We have just installed UniVerse 10.1.18 on Solaris.

When we tried to start the UniRPC daemon using the instructions from 
chapter 19 of the admin guide:

Starting the UniRPC Daemon
Complete the following steps to start the UniRPC daemon:
1. Choose Rpc administration from the Package menu, then choose Start the
rpc daemon.
2. At the prompt, do one of the following to handle any error messages:
.. Enter the name of the file to send all error and system messages to.
.. Enter a space to display messages on your screen.
.. Press ENTER if you do not want to display or save messages.
3. At the next prompt, click Yes to start the UniRPC daemon or No to 
return to
the Rpc administration menu.
Note: The file that receives all error and system messages can grow 
unchecked unless
you monitor it periodically.
Once you start the UniRPC daemon, it automatically restarts whenever you 

we get the following error message:

Either the /.unishared file does not exist or is corrupt,
or the <unishared>/unirpc/unirpcservices file does not exist,
or the uvrpc entry in /etc/services does not exist.
The RPC daemon is not being started.

Unfortunately the /.unishared file does exist and has the path in it that 
I would expect, the <unishared>/unirpc/unirpcservices file exists and the 
uvrpc entry within /etc/services exists.

Any ideas?  I hope it's something simple but I couldn't find this error in 
the history that I have for the forum.


Rob Wills
(rob dot wills at tigerinfotech dot com)
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