Re: [TYPO3-english] TYPO3 error:

2010-08-10 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Dennis,

Is it a clean installation or does it have extra extensions installed?

In the root directory of your website do:
> grep -R 'function xdebug' *
This might help you locate any declaration...

It is really hard to find something like this remotely with only limited 

Good luck!


Op 10-8-2010 15:23, Dennis Vlaar schreef:

Hello Jigal,

I already replaced the file multiple times with the original file from the 
TYPO3 source package. The problem still persists.

Ok, I can only find these things with are associated with PHP (in my Install - 
Basic Configuration):

- Safe mode turned on
- Suhosin/Hardened PHP is not loaded

Can one of these cause this error?

Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 13:45:30 +0200
Subject: Re: [TYPO3-english] TYPO3 error:

Hi Dennis,

On 10-8-2010 12:16, Dennis Vlaar wrote:

Both path are the same. It's about the same path and the same file
(ie t3lib/config_default.php).

Then it looks like that file is damaged somehow?

Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare xdebug() (previously declared
in /***/t3lib/config_default.php:489) in
/***/config_default.php on line 493

In 4.4.2 this is the contents of t3lib/config_default.php:

488 // simple debug function which prints output immediately
489 function xdebug($var = '', $debugTitle = 'xdebug')  {
490 // If you wish to use the debug()-function, and it does not 
something, please edit the IP mask in TYPO3_CONF_VARS
491 if (!t3lib_div::cmpIP(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REMOTE_ADDR'),
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['devIPmask']))   return;
492 t3lib_div::debug($var, $debugTitle);
493 }

Can you check the contents of your file, just to be sure that it isn't

Otherwise I suspect problems with a code cache in a PHP accelerator or
other obscure PHP problems.

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3-english mailing list

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] RealURL and concat in alias_field

2010-10-25 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

Just a short question. For a project I'd like to use first_name and 
last_name fields as part of an url through RealURL. I found the 
following snippet for that.

Is this safe to use?

'user' => array(
'GETvar' => 'tx_feuserlisting_pi1[showUid]',
'lookUpTable' => array(
'table' => 'fe_users',
'id_field' => 'uid',
'alias_field' => 'concat(first_name, " ", last_name)',
'addWhereClause' => ' AND NOT deleted',
#'languageGetVar' => 'L',
#'languageExceptionUids' => '',
#'languageField' => 'sys_language_uid',
#'transOrigPointerField' => 'l18n_parent',
'useUniqueCache' => 1,
'useUniqueCache_conf' => array(
'strtolower' => 1,
'spaceCharacter' => '-',
'autoUpdate' => 1,


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] RealURL and concat in alias_field

2010-10-26 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Ries,

Thanks for your comment. I will change that.

I was confused by a comment that said this will be put straight in the 
select query. That's why I asked about safety. After sending the message 
I thought of the fact that it would be put in the select part of the 
query, so no user input would be inserted.

Thx again,


Op 25-10-2010 20:01, Ries van Twisk schreef:


double quotes within a SQL query denotes field and table names,
you need to use single quotes.

For example : "concat(first_name, ' ', last_name)",

I't save to use (no more less save then just using title for example).

Ries van Twisk

Certified TYPO3 Integrator / TYPO3 Developer
TYPO3 Glassfish JasperReports JasperETL Flex Blaze-DS WebORB PostgreSQL
email: web: skype:

On Oct 25, 2010, at 12:22 PM, Rik Willems wrote:

Hi all,

Just a short question. For a project I'd like to use first_name and
last_name fields as part of an url through RealURL. I found the
following snippet for that.

Is this safe to use?

'user' => array(
'GETvar' => 'tx_feuserlisting_pi1[showUid]',
'lookUpTable' => array(
'table' => 'fe_users',
'id_field' => 'uid',
'alias_field' => 'concat(first_name, " ", last_name)',
'addWhereClause' => ' AND NOT deleted',
#'languageGetVar' => 'L',
#'languageExceptionUids' => '',
#'languageField' => 'sys_language_uid',
#'transOrigPointerField' => 'l18n_parent',
'useUniqueCache' => 1,
'useUniqueCache_conf' => array(
'strtolower' => 1,
'spaceCharacter' => '-',
'autoUpdate' => 1,


TYPO3-english mailing list

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] RealURL and tt_news categories

2010-12-03 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

With RealURL you can do a lookUpTable to find the name of for instance a 
tt_news category. This works very smooth. Is there also a way to get 
subcategories into the URL? To make a sort of category rootline...

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Cheers! Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] List of registers

2010-12-16 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Victor,

Can someone tell me where can I find list of all registers, provided by
TYPO3 core? I'm talking about such as register:count_MENUOBJ and

Unfortunately only a few are documented. This a well-known shortcoming
of the current manuals. We would be glad if anyone helped filling this
gap actually.

Sorry for not being more helpful.


I suppose they are registered through a common piece of code by calling 
a function. You could do a grep on that and see what pops up?

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Grid system with cells split

2011-02-27 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Victor,

It really is a nice feature. For me it takes some getting used to 
regarding rendering content.

As far the FCEs are concerned. You can try extension 
wec_contentelements. It introduces a nice API to make TCE like elements.


Op 25-2-2011 15:11, Victor Livakovsky schreef:

Hi, List.

After long time of using TV templating system, I decided to give a try
to a newly introduced grid system in 4.5. My impression - it is really
cool, and I can use it for further projects!
The only thing, that I missed: is there any possibility to split the
cell in two parts in a grid view editor? And can I define width of a
column by percentage?

And, of course, TV still has one major benefit - FCEs. So, for really
complex websites TV is a cure.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] RealURL and fixedPostVars and change of page title

2011-05-17 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

I'm running into a little problem. I have an extension that shows 
records based on the tx_extension_pi1[showUid] variable. With RealURL's 
fixedPostVars setting I rewrite it to the title of the record.

Now, when I change a page title higher up in the rootline the page and 
record can not be found anymore and the browser ends up at the page that 
was changed. Is there anything that can keep the record reachable 
(preferably through a redirect)?

Looking forward to your suggestions...


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] RealURL and fixedPostVars and change of page title

2011-05-18 Thread Rik Willems

Thx Dmitry,

RewriteRule /path1/path2/(.*)$ /path1/new_path/$1 [R=301,L]

This is a rewrite through RewriteRule. Although this will work well it 
is not very user friendly. I remember that RealURL keeps a cache old 
'old' urls after a page title has changed. Is that (still) true and does 
that work in combination with subpages as well?

Cheers! Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] RealURL and fixedPostVars and change of page title

2011-05-18 Thread Rik Willems


This is best for your server:

I read your blog with much interest. Too bad you don't have time 
anymore. I know this is the best solution in terms of performance. But 
as always this is not the most important criterium.

No, only for the current page. Makinbg it for all subpages would take
too much time because TYPO3 does not have a way to fetch all subpages of
the page in one query. Imagine that you have 10 levels deep pages and
need to fetch all subpages on all these 10 levels to update their cache...

This would happen when a page is requested by a visitor right? I 
understand this is not very efficient. Is it possible to create such a 
cache at the moment the page title is changed in TYPO3?
I looked through the code of realurl but I must admit it is a little too 
complicated for me...

When your explanation would be the case, would this be done only once or 
every time the wrong url is hit?

Cheers! Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] BE on iPad

2011-05-26 Thread Rik Willems

Mike, it's an amazing discovery!
Thx Ruby, now I'm finally able to use TYPO3 with my iPad.


Op 25-5-2011 16:36, Rudy Gnodde schreef:

Hello Ismaël,

Op 25-5-2011 16:13, Ismaël Bidau schreef:


does anybody know how to use BE with an iPad ?
Par default, there is no scrolling at all.

Thank you
Ismaël Bidau

You can scroll with 2 fingers.


Rudy Gnodde
WIND Internet

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] BE on iPad

2011-05-28 Thread Rik Willems

Scrolling with two fingers is a standard on all Mac devices :)

I know that now :) It's my first Apple device and I didn't RTM ;-)
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Tricky TypoScript question concerning stdWrap and conditions

2011-06-16 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Jörg,

Sounds like an interesting challenge. I think you should use either 
RECORDS or CONTENT through a stdWrap on a if.value or use the CASE 
object with RECORDS or CONTENT.

CASE can be very powerful!

Cheers, Rik

Op 16-6-2011 6:45, Jörg Klein schreef:

Hi guys,

I have a tricky TypoScript problem for which I do not know a solution.

I output a text. This text should generally be wrapped in a link tag.
The link should point to the page in the rootline, which is on level 1.

But I do not want to have a link to the page itself, when I am on it.
So if I am on a page on level 1, the text should not be linked.
(All that works with the TypoScript below.)

Now comes the problem:
The text also should not be linked, if the page on level 1 is a shortcut to
a subpage and if you currently are on that subpage
(= on the target page of that shortcut).
I do not know how to do that.

Do you have an idea?
Is that possible?



Here is my TypoScript setup:

5 = TEXT
5 {
value = Lorem ipsum
# Link it
typolink.parameter {
# Link target is the page on level 1 in the page tree
data = leveluid : 1

# Only put the link, when we are not on level 1 currently
if {
# Set uid of the current page as comparison value = field : uid
# It should equal the uid of the page in the rootline 
on level 1 = leveluid : 1
# In that case I do NOT want a link. So negate what we 
have, to get the
link in the other cases
negate = 1
# Result: The link is there, if the current page is not 
the same as the
one on level 1 in the rootline

Again the problem:
How can I additionally hide the link, if
- the page on level 1 is a shortcut to a subpage and
- I currently am on that subpage?

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] getText and rootLine

2011-07-27 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

I'd like to do an if through stdWrap. Kinda similar to 
[PIDinRootline=x,y,z] but than through getText.

I thought of = TSFE:rootLine

The php code in tslib_content makes it look like this should work. Or 
alternatively TSFE:tmpl|rootLine

Sadly, it doesn't work. When I put it in a TEXT it doesn't return 
anything. Who can point me to a solution? Thanks in advance!

Cheers, Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] getText and rootLine

2011-07-29 Thread Rik Willems

10 = TEXT
10.value = blah = TSFE:rootLine
10.if.isInList = 123

Checks if 123 is a uid of a page in the list found at TSFE:rootLine.

But since rootLIne is not a list but an Array you should try using a
rootline menu together with if:

10 = TEXT
10.value = blah
10.if {
value = 0
value.append = HMENU
value.append {
special = rootline
special.range = 0|-1
1 {
NO {
doNotLinkIt = 1
stdWrap.field = uid
allWrap = ,|
isInList = 123

If you need it more than once you should create the HMENU inside a
LOAD_REGISTER and then use the register as the data of your if.value.



Hi Joey,

Thanks for the tip. Never thought of the array. I assumed it was a comma 
seperated string for some reason. Your snippets look very helpful, I'll 
try it next week.

Cheers! Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Typoscript conditions, caching and performance

2011-08-05 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

Lately I was thinking about typoscript conditions, caching and 
performance and hopefully some of you can shine a light on this.

Typoscript conditions are powerful in usage. But you read at different 
places that it can have an impact on caching and performance (sadly I 
can't find a link to sources).
What I recall is that both sides of the condition (if/else) are cached. 
Using too many condition inflates your cache and thus can influence 

Is this correct? In some project I use conditions quite a lot and I'll 
have to rethink this it were true.

Cheers! Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Typoscript conditions, caching and performance

2011-08-07 Thread Rik Willems

Ah thanks Jigal,

Additionally, logged in users who belong to different usergroups will
see different cached versions of the page, which is a great feature in
TYPO3. On top of this different cached versions of pages will be created
for each TypoScript condition in the TypoScript setup (so go light on
the conditions! every condition leads to another cached version of the
page -- multiple conditions in TypoScript can lead to the exponential
growth of the cache tables).

This is one of those sources I was talking about.
Although the text looks clear I have one question remaining. When there 
is a condition, are both true and false cached and stored at that time 
or only when that part of the condition is met?

Cheers! Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] commerce & multishop

2011-08-23 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Tomasz

On 23-8-2011 14:18, Tomasz Krawczyk wrote:

Does anyone know if extension commerce or extension multishop supports
multilanguage configuration?

Commerce does so, the normal TYPO3 multilanguage way. I don't know about 

Cheers, Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] ttnews or T3BLOG

2011-09-19 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Jaco,

Why not try to not use an extension for the basic functionality. With 
pages + menus you have the basic functionality already. You could add 
tagpack for categories. With typoscript you can glue it all together.

Cheers! Rik

On 16-9-2011 9:33, jaco graaff wrote:

What do you think?

A blog system like wordpress has fantastic features for submitting
articles chronologically - I have to decide whether to implement ttnews
or TSBlog as my "news" system in typo3. Is there anybody with experience
that has an opinion

I am reading through the features and comparing them:

basically I am looking at these 3:

wec_discussion (they claim: Create a discussion forum, a blog, or add
comments to a page Supports RSS feed, archive view, spam protection,
and preview/teaser of posts.)

Later on I would like multiple users to blog - but for now a simple
news/chronologically added articles will do


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Password management advice

2012-02-07 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

I'm looking for some password management advice. How are you all 
handeling this situation.

Say, you work on a lot of TYPO3 (and perhaps Magento as well) projects 
with your team. Does everybody use his own username/password? How do you 
manage changes in your team? Do you go through all projects and delete a 
user, or change a master password?

Do you have other solutions to a central login system to all your 
projects for project members? LDAP server perhaps?

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Cheers! Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Password management advice

2012-02-07 Thread Rik Willems

Thank you Kay,

I will look into this. Too bad there is not Magento plugin yet. Let's 
see if it can solve our TYPO3 necessities for now.

Cheers! Rik

On 7-2-2012 10:45, Kay Strobach wrote: and the TYPO3 BE Adapter should do the job.


Am 07.02.2012 10:12, schrieb Rik Willems:

Hi all,

I'm looking for some password management advice. How are you all
handeling this situation.

Say, you work on a lot of TYPO3 (and perhaps Magento as well) projects
with your team. Does everybody use his own username/password? How do you
manage changes in your team? Do you go through all projects and delete a
user, or change a master password?

Do you have other solutions to a central login system to all your
projects for project members? LDAP server perhaps?

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Cheers! Rik

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Password management advice

2012-02-07 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Oliver,

I've seen this one. It does solve the password distribution but not the 
management part of the user accounts.

When you run 200 websites you don't want to remove a user in each 
installtion when one of your employees leaves. How you other companies 
manage this?

Cheers! Rik

On 7-2-2012 11:35, Oliver Salzburg wrote:

On 2012-02-07 10:12, Rik Willems wrote:

Hi all,

I'm looking for some password management advice. How are you all
handeling this situation.

Say, you work on a lot of TYPO3 (and perhaps Magento as well) projects
with your team. Does everybody use his own username/password? How do you
manage changes in your team? Do you go through all projects and delete a
user, or change a master password?

Do you have other solutions to a central login system to all your
projects for project members? LDAP server perhaps?

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Cheers! Rik

I use KeePass ( and create a new database entry for
every new site (both FE and BE). The login forms are later identified
by the title of the browser window (so to speak) and I log in with the
press of a hotkey.

Besides that, I would never share user accounts with anyone. Doing so
has many negative implications that are just unnecessary. TYPO3 user
accounts are cheap to create, do so.


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Password management advice

2012-02-07 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Oliver,

Thank you for your insights. I actually did think about an LDAP solution 
but thought we could do better.

I'm not sure I agree on your lock-in comment, but the rest stands clear.

I prefer to create as little as possible to avoid security risks. 
Relying on proven solutions made by knowledgable people is my way to go.



On 7-2-2012 14:25, Oliver Salzburg wrote:

Hello Rik,

my opinion is that, yes, you would have to delete every one of those
200 accounts one-by-one.

I assume you build these sites for your clients. So by forcing a
non-default authentication mechanism on the client just to solve your
in-house account management issue, you're making life worse for your

Let's say you move all sites to an LDAP-based authentication mechanism.
Given that you worry about your own user accounts, it would be logical
that your company hosts the LDAP server. Now all authorization for all
websites you've built for your clients needs to go through your server.

That might be desirable if you're going for the tightest lock-in for
your clients, but they might not appreciate those efforts ;)

I would recommend spending a days or two hacking together a solution
that can SSH into all the sites of all your clients and add/remove
user accounts from the local database.


On 2012-02-07 13:55, Rik Willems wrote:

Hi Oliver,

I've seen this one. It does solve the password distribution but not the
management part of the user accounts.

When you run 200 websites you don't want to remove a user in each
installtion when one of your employees leaves. How you other companies
manage this?

Cheers! Rik

On 7-2-2012 11:35, Oliver Salzburg wrote:

On 2012-02-07 10:12, Rik Willems wrote:

Hi all,

I'm looking for some password management advice. How are you all
handeling this situation.

Say, you work on a lot of TYPO3 (and perhaps Magento as well) projects
with your team. Does everybody use his own username/password? How do you
manage changes in your team? Do you go through all projects and delete a
user, or change a master password?

Do you have other solutions to a central login system to all your
projects for project members? LDAP server perhaps?

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Cheers! Rik

I use KeePass ( and create a new database entry for
every new site (both FE and BE). The login forms are later identified
by the title of the browser window (so to speak) and I log in with the
press of a hotkey.

Besides that, I would never share user accounts with anyone. Doing so
has many negative implications that are just unnecessary. TYPO3 user
accounts are cheap to create, do so.


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Password management advice

2012-02-07 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Xavier,

This sounds like a very interesting solution. Do you have any plans to 
release this to the public any time soon?

Perhaps we can extend it to include Magento as well?


On 7-2-2012 15:11, Xavier Perseguers wrote:


I would recommend spending a days or two hacking together a solution
that can SSH into all the sites of all your clients and add/remove
user accounts from the local database.

I developed such an extension that allows synchronization of admin
accounts with preferences from one master website (typically your
company website) to any number of slave websites (your client websites).
The passwords are randomized at the other end (just to be sure there is
absolutely no risk of having it decrypted) and you have to log in using
an OpenID account.

Whenever a new employee comes in, create it an admin account on your
master website and after synchro from the slave sites (using a scheduler
task), he will be able to log in there as well. If one leave your
company, disable his account, this state will be synchronize as well (I
could easily delete the account on the other end).

Unfortunately, this extension is not yet publicly available on TER.


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] How can to use the extension Front End User Registration?

2012-07-02 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

I've recently used formhandler for user registration. Works very well 
actually. It's not click and go but very flexible for all sorts of forms.


Op 30-6-2012 17:26, Jost Baron schreef:

Hash: SHA1

Hi Jeson,

a good alternative might be datamints_feuser. Its quite easy to set up
and should have the features you need in most cases.


On 06/30/2012 05:16 PM, Task City wrote:

Hi,Francois Suter

It is exactly what you said. The extension is really complex and
difficult to understand. I read the manual also, but don't know how
to setup in next step.

Thanks! Jeson

--- On Sat, 6/30/12, François Suter  wrote:

From: François Suter  Subject: Re:
[TYPO3-english] How can to use the extension Front End User
Registration? To: Date: Saturday,
June 30, 2012, 5:56 AM


Has anyone known that how to use the extension of Front End User

Do you mean sr_feuser_register? It's quite a bit of work to set up.
Not really complicated, but lots and lots of settings and not much
fun. I don't have any good advice except "Read the manual". It's
complete and will tell you anything you need to know IMO. I don't
think we can give you really shorter advice here.

There are alternatives to sr_feuser_register. I haven't tested them
all, so I can't say. Not many are really satisfying, which is a
shame, as a good replacement to sr_fuser_register would be very


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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] RealURL setup problem, multiple languages and two domains

2012-11-20 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

Like the subject suggests I have a problem setting up RealURL in a 
situation with multiple languages and two domains, in one tree. Two 
languages should run on the same domain, like domain.tld & 
domain.tld/en. The third language should run on

I found how to run different domains for the languages, using the 
_DOMAINS configuration section. But I can't find how to combine it with 
one domain serving two languages.

I have the two domains running with two languages. The third language 
(en) now runs on both domains. I'd like it to be on one domain only.

Who can point me in the right direction (I hope I explained it ok)?

Cheers! Rik

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] RealURL setup problem, multiple languages and two domains

2012-11-28 Thread Rik Willems


Op 22-11-12 09:24, Dmitry Dulepov schreef:

Sorry for not answering so far, Rik. This needs more time than just a
quick look at the news group. As a quick suggestion, I would advice:
- set up only neede languages in TS
- review _DOMAINS config and preVars and set up only neede languages there
- do not use _DEFAULT

This may not solve it but I have no much time to look at it right now.

Thanks for your steps. In the end it didn't really work out. Thing was 
that the switch to the language that didn't have its own domain didn't 
go to the default url directly. Now I added a robots.txt that disables 
indexing for the the other domains and that language. Now I'm satisfied 
although it is not the best solution.

Cheers! Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Howto protect an eID url?

2013-02-14 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

Through javascript I want to call an eID script that collects some data 
through a webservice. I don't want others to be able to harvest the 
eID/webservice data, so I need to protect it in some way.

Who can point me in the right direction? What is the best way to protect 
eID calls in combination with javascript?


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Howto protect an eID url?

2013-02-16 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

Thanks for thinking along and your suggestions. I can't do a feuser 
login as it is a public facing website.

I guessed people would have run into this be before. I'll think about it 
a little and let you know.


Op 14-2-2013 11:56, Rik Willems schreef:

Hi all,

Through javascript I want to call an eID script that collects some data
through a webservice. I don't want others to be able to harvest the
eID/webservice data, so I need to protect it in some way.

Who can point me in the right direction? What is the best way to protect
eID calls in combination with javascript?



TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Howto protect an eID url?

2013-02-18 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Steffen,

Sure no problem. My list of requirements and criteria is quite short, I 
think. The situation is a public website that shows a form with multiple 
select fields. Changing the first select field should update the second. 
The second fill the third. The data for the select fields can be 
retrieved through a webservice, for which I will (like to) use an eID.

Now I understand that such data can be harvested manually. I don't think 
this can be prevented. I'd like to make it a little harder to harvest it 

I hope this makes it a little clearer. Please let me know if you need 
more info.

Cheers! Rik

Op 16-2-2013 16:41, Steffen Müller schreef:


Am 16.02.2013 13:21, schrieb Rik Willems:

I guessed people would have run into this be before. I'll think about it
a little and let you know.

It would help if you explain your requirements and acceptance criteria
to "protect" in detail.

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Typo3 backup

2009-11-04 Thread Rik Willems
Dmitry once wrote a nice article about this. Although it concerns 
migration, this in fact is the same as backup:


De Contardi Riccardo schreef:
A little question about how to backup a Typo3 on linux 

I want to set up a little script to back up my typo3 installation

(I know there's an extension, but I'd prefer to set up a script of my


This is my "plan":

-  tar & gz all the source folders (in my case

-  tar & gz all the dummy folders (in my case under
var/lib/typo3-sites/ dummy-4.2.10/

-  dump the DB & tar & gz


In order to minimize the weight of zipped files, what could be

For example: the folder /var/lib/typo3-sites/dummy-4.2.10/typo3temp/
could be skipped?


The files named temp_CACHED_* under




Could be skipped, right?


I also found this

Some suggestions?


Thanks in advance



Riccardo De Contardi


B Human Srl -

Via Canzio, 15 - 20131 Milano

Tel +39.02 20 23 271 - Fax +39.02 20 240 561


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TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Use FlexForm of existing extension

2009-12-07 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

For a project I need to extend a current extension. It requires me to 
add fields to the current flexform xml. I looked everywhere but cannot 
find how to do it. Now I have to copy the entire xml and append my extra 
fields. I feel this shouldn't be the way of doing this.

Who knows how to do this in a better way?


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] EXT: comments & ratings

2009-12-10 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

In the past I already read that ext: comments could be combined with 
ext: ratings. Currently I need this in a project so I implemented that. 
Now it seems that you can rate comments of others. Not rate that what 
you are commenting. So, not whay I needed, too bad.

What would be the best way to approach that? So I'd like to be able to 
rate an article with my comment. Any suggestion is warmly welcomed.

Greets, Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] EXT: comments & ratings

2009-12-10 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Soren,

This is the extension I mean yes, and it works very nice. But, I'd like 
to incorporate the rating into the comment. So you comment with some 
text and give a rating at the same time. If I'm not mistaking this 
article doesn't say anything about that.

Greets, Rik

Søren Malling schreef:



On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Rik Willems  wrote:

Hi all,

In the past I already read that ext: comments could be combined with ext:
ratings. Currently I need this in a project so I implemented that. Now it
seems that you can rate comments of others. Not rate that what you are
commenting. So, not whay I needed, too bad.

What would be the best way to approach that? So I'd like to be able to rate
an article with my comment. Any suggestion is warmly welcomed.

Greets, Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] EXT: comments & ratings

2009-12-10 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Dmitry, exactly what I was affraid of. Too bad.

I see the extension is full of hooks. What would be the best way to 
integrate this? Would it be possible using these hooks you put in?

Greets, Rik

Dmitry Dulepov schreef:


On 10/12/2009 16:51, Rik Willems wrote:

So you comment with some text and give a rating at the same time.

You can rate only existing comments.

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Page browser

2010-01-08 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Tyler,

If I'm not mistaking you can just put the pagebrowser in as a content 
element or a typoscript object. By configuring it you can make it behave 
as you want.

The way you include it in an extension is the same when you include it 
through typoscript.

Hope that helps.

Greets, Rik

Tyler Kraft schreef:


I've used the pagebrowse extension (by Dmitry Dulepov) and it is very 
handy - but is there a way to use it outside of an extension? What I 
mean is there a way to use this extension with just a typoscript select?

If not is there a plan to incorporate this anytime soon?


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] urgent minijob - realurl/multidomain/multilanguage/singletree

2010-01-22 Thread Rik Willems


Good to see you got your problem fixed even before I go a chance to see it.

Could you please post the solution for others to learn from?

Greets, Rik

G.Unger schreef:

thx for all the replies, this list is awesome and quick

offer closed

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] urgent minijob - realurl/multidomain/multilanguage/singletree

2010-01-24 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Guido,

Thanks for posting this solution. I think it can come in handy one day 
for me or anyone else.


G.Unger schreef:

of cause I can Rik ;)

as explained I had a propper setup already working.
=> lead to lead to

the guys who helped out were ilya and joey, so all credits go to them.

first create the domain records in T3 without redirect, just the domain 

then set propper baseURL in TS (see below).

finally ilya altered a little the '_DOMAINS' array.

so my realurlconf looks like this:


* @version $Id: realurl.php,v 1.8 2008/04/02 21:26:54 cannon Exp $

// Prevent new realurl updates from clearing cache

realurl naming precedence configuration

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['addRootLineFields'] .= 

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['realurl'] = array();
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['realurl'][''] = array(
'init' => array(
'enableCHashCache' => true
, 'appendMissingSlash' => 'ifNotFile'
//, 'adminJumpToBackend' => true
, 'enableUrlDecodeCache' => true
, 'enableUrlEncodeCache' => true
//, 'emptyUrlReturnValue' => '/'
// Allow for proper SEO 404 handling
//, 'postVarSet_failureMode' => ''
, 'redirects'=> array()
   , 'preVars' => array (
   '0' => array (
   'GETvar' => 'no_cache',
   'valueMap' => array (
   // 'nc' => '1'
   'noMatch' => 'bypass'
   '1' => array (
   'GETvar' => 'L',
 'valueMap' => array(
   'en' => '1',
   'noMatch' => 'bypass',
, 'pagePath' => array(
'type'=> 'user'
, 'userFunc' => 

, 'spaceCharacter'=> '-'
, 'languageGetVar'=> 'L'
, 'rootpage_id'=> 1
, 'segTitleFieldList'=> 'tx_realurl_pathsegment,alias,title'
, 'autoUpdatePathCache'=>'1'
, 'fixedPostVars'=> array()
, 'postVarSets' => array(
'_DEFAULT' => array(
// news archive parameters
'archive' => array(
'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[year]'
, array(
'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[month]'
// MLC uncomment if month names instead of numbers are
// desired
, 'valueMap' => array(
'january' => '01',
'february' => '02',
'march' => '03',
'april' => '04',
'may' => '05',
'june' => '06',
'july' => '07',
'august' => '08',
'september' => '09',
'october' => '10',
'november' => '11',
'december' => '12',
, array(
'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[day]'
// news pagebrowser
, 'npage' => array(
'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[pointer]'
// news category
, 'article-cat' => array (
'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[cat]'
, 'lookUpTable' => array(
'table' => 'tt_news_cat'
, 'id_field' => 'uid'
, 'alias_field' => 'title'
, 'addWhereClause' => ' AND deleted != 1'
, 'useUniqueCache' => 1
, 'useUniqueCache_conf' => array(
'strtolower' => 1
// news item
, 'article' => array(
'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[tt_news]'
, 'lookUpTable' => array(
'table' => 'tt_news'
, 'id_field' => 'uid'
// MLC Goolge wants uniqueness for spidering
// , 'alias_field' => 'concat(title, " ", uid)'
, 'alias_field' => 'title'
, 'addWhereClause' => ' AND deleted != 1'
, 'useUniqueCache' => 1
, 'useUniqueCache_conf' => array(

[TYPO3-english] tcemain and fe extensions

2010-02-22 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

For a client I have created a nice cli import script. During my research 
for this I found out about tcemain and the functions it provides. For 
the cli I now use tcemain to import records.

None of the fe extensions I have looked into in the past used tcemain to 
add or change records. Now I saw that tcemain needs a BE user, but this 
can be overcome. Are there good reasons to not use tcemain and use 
manual insert queries in fe?

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] tcemain and fe extensions

2010-02-22 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Dmitry,

Thank you for the clear instructions.
Is there a security issue involved in using tcemain in fe?
I wonder because it seems to function quite nice and takes away a lot 
stuff regaring inserting records.

I found that hooks do work properly because they are called when 
executing tcemain.

Cheers, Rik

Dmitry Dulepov schreef:


On 2010-02-22 16:48:02 +0200, Rik Willems said:
For a client I have created a nice cli import script. During my 
research for this I found out about tcemain and the functions it 
provides. For the cli I now use tcemain to import records.

None of the fe extensions I have looked into in the past used tcemain 
to add or change records. Now I saw that tcemain needs a BE user, but 
this can be overcome. Are there good reasons to not use tcemain and 
use manual insert queries in fe?

Yes. Many hooks will not work correctly.

TCEmain is BE–only. It must not be used in FE. Of course, programmers 
can do anything but if you are a responsible programmer, you will follow 
the requirements...

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] tcemain and fe extensions

2010-02-22 Thread Rik Willems


Not using tcemain in fe was clear from the first mail already ;-). I 
generally take your advice carefully, as in this case.
The reason for my reply was to find out why exactly you gave the advice, 
this is clear now too. I didn't intend to use it in fe because currently 
there is no need. I did use it in the cli script though, but that 
initializes as backend, so that is good.


Dmitry Dulepov schreef:


On 2010-02-22 17:37:59 +0200, Rik Willems said:

Thank you for the clear instructions.
Is there a security issue involved in using tcemain in fe?

No, it is not security. Many hooks will expect a fully loaded BE 
environment. As a result data can become corrupted in places where you 
do not expect it.

I found that hooks do work properly because they are called when 
executing tcemain.

Some do, many will not. If you want to risk, you can do it. I would 
never do it because it is not what should be done. TCEmain is not for 
FE. I have no way to stop you from doing this but if you want a good 
advice: do not use TCEmain in FE. That's all I can say.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] IRRE and frontend forms

2010-04-26 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

For a new project I'd like to have an IRRE relation on fe_users records. 
The IRRE records are polymorphic flexforms. Is there a way I can have 
frontend users add these records through the frontend too, without 
having to reprogram it all?

Thanks for thinking along!

Greets, Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] new feuser_register extension

2010-04-26 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Ingo,

Not a bad idea at all.
Although it has some very nice things built in already it does have its 

I like the setup of Commerce address management quite a lot (with which 
you have some experience). Here you can setup fields and validators from 

If it can actually manage a full user profile with relations to other 
tables you can count me in.


Ingo Schmitt schreef:


in several projects we have observed that with the good old 
sr_feuser_register extension quite often we are cracking nuts with 
sledgehammers. During updates we often have problems with 
incompatibility and bugs, for example because an unclear numbering of 
the versions was used.

To cut a long story short, we would like to create a new extension with 
the functionality of sr_feuser_register, to be programmed from the 
ground up. We are looking for partners to develop this new extension. It 
will be publicly developed using forge and also be publicly available in 
forge (and later in TER).

We have in mind a planning phase of 2-3 meetings in which the 
functionality, features, and the necessary programming steps will be 
decided, and a development phase of approximately 10-15 man days 
(depending on functionality).

For the creation of this extension we are looking for a partner with 
whom we can go through all the steps of the project together, who will 
contribute time and resources both for planning and in development. The 
advantage for a partner, who is involved from the planning stage onward, 
is of course that they can influence the project significantly and in 
development of later projects directly use their know-how.

If interested please send a PM to is(at)marketing(minus)factory(dot)de

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] fe_adminLib

2010-05-03 Thread Rik Willems

Hi all,

In my search for an easy to use frontend form editing extension I came 
across the fe_adminLib which is supplied with TYPO3. It shows much 
resemblance with sr_feuser_register.

How suitable is this library for usage? The well know t3references 
extension uses it, in a way that I need it. FE users can add records to 
their profile and edit these.

Would something like this be possible with sr_feuser_register as well? 
Since this extension is maintained, more recent and probably i little 
bit easier to use.

Thanks for thinking with me!

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] fe_adminLib

2010-05-04 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Jigal,

Thanks for your €0.02! Your response is clear.
Do you know of any other (generic/easy) solution that lets fe users edit 
records in some way?

Cheers! Rik

Jigal van Hemert schreef:

Rik Willems wrote:
In my search for an easy to use frontend form editing extension I came 
across the fe_adminLib which is supplied with TYPO3. It shows much 
resemblance with sr_feuser_register.

How suitable is this library for usage? The well know t3references 
extension uses it, in a way that I need it. FE users can add records 
to their profile and edit these.

Would something like this be possible with sr_feuser_register as well? 
Since this extension is maintained, more recent and probably i little 
bit easier to use.

fe_adminLib is part of the core and thus maintained as well.

direct_mail_subscription for example uses fe_adminLib; in fact, it 
consists for a large part of configuration of fe_adminLib. That is also 
the reason why this extension from 2006 can still be used today.

sr_feuser_register is in many regards similar to fe_adminLib, but added 
the feature of admin-reviews among others. It also uses an MVC structure 
for the code, which unfortunately has a few side effects (complicated 
code structure, data is copied all over the place) and -- like 
fe_adminLib -- relies on JavaScript for correct form handling (not only 
for data evaluation!) (web guidelines...).
Handling of TCA-fields is very limited in sr_feuser_register (I don't 
know about fe_adminLib).

Just my EUR 0.02 ;-)

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] which extension for complex fe_user-edit in FE?

2010-05-04 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Bernd,

I'm looking for exactly the same thing but don't have a solution. Yet... 
See my post about fe_adminLib. This library is put in practice in 
t3references. It works but is pretty old. And has some drawbacks as 
Jigal describes.

Your review of the extensions seem correct.
Feeditadvanced is the new FE editing extension with v4.3. This will not 
help our situation.

Cheers! Rik

bernd wilke schreef:
I have extended fe_user with some fields with multiple fields including 4 
MM-relations to other tables(!).

Now every fe_user should be able to edit his record and I don't want to 
programm it all anew.

I looked for extensions which would enable this with feedit.

First: what is 'feedit'?

some extensions use 'feedit' as 'a logged in BE-user can edit records in 
the FE'
some extension use 'feedit' for 'take the TCA-declaration and build up a 
form to edit records for any/ FE-logged-in site-visitor'

I need the later one.

for feedit I found these extensions:

- cwt_feedit 
needs REGISTER GLOBALS to be turned on: I don't know any up-to-date-
configuration with this setting :-( 

- mth_feedit 
needs BE-user?

- meta_feedit 
I started to evaluate this extension, but got lost in the big heap of 
configuration. I have some doubts wether it is possible to solve my 
problem, but will try with repeated reading of the manual. 
a big plus: build in is a listview with a search  I also need.
I have not found yet: is it possible to enable fe_users to edit only 
their own record?

- feeditadvanced 
no manual :-(

- pixe_feediting 
needs BE-user?

and some others which seem to be to old or to special to be usable.

I appreciate some feedback.
- wether my rating of any of these extensions is wrong
- are there some other extensions 
- other solutions?

- is there no other way than programming it anew?


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] How to Deactivate/Replace Demo Images in Backend

2010-05-05 Thread Rik Willems

Andreas Becker wrote:


Is there a way to replace those demo images in the backend with own images
how can we deactivate those demo images in the backend?



Hi Andi,

I think you are talking about the lorum ipsum extension. You can disable 
it through the extension manager.

Cheers! Rik
TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Wrapping content elements according to a class

2010-06-10 Thread Rik Willems

Hi Claudio,

Each content element has a field called 'Frame' / 'section_frame'. You 
can use this to get what you want.

Have a look in file typo3/sysext/css_styled_content/static/setup.txt to 
see how the wraps are created. You can add similar typoscript to your 
own setup.

If you put the following in your root page TSconfig you can add new 
frames and remove the ones you don't want to display.

  # Content of the layout select box for content elments
  tt_content {
section_frame.addItems.97 = Success
section_frame.addItems.98 = Notice
section_frame.addItems.99 = Error
section_frame.removeItems = 6,10,11,12,20,21



Op 10-6-2010 10:41, Claudio Strizzolo schreef:

Hello everybody,
I need to wrap in a special way some content elements included here and
there in several pages.

Just imagine I want to wrap some contents elements into a...  context. Things are actually more
complex, but let's make them simple.
Those contents may belong to different pages. Each page might contain one
or more content elements that should be wrapped as above, while the other
content elements should not be included in such a.

Is there any way to mark the special contents elements anyhow? Maybe in
that case I might check if the content elements are marked through a TS
condition, and wrap them as needed. I do not know how I might do it,
though: this would just be a starting point.

Thanks in advance,


TYPO3-english mailing list