[U2] ODBC Connection Hanging Around

2008-05-27 Thread Kevin King
I have a vbs script that connects to Unidata, calls a BASIC routine, returns
the results, and disconnects.  Well, it disconnects *most* of the time, but
not all of the time.  Does anyone have any ideas why the ODBC connection
would not disconnect EVERY time?

We're logging when the connection is opened and when the connection is
closed.  Last Friday's log shows 1174 opens and the same number of closes -
no errors.  Yet there were 12 sessions that did not get disconnected.  Any
ideas why?

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[U2] ODBC Connection Hanging Around

2008-05-16 Thread Kevin King
I have a VBScript script that makes an ODBC connection to Unidata, calls a
subroutine, and returns the results.  Usually everything goes swimmingly,
but occasionally, and for no apparent reason, an ODBC connection will not
get disconnected from the Unidata side.  The ODBC session is instantiated

DSN = "DSN=;Uid=;Pwd=__"
Session.Open DSN

And is closed via:

Set Session = Nothing

And yet occasionally UniAdmin will show one of these connections hanging on
unexpectedly.  Any ideas?

(Incidentally, while I would have preferred to write this via UO, the client
demanded this solution be written for an ODBC connection.)

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