invites
applications for a PhD position in Computational Mathematics. A
prospective student will have the opportunity to engage in exciting
research related to programming logic, type theory, constructive
mathematics and category theoretic foundations.

The student will be part of the newly founded Computational
Mathematics division. It will also be possible to collaborate with
other groups in the department, such as the Mathematical Logic group
(with experts on constructive mathematics and type theory like Per
Martin-Löf, Erik Palmgren and Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine) and the Algebra,
Geometry, Topology, and Combinatorics group.

For further information and instructions on how to apply see


The deadline for application is April 23, 2019.

If you are interested in applying and have any questions feel free to
contact me.

Anders Mörtberg 

[TYPES/announce] Final Call for Contributions: Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations (HoTT/UF'18)

2018-04-08 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
(HoTT/UF, at FLoC 2018)

NEWS: 1 week left until submission deadline! (April 15)

NEWS: FLoC provides travel stipends for student attendees of FLoC’18
with application deadline May 18. For details see:


4th Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
July 7-8, 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom
Co-located with FSCD 2018 and part of FLoC 2018
Abstract submission deadline: April 15

Homotopy Type Theory is a young area of logic, combining ideas from
several established fields: the use of dependent type theory as a
foundation for mathematics, inspired by ideas and tools from abstract
homotopy theory. Univalent Foundations are foundations of mathematics
based on the homotopical interpretation of type theory.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested
in all aspects of Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations: from
the study of syntax and semantics of type theory to practical
formalization in proof assistants based on univalent type theory.

# Invited talks

* Martín Escardó (University of Birmingham)
* Paige North (Ohio State University)
* Andrew Pitts (University of Cambridge)

# Submissions

* Abstract submission deadline: April 15
* Author notification: end of April

Submissions should consist of a title and a 1-2 pages abstract, in pdf
format, via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hottuf18

Considering the broad background of the expected audience, we encourage
authors to include information of pedagogical value in their abstract,
such as motivation and context of their work.

# Program committee

* Benedikt Ahrens (University of Birmingham)
* Paolo Capriotti (University of Nottingham)
* Simon Huber (University of Gothenburg)
* Chris Kapulkin (University of Western Ontario)
* Nicolai Kraus (University of Nottingham)
* Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (Stockholm University)
* Assia Mahboubi (Inria Saclay)
* Anders Mörtberg (Carnegie Mellon University and University of Gothenburg)
* Nicolas Tabareau (Inria Nantes)

# Organizers

* Benedikt Ahrens (University of Birmingham)
* Simon Huber (University of Gothenburg)
* Anders Mörtberg (Carnegie Mellon University and University of Gothenburg)

[TYPES/announce] Call for Contributions: Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations (HoTT/UF'18)

2018-02-19 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
(HoTT/UF, at FLoC 2018)

NEWS: submission deadline changed to April 15 (was March 31) to align
with general submission deadline of FLoC workshops.

Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
July 7-8, 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom
Co-located with FSCD 2018 and part of FLoC 2018
Abstract submission deadline: April 15

Homotopy Type Theory is a young area of logic, combining ideas from
several established fields: the use of dependent type theory as a
foundation for mathematics, inspired by ideas and tools from abstract
homotopy theory. Univalent Foundations are foundations of mathematics
based on the homotopical interpretation of type theory.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested
in all aspects of Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations: from
the study of syntax and semantics of type theory to practical
formalization in proof assistants based on univalent type theory.

# Invited talks

* Martín Escardó (University of Birmingham)
* Paige North (Ohio State University)
* Andrew Pitts (University of Cambridge)

# Submissions

* Abstract submission deadline: April 15
* Author notification: end of April

Submissions should consist of a title and a 1-2 pages abstract, in pdf
format, via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hottuf18

Considering the broad background of the expected audience, we encourage
authors to include information of pedagogical value in their abstract,
such as motivation and context of their work.

# Program committee

* Benedikt Ahrens (University of Birmingham)
* Paolo Capriotti (University of Nottingham)
* Simon Huber (University of Gothenburg)
* Chris Kapulkin (University of Western Ontario)
* Nicolai Kraus (University of Nottingham)
* Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (Stockholm University)
* Assia Mahboubi (Inria Saclay)
* Anders Mörtberg (Carnegie Mellon University and University of Gothenburg)
* Nicolas Tabareau (Inria Nantes)

# Organizers

* Benedikt Ahrens (University of Birmingham)
* Simon Huber (University of Gothenburg)
* Anders Mörtberg (Carnegie Mellon University and University of Gothenburg)

[TYPES/announce] Call for Contributions: Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations (HoTT/UF'18)

2018-01-10 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
(HoTT/UF, at FLoC 2018)

Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
July 7-8, 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom
Co-located with FSCD 2018 and part of FLoC 2018
Abstract submission deadline: March 31

Homotopy Type Theory is a young area of logic, combining ideas from
several established fields: the use of dependent type theory as a
foundation for mathematics, inspired by ideas and tools from abstract
homotopy theory. Univalent Foundations are foundations of mathematics
based on the homotopical interpretation of type theory.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested
in all aspects of Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations: from
the study of syntax and semantics of type theory to practical
formalization in proof assistants based on univalent type theory.

# Invited talks

* Martín Escardó (University of Birmingham)
* Paige North (Ohio State University)
* Andrew Pitts (University of Cambridge)

# Submissions

* Abstract submission deadline: March 31
* Author notification: mid April

Submissions should consist of a title and a 1-2 pages abstract, in pdf
format, via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hottuf18

Considering the broad background of the expected audience, we encourage
authors to include information of pedagogical value in their abstract,
such as motivation and context of their work.

# Program committee

* Benedikt Ahrens (University of Birmingham)
* Paolo Capriotti (University of Nottingham)
* Simon Huber (University of Gothenburg)
* Chris Kapulkin (University of Western Ontario)
* Nicolai Kraus (University of Nottingham)
* Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (Stockholm University)
* Assia Mahboubi (Inria Saclay)
* Anders Mörtberg (Carnegie Mellon University and University of Gothenburg)
* Nicolas Tabareau (Inria Nantes)

# Organizers

* Benedikt Ahrens (University of Birmingham)
* Simon Huber (University of Gothenburg)
* Anders Mörtberg (Carnegie Mellon University and University of Gothenburg)

[TYPES/announce] Open call for papers: Special Issue on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations

2017-10-04 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

  Open call for papers
  for a Special Issue of

  Mathematical Structures in Computer Science

  in association with the workshops on

 Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
   HoTT/UF 2017-2018



Homotopy Type Theory is a young research area combining ideas from
several established fields: the use of dependent type theory as a
foundation for mathematics, inspired by ideas and tools from abstract
homotopy theory and higher category theory. Univalent Foundations are
foundations of mathematics based on the homotopical interpretation of
type theory. These ideas have led to many interesting developments,
from the study of syntax and semantics of type theories to practical
formalizations in proof assistants based on univalent type theory.

The HoTT/UF workshops, co-located with FSCD since 2016, started out as
a forum for formalization of mathematics in a univalent setting. From
the 2017 edition and onwards, its scope has been broadened to
encompass all aspects of Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent
Foundations, in particular (but not exclusively):

- semantics of (univalent) type theory,
- computational content of the univalence axiom,
- syntax and semantics of higher inductive types,
- synthetic homotopy theory, and
- formalization of mathematics and computer science in Homotopy Type
  Theory and Univalent Foundations.


We are soliciting submissions for a Special Issue of the journal

*Mathematical Structures in Computer Science*
(Cambridge University Press)

edited in association with the 2017 and 2018 editions of the HoTT/UF
workshop. Submission is open to everyone and not limited to workshop

Submission is open from now and contributions will be reviewed on a
*rolling basis*, as soon as they are received. Accepted papers will be
published on the MSCS website via 'FirstView' and will be citeable
through a DOI shortly after acceptance - before the completion of the
whole journal issue (expected end of 2019). Submission will be closed
on December 31, 2018.

For details and submission instructions see:



* Benedikt Ahrens
* Simon Huber
* Anders Mörtberg

[TYPES/announce] Call for Participation: Workshop on HoTT/UF (with FSCD 2017)

2017-08-01 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
(HoTT/UF, at FSCD 2017)
September 8-9, 2017, Oxford, United Kingdom

1. Invited talks
2. Contributed talks now on the website
3. Post-proceedings with MSCS

1. Invited talks/tutorials
* Thorsten Altenkirch (University of Nottingham):
  Naïve Type Theory (tutorial)
* Ulrik Buchholtz (Technical University of Darmstadt):
  Formalizing type theory in type theory using nominal techniques
* Thierry Coquand (University of Gothenburg):
  Sheaf models for univalent type theory

2. Contributed talks

Titles and abstracts for the contributed talks are now available
on the website:

3. Post-proceedings with MSCS
The publication of post-proceedings of the HoTT/UF'17
workshop is being planned, as a special issue of
*Mathematical Structures in Computer Science* (CUP).

Submission to the post-proceedings will be open to all,
with a submission deadline in late spring 2018.
More details will be announced in due course.

[TYPES/announce] 2nd Call for Contributions and Participation: Workshop on HoTT/UF (with FSCD 2017)

2017-06-21 Thread Anders Mortberg
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
(HoTT/UF, at FSCD 2017)

Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
September 8-9, 2017, Oxford, United Kingdom
Co-located with FSCD 2017
Abstract submission deadline: June 30

Homotopy Type Theory is a young area of logic, combining ideas from
several established fields: the use of dependent type theory as a
foundation for mathematics, inspired by ideas and tools from abstract
homotopy theory. Univalent Foundations are foundations of mathematics
based on the homotopical interpretation of type theory.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested
in all aspects of Homotopy Type Theory/Univalent Foundations: from the
study of syntax and semantics of type theory to practical
formalization in proof assistants based on univalent type theory. As
part of the workshop there will be an introductory tutorial intended
to make the invited and contributed talks accessible to non-experts.

# Invited talks/tutorials

* Thorsten Altenkirch (University of Nottingham) (tutorial)
* Ulrik Buchholtz (Technical University of Darmstadt)
* Thierry Coquand (University of Gothenburg): Sheaf models for
  univalent type theory

# Submissions

* Abstract submission deadline: June 30
* Author notification: mid July

Submissions should consist of a title and a 1-2 pages abstract, in pdf
format, via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hottuf17

Considering the broad background of the expected audience, we encourage
authors to include information of pedagogical value in their abstract,
such as motivation and context of their work.

# Program committee

* Benedikt Ahrens (Inria Nantes)
* Paolo Capriotti (University of Nottingham)
* Simon Huber (University of Gothenburg)
* Chris Kapulkin (University of Western Ontario)
* Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (Stockholm University)
* Assia Mahboubi (Inria Saclay)
* Anders Mörtberg (Inria Sophia-Antipolis)
* Paige North (University of Cambridge)
* Nicolas Tabareau (Inria Nantes)

# Organizers

* Benedikt Ahrens (Inria Nantes)
* Simon Huber (University of Gothenburg)
* Anders Mörtberg (Inria Sophia Antipolis)