

The International U2 User Group (U2UG) elections for the new board will be
launching next week.


For those who do not know, the U2UG looks after this email list, as well as
providing advice, papers, knowledge base articles, a wiki and running many
other projects to benefit the U2 community.  The board meet with Rocket
every fortnight to represent the concerns of the U2 community and to discuss
the direction of the products. Board members give up a lot of their time for


So we need your support.


If you are already a U2UG member, please visit the website over the next few
days to make sure that your email address and profile are up to date!
Otherwise you won't receive the mails giving your election voice and your
chance to vote - and keeping you in touch with the work that the U2UG are
undertaking on your behalf.


If you are not already a U2UG member, we urge you to join and make full use
of us! It's free - just sign up on


Thank you





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