I'm doing some research for a talk and am interested in hearing from people
who are running (or have run) transaction processing systems on both U2 and
SQL Server. What are your intuitions and/or facts about the differences in
cost of ownership between these two environments? Do you think the COA of
each environment is roughly the same or is one less than the other? A short
answer to that question would be helpful, but if you have a chance, more
details would also be appreciated.

Some categories might be:
1) Ease in learning & training
2) Actual hard costs in the budget for the software
3) How much hardware is required for each: cpu, memory, disk, bandwidth, ...
4) User access (24/7) and related costs
5) Reliability, risk of downtime, risk of data loss, time it takes to
recover from unscheduled downtime
6) Number or fraction of professionals required to support a production
environment in each (and/or lists of what tasks are required on an on-going
or periodic basis)
7) Cost of optional and 3rd party add-ins
8) End-User Satisfaction
9) IT User Satisfaction
10) Ease, speed, & quality of new software development & maintenance of
existing in-house software
11) Vendor support
12) Reporting -- Ease of getting the data back out; e.g. use of 3rd party
tools; are more data marts required in one environment than the other?
13) Cost of establishing or maintaining security / access
14) Cost of backups
15) Performance

Do you have any facts or intuitions about these categories? What other
categories should I be thinking about?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give. --dawn
Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.

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