[TYPES/announce] Onward! 2011: Call for Papers, Essays, Films, and Workshops

2011-02-24 Thread Eelco Visser
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Call for Papers, Essays, Films, and Workshops


Onward! 2011
ACM Conference on New Ideas in Programming and Reflections on Software
October 22-27, 2011
Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, Portland, Oregon USA
Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN



Onward! is more radical, more visionary, and more open than other
conferences to not (yet) so well-proven but well-argued ideas. We
welcome different ways of thinking about, approaching, and reporting
on programming language and software engineering research.

Onward! fosters the multidisciplinarity of software development. We
are interested in anything to do with programming and software.
Processes, methods, languages, art, philosophy, biology, economics,
communities, politics, ethics, and of course applications. Anything!

Sounds good? Do you want to report on and present your new ideas to
the community and get feedback? Do you have a video to show or a story
to tell, an essay perhaps? Do you want to bring reflections and new
insights to the community? Or do you simply want to know more about
innovations, visions, and the future of programming languages and
software engineering? Then...

Join Onward!, the unique, creative, and collaborative environment to
discuss and investigate challenging problems related to software, its
creation, and nurturing.


Call for Research Papers:

* http://onward-conference.org/2011/papers-call.html
* Research papers submission: April 8, 2011
* Research papers notification: June 13, 2011
* Camera-ready copy of research papers due: July 25, 2011

Call for Essays:

* http://onward-conference.org/2011/essays-call.html
* Essays submission: April 18, 2011
* Essays notification: June 13, 2011
* Camera-ready copy of essays due: July 15, 2011

Call for Films:

* http://onward-conference.org/2011/films-call.html
* Films submission: May 10, 2011
* Films notification: July 1, 2011
* Final Films due: August 1, 2011

Call for Workshops:

* http://onward-conference.org/2011/workshops-call.html
* Workshop proposal submission: April 8, 2011
* Workshop proposal notification: May 8, 2011
* Camera-ready copy of workshop abstracts due: June 8, 2011



* General Chair: Robert Hirschfeld, Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam, Germany
* Steering Committee Chair and General Co-Chair: Richard P. Gabriel,
IBM Research, USA
* Program Chair: Eelco Visser, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
* Workshops Chair: Pascal Costanza, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
* Essays Chair: David West, New Mexico Highlands University, USA
* Films Chair: Bernd Bruegge, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany
* Web Chair: Tobias Pape, Hasso-Plattner-Institute Potsdam, Germany
* Design: Constanze Langer, Institute of Industrial Design, Hochschule
Magdeburg-Stendal, Germany


[TYPES/announce] IWACO 2011: Call for Papers

2011-02-24 Thread Nicholas Cameron

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

  Call For Papers

   International Workshop on Aliasing, Confinement and Ownership
 in object-oriented programming (IWACO)

  Celebrating 20 years of aliasing research

   at ECOOP 2011

  July 25th, 2011, Lancaster, UK


Call For Papers

2011 is the 20th anniversary of "The Geneva Convention on The Treatment
of Object Aliasing", which started research in aliasing and led to the
development of object-ownership techniques. To celebrate, IWACO 2011
will be a special edition; we are in negotiation to publish a book
(edited by members of the organising committee) containing the best
papers from IWACO '11 and invited papers of a survey or retrospective
nature. In addition to original research papers, we encourage authors to
submit position papers and papers considering future research

The power of objects lies in the flexibility of their interconnection
structure. But this flexibility comes at a cost. Because an object can
be modified via any alias, object-oriented programs are hard to
understand, maintain, and analyse. Aliasing makes objects depend on
their environment in unpredictable ways, breaking the encapsulation
necessary for reliable software components, making it difficult to
reason about and optimise programs, obscuring the flow of information
between objects, and introducing security problems.

Aliasing is a fundamental difficulty, but we accept its presence.
Instead we seek techniques for describing, reasoning about, restricting,
analysing, and preventing the connections between objects and/or the
flow of information between them. Promising approaches to these problems
are based on ownership, confinement, information flow, sharing control,
escape analysis, argument independence, read-only references, effects
systems, and access control mechanisms.

The workshop will generally address the question how to manage
interconnected object structures in the presence of aliasing. In
particular, we will consider the following issues (among others):

* models, type and other formal systems, programming language
mechanisms, analysis and design techniques, patterns and notations for
expressing object ownership, aliasing, confinement, uniqueness, and/or
information flow.

* optimisation techniques, analysis algorithms, libraries, applications,
and novel approaches exploiting object ownership, aliasing, confinement,
uniqueness, and/or information flow.

* empirical studies of programs or experience reports from programming
systems designed with these issues in mind

* novel applications of aliasing management techniques such as ownership
types, ownership domains, confined types, region types, and uniqueness.

We encourage not only submissions presenting original research results,
but also papers that attempt to establish links between different
approaches and/or papers that include survey material. Original research
results should be clearly described, and their usefulness to
practitioners outlined. Paper selection will be based on the quality of
the submitted material.

The workshop will be held as part of the ECOOP'11 conference taking
place in Lancaster, England.

Programme Committee

Nicholas Cameron(chair, Victoria University of Wellington)
Dave Clarke (KU Leuven)
Werner Dietl(University of Washington)
Ioannis Kassios (ETH Zurich)
Doug Lea(State University of New York at Oswego)
James Noble (Victoria University of Wellington)
Matthew Parkinson   (Microsoft Research, Cambridge)
Alex Potanin(Victoria University of Wellington)
Tobias Wrigstad (Uppsala University)

Important Dates

15 April, 2011: paper submission deadline
20 May, 2011: author notification
25 May, 2011: full program disseminated
24 June, 2011: papers available
25 July, 2011: workshop takes place


Dave Clarke (KU Leuven)
James Noble (Victoria University of Wellington)
Tobias Wrigstad (Uppsala University)
Peter Muller(ETH Zurich)
Matthew Parkinson   (Microsoft Research, Cambridge)


The number of participants is limited to 25. Apart from those with
accepted papers, others may attend by sending an email to Nicholas
Cameron (ncame...@ecs.vuw.ac.nz) indicating what contribution you could
make to the workshop. A small number of places will be reserved for PhD
students and other researchers wishing to begin research in this area.

Selection Process

Both full papers (up to 10 pgs.) and short papers (1-2 pgs.) are
welcome. All submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee.
The accepted papers,

[TYPES/announce] PhD position in Communicating Transactions at Trinity College Dublin

2011-02-24 Thread Matthew Hennessy

[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

[Apologies for multiple mailings]

Language Support for Communicating Transactions

A three year PhD position, to start in September 2011, is now
available at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, associated with the
project "Language Support for Communicating Transactions" funded by
the Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship scheme. Three years fees will
be paid at the EU rate and there will be a stipend at the standard HEA
rate. The position is based in the Department of Computer Science at
Trinity College, co-supervised by Matthew Hennessy at Trinity and
Andrew Gordon and Nick Benton at Microsoft Research, Cambridge

The goal of the project is to develop abstract models and programming
support for "communicating transactions" a novel language construct
obtained by dropping the standard isolation requirement from
traditional transactions.  As a result independent transactions can
interfere, or communicate, with each other, which leads to complex
interdependences in the event of failure. The goal of the project is
to construct abstract models for their behaviour and to develop
efficient programming language support for these models.

Specifically the project will extend concurrent Haskell with a
construct for communicating transactions, study the formal semantics
of the extended language, investigate efficient implementation
strategies, and develop useful programming idioms and verification

Candidates are expected to have a first-class degree in Computer
Science.  The project will involve language implementation, the
elaboration of formal semantics, and the development of verification
techniques. Consequently the successful candidate will have a broad
range of skills. These should include language implementation skills,
a good knowledge of formal techniques for the specification of
language semantics; experience with logic based verification
techniques is also desirable. Informal preliminary enquiries may be
made to Matthew Hennessy at Trinity College.

[TYPES/announce] LOLA 2011 -- call for contributed talks

2011-02-24 Thread Zhong Shao
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]


   LOLA  2011

  Syntax and Semantics of Low Level Languages

Monday 20th June 2011, Toronto, Canada

 A LICS 2011-affiliated workshop 


Submission deadline Friday  29th  April 2011
Author notification Friday  13th  May   2011
WorkshopMonday  20th  June  2011


The submissions will be made by easychair at


It has been understood since the late 1960s that tools and
structures arising in mathematical logic and proof theory
can usefully be applied to the design of high level programming
languages, and to the development of reasoning principles for
such languages. Yet low level languages, such as machine code,
and the compilation of high level languages into a low level ones
have traditionally been seen as having little or no essential
connection to logic.

However, a fundamental discovery of this past decade has been
that low level languages are also governed by logical principles.
From this key observation has emerged an active and fascinating
new research area at the frontier of logic and computer science.
The practically motivated design of logics reflecting the structure
of low level languages (such as heaps, registers and code pointers)
and low level properties of programs (such as resource usage)
goes hand in hand with the some of the most advanced contemporary
researches in semantics and proof theory, including classical
realizability and forcing, double orthogonality, parametricity,
linear logic, game semantics, uniformity, categorical semantics,
explicit substitutions, abstract machines, implicit complexity
and sublinear programming.

The LOLA workshop, affiliated with LICS, will bring together
researchers interested in the various aspects of the relationship
between logic and low level languages and programs.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 - Typed assembly languages
 - Certified assembly programming
 - Certified and certifying compilation
 - Proof-carrying code
 - Program optimization
 - Modal logic and realizability in machine code
 - Realizability and double orthogonality in assembly code,
 - Implicit complexity, sublinear programming and Turing machines
 - Parametricity, modules and existential types
 - General references, Kripke models and recursive types
 - Closures and explicit substitutions
 - Linear logic and separation logic
 - Game semantics, abstract machines and hardware synthesis
 - Monoidal and premonoidal categories, traces and effects


 * Nick Benton (MSR Cambridge)
 * Josh Berdine (MSR Cambridge)
 * Lars Birkedal (IT University of Copenhagen, co-chair)
 * Xinyu Feng (University of Science and Technology of China)
 * Greg Morrisett (Harvard University)
 * Xavier Rival (INRIA Roquencourt and ENS Paris)
 * Zhong Shao (Yale University, co-chair)
 * Nicolas Tabareau (INRIA - EMN)
 * Jérôme Vouillon (CNRS)
 * Noam Zeilberger (University of Paris VII)


LOLA is an informal workshop aiming at a high degree of
useful interaction amongst the participants, welcoming
proposals for talks on work in progress, overviews of larger
programmes, position presentations and short tutorials as well
as more traditional research talks describing new results.

The programme committee will select the workshop presentations
from submitted proposals, which may take the form either of
a short abstract or of a longer (published or unpublished) paper
describing completed work.

The submissions should be made by easychair at


To be announced soon.

[TYPES/announce] LSFA 2011 - First call for papers

2011-02-24 Thread Elaine Pimentel
[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

LSFA 2011 - Sixth Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with
August 27th, 2011,
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil


Logical and semantic frameworks are formal languages used to represent
logics, languages and systems. These frameworks provide foundations for
formal specification of systems and programming languages, supporting
tool development and reasoning.

The objective of this one-day workshop is to put together theoreticians
and practitioners to promote new techniques and results, from the
theoretical side, and feedback on the implementation and the use of such
techniques and results, from the practical side.

Topics of interest to this forum include, but are not limited to:

 * Logical frameworks
 o Proof theory
 o Type theory
 o Automated deduction
 * Semantic frameworks
 o Specification languages and meta-languages
 o Formal semantics of languages and systems
 o Computational and logical properties of semantic frameworks
 * Implementation of logical and/or semantic frameworks
 * Applications of logical and/or semantic frameworks

LSFA 2011 also aims to be a forum for presenting and discussing work in
progress, and therefore to provide feedback to authors on their
preliminary research. Submissions to the workshop will in the form of
full papers. The proceedings are produced only after the meeting, so
that authors can incorporate this feedback in the published papers.

Invited Speakers

01  Camilo Rueda (PUJ - Colombia)
02  (TBC)

Program Committee

Simona Ronchi della Rocca (co-chair, UNITO, Italy)
Elaine Gouvêa Pimentel (co-chair, UFMG, Brazil)
Luis Farinas del Cerro (IRIT, France)
Edward Hermann Haeusler (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
Jonathan Seldin (Univ-Lethbridge , Canada)
Maurício Ayala-Rincón (UnB, Brazil)
Mario Benevides (Coppe-UFRJ, Brazil)
Eduardo Bonelli (UNQ, Argentina)
Marcelo Corrêa (IM-UFF, Brazil)
Clare Dixon (Liverpool, UK)
Gilles Dowek (Polytechnique-Paris, France)
William Farmer (Mcmaster, Canada)
Maribel Fernández (King's College, UK)
Marcelo Finger (IME-USP, Brazil)
Alwyn Goodloe (NASA LaRC)
Fairouz Kamareddine (Heriot-Watt Univ, UK)
Delia Kesner (Paris-Jussieu, France)
Luis da Cunha Lamb (UFRGS, Brazil)
Joao Marcos (UFRN, Brazil)
Flavio L. C. de Moura (UnB, Brazil)
Ana Teresa Martins (UFC, Brazil)
Martin Musicante (UFRN, Brazil)
Cláudia Nalon (UnB, Brazil)
Vivek Nigam (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Luca Paolini (UNITO, Italy)

Organizing Committee

Mauricio Ayala-Rincón
Edward Hermann Hauesler PUC-Rio
Elaine Pimentel (Local-chair)
Simona Ronchi della Rocca

Dates and Submission

Paper submission deadline:   May 23
Author notification: June 30
Camera ready:July 31st

Contributions should be written in English and submitted in the form
full papers with at most 16 pages. They must be unpublished and not
submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. The submission
should be in the form of a PDF file uploaded to LSFA 2011 page at
EasyChair until the submission deadline in May 23, by midnight, Central
European Standard Time (GMT+1).

The papers should be prepared in latex using EPTCS style. The
workshop pre-proceedings, containing the reviewed extended abstracts,
will be handed-out at workshop registration and the proceedings will be
published as a volume of EPTCS.

After the workshop, according to the quantity and quality of selected
papers, the authors will be invited to submit full versions of their
works that will be also reviewed to high standards. A special issue of
the first edition of the workshop appeared in the Journal of Algorithms,
a special issue of the second edition of the workshop appeared
in the J.IGPL and a special edition of TCS is being prepared with selected
contributions from the third and the forth editions of LSFA.

At least one of the authors should register at the conference. The
paper presentation should be in English.


Belo Horizonte is the capital of the state of Minas Gerais and the
third-largest metropolitan area in Brazil. A city surrounded by mountains,
quite big, but still with this countryside town air.

Contact Information

For more information please contact the chairs

The web page of the event can be reached at:


Elaine Pimentel  - DMat/UFMG

Address: Departamento de Matematica
 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
 Av Antonio Carlos, 6627 - C.P. 702
 Pampulha - CEP 30.161-970
 Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brazil
Phone:   55 31 3409-5970
Fax: 55 31 3409-5692