 My name is Mrs Michelle wife to Mr Richard Jones Moore,I came across your 
resume on Career Network saying you need employment.I\'ll need your services as 
a personal assistant for my business within the

. We just moved in to town  a couple of days ago before embarking on a trip 
sponsored by my husband\'s company. Presently we\'re on vacation on board on an 
European line cruiser sponsored by my husband\'s company and we\'ll be back 
soon before the end of this month or at the very beginning of next month. I am 
a fashion designer, i design and make French wedding gowns, and I have numerous 
customers around the country.I work from home and i also supply stores with my 
products.I deal mainly in whole sales. I wish i had my website up already so 
that you can view some of my work but that\'s one of the reason why i need a 
P.A who will plan with me so that we can set everything up.

Sandra is our only child and  daughter and she plays a very important role in 
our family, ever since she was born,the family has never remained the same for 
good. There \'re just the 4 (myself,my husband,my daughter and my husband\'s 
mom) of us in the house hopefully you will be the fifth person.I have an offer 
for you to be my personal assistant and to help with business related issues 
and advice, also to to take care of my business for me whenever am not around 
in person. You can send in your updated resume references in your next email. I 
want to let you know that we\'re having much fun out here, we would have love 
to call you but the network on board is really poor because of the high tides 
for this particular period of the year.But we would call you as soon as we get 
a clearer reception. My daughter has been a little ill and she has been in the 
Intensive care Unit on board for the past two  days, But I thank God she\'s is 
getting on fine and this will prompt us in coming
me as soon as we get to shores.

I and my husband want to put things in place so you can start immediately we 
arrive from our vacation.We would like to have a brief interview with 
you,answer the following questions.

1)How many years of work experience do you have ?
2) Do you smoke ?
3)Do you do drugs ?
4) What area are you located presently ?
5)Do you have any disability ?

.                                      .............Below is our Offer and 
You\'ll be paid 400.00 weekly If you choose to receive your salaries monthly 
thats 1600 and its okay with us.
1) You must be able to speak English Language..
2)Is your partners in support of this position for you.
3)You must have any references and achievements ?
4)Ever been convicted ?? Doesn\'t matter to me as long as you have realize your 
past mistakes and now a changed person.

I await your prompt response and as soon as i get your response, I will write 
back to let you know if you have the job or not.

Mrs.Michelle & Richard Moore

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