[TYPO3-german] [TYPO3-core-internal] T3DD13 - Please send in your papers

2013-04-29 Diskussionsfäden Thomas Hempel

Dear fellow TYPO3 developers,

the Developer Days 2013 come closer with big steps. As usual we need 
your help to make it a great event. We depend on your knowledge and 
insights. It would be very cool if you could consider to do a tutorial 
or workshop during the Developer Days. So this is the official call for 

What does it mean?

Well, we want to go further with the "getting things done" approach. 
Therefor our slogan for this year's issue is "Getting Together to make 
it happen!" What this "it" is totally up to you. Ideas for new features 
as well as finishing up already started things. The Developer Days are 
the perfect place for you to get it out the door.

So what are the rules?

First off, no talks! We won't have any 45 minutes slots anymore. This 
event is for working and we doubt that anything can be done in 45 
minutes. So if you want to do something you have to decide if you rather 
do a 2 hour tutorial or 4 hour workshop.

The difference is simple. A tutorial is where you show people how things 
work. Ideally together with the audience. Examples could be "How to set 
up a development environment for the TYPO3 CMS/Flow" or "How to use 
Fluid" etc.

Alternatively you can decide to do a workshop. That should be a bigger 
topic where you work together with the participants. If you think that 
you need more time, just do a workshop with two consecutive time slots. 
Topics could be "Implementing the top 3 most requested Fluid 
View-Helper". "Implement a FAL backend for Google Drive".

The topics should be TYPO3 specific. If we have enough room we might 
have some off-topic  topics in the evenings. So feel free to send us 
your ideas for this too.

In fact, there are no more rules. At least not for your topic suggestions.

If you want to share knowledge and/or have something you want to work 
on, feel free to send an e-mail to tho...@typo3.org or go to 

Thanks and best wishes,
your T3DD13 Orga
TYPO3-german mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-german] T3CON12DE Paper Voting is open for public

2012-07-26 Diskussionsfäden Thomas Hempel

Hi Georg,

any Idea why my talk didn't appear?

Sorry, I have no idea. You could contact Christian Müller, maybe he 
knows why.

TYPO3-german mailing list

[TYPO3-german] T3CON12DE Paper Voting is open for public

2012-07-26 Diskussionsfäden Thomas Hempel
The TYPO3 Conference Team is happy to announce that the paper voting for 
the TYPO3 Conference in Germany (October 4th - 6th) is now open for 

This is your chance to vote for the papers that should be accepted for 
the biggest international TYPO3 conference. This is how it works:

1) Got to http://t3con12de.typo3.org
2) Log in with your typo3.org account
3) Got to https://t3con12de.typo3.org/my/papers/vote.html

You will find a list of all papers submitted. Please take some time and 
browse through them. There is a brief abstract available for each of them.

When you have decided wether or not you like the paper proposed, go back 
to the list and make your vote. Please give the following scores:

+1 if you like the paper
0 if you are unsure about the paper
-1 if you don't like the paper
Don't forget to press the "update voting" button and the end of the page!
Voting closes on 2012-08-03. Your votes will be taken into account by 
the T3CON12-Team when selecting the talks for the conference.

Sincerely your,
TYPO3 Conference Team
TYPO3-german mailing list

[TYPO3-german] Call for papers T3CON12

2012-06-25 Diskussionsfäden Thomas Hempel
The organization team of the international TYPO3 Conference is happy to 
announce that the call for papers is officially open for your 
suggestions. Please visit http://t3con12de.typo3.org

But before we get to it, we have some more things to talk about before.

This year we will have an open voting for the talks. Everybody with a 
typo3.org account will be able to vote on the talks. This way we think 
we can have the most interesting lineup of talks we ever had.

So this is call for your ideas and suggestions. If you have an 
interesting topic that is worth sharing with the community, let us know.

The call for papers will run until *end of July*. After that we will 
start the open voting.

We are very curious what you have to share.

Best wishes,
The T3CON13 team
TYPO3-german mailing list

[TYPO3-german] Fünfte Runde der TYPO3 Developer Days

2010-03-31 Diskussionsfäden Thomas Hempel

Die diesjährigen TYPO3 Developer Days finden vom 1.-4. Juli 2010,
wieder in Elmshorn, in der Nähe Hamburgs statt. Die Konferenz wird in
englischer Sprache stattfinden, wir sparen uns an dieser Stelle also 
einfach die Übersetzung. ;-)

We're happy to announce this years edition of the TYPO3 Developer Days.
The fifth edition of this international TYPO3 community event, also 
known as T3DD, will take place from Thursday 1st to Sunday 4th July, 
2010. The location for the event will once more be the Nordakademie 
Elmshorn, near Hamburg in Germany.

The Developer Days are aimed solely at TYPO3 developers. In an inspiring 
ambiance developers learn to know each other better, share their 
knowledge and work together on code and extensions. The goal is to 
create an even more steady developer-base for TYPO3. In the evenings 
there will of course be plenty of room for socializing and fun. Like 
always we will have a special social event, this time on Friday evening 
(don't forget to bring you bathing suite) and a coding night on Saturday 

We offer a shuttle service from 8-11 am and pm between the two hotels 
and the location, if you plan to use it remember there is one bus for 
all participants. As an alternative you might walk or rent a bike, have 
a look at the the T3DD mailing list for more information.


Unfortunately the THW hostel is no longer available this year.

The program schedule is not decided yet but will certainly contain talks 
about 5.0, core-developers presenting and discussing their work and 
extension-code sharing. This year we plan more parallel workshop 
sessions in smaller groups.

Extension programmers will show their extensions to others and discuss 
development methods and code. For this
we are still looking for extension developers so please let us know if 
you want to apply. Note that the extension must be in the extension 
repository at least two weeks before the conference.

The conference offers 200 places so if you want to attend the event, 
hurry up for registration since every year is was sold-out fast. Details 
about the registration, the hotel, call for papers and so on can be 
found on the website of the developer days: http://t3dd10.typo3.org/

The TYPO3 Developer Days are highly depending on support by the TYPO3 
Association and sponsoring by everybody. Therefore we thank all sponsors 
and all TYPO3 Association members for supporting this event!
To demonstrate our gratitude the early bird phase is intended especially 
for Association members.

Don't miss it!

Gina Steiner & Thomas Hempel
TYPO3-german mailing list