Re[2]: [U2] access to mvBase VTF files

2008-09-18 Thread David Tod Sigafoos
Tony, Funny thing about consultants .. first thing

they want to do is write a program instead of finding

a pre-existing solution.

   TG Dave, anything I suggest is (usually) well considered before I

   TG hit the reply button.  Having done this thing for (I believe)

   TG almost as long as you have, I'm familiar with most of the

   TG pre-existing solutions out there.  All suggestions and solutions

   TG I offer are based on the premise that alternatives are deficient,

   TG time consuming, expensive, or simply non-existent - the nature of

   TG my business is to come up with (hopefully) better solutions based

   TG on an understanding of what's already out there.  Sure, it was

   TG good for you to check here before you started writing code.  If

   TG it wasn't implied properly I'll be explicit - I don't believe

   TG there is a pre-existing solution to read an mvBase VTF into

   TG Unidata.  Therefore I suggested writing (trivial) code for

   TG synchronous or asynchronous exchanges, or to just get a (free)

   TG mvBase environment setup so that you can restore the VTF and

   TG export the data in an easy to migrate format.

   No biggs .. on re-read it did sound like that was directed to you and it
   really wasn't.  It just surprises me that someone like uv/ud wouldn't have
   same since they are trying to be replacements/covers for all flavors.  And i
   would think that anyone running from 'Tiger Logic' (just another group of
   sales people selling something they don't make?) would have found on or
   created one and make it available.

   If we decide to go the 'create one' way we will make it available.

   Thanks again ..

   Just a cranky old guy



   DSig `

   David Tod Sigafoos  ( O O )

___oOOo__( )__oOOo___

   Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment
   insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of
   that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group,
   of course, that believes you can do these things.  Among them are a few
   Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from
   other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.  --President
   Dwight  D.  Eisenhower, 1954 (source:  Eisenhower Presidential Papers,
   Document #1147; November 8, 1954 The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower,
   Volume XV - The Presidency: The Middle Way Part VI: Crises Abroad, Party
   Problems at Home; September 1954 to December 1954,) Chapter 13: A new phase
   of political experience
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Re[2]: [U2] access to mvBase VTF files

2008-09-18 Thread David Tod Sigafoos
   TG Dave wrote:

And i would think that anyone running from 'Tiger

Logic' (just another group of sales people selling

something they don't make?)

   TG Tiger Logic is simply a name change from Raining Data (IMO

   TG only one of two good business decisions they've made in recent

   TG years).  They acquired mvBase from GA about 8 years ago and have

   TG been (arguably) maintaining it since.  To my knowledge TL does

   TG not pass-through any products for which they don't have/maintain

   TG source.

would have found on or created one and make it available.

   TG And why would any company write and/or publish a tool that allows

   TG a backup tape to be read by another DBMS?  Again, this is a tool

   TG for daily local backups.  It's not a data transport medium.

   TG There are other ways to do that.

   I'ts okay .. you still aren't hearing what i'm typing

   TG For the cost of our time we'll convert your entire database, any

   TG platform, any OS, into an ADO.NET dataset or SQL Server database,

   TG which can then be read by any product that supports modern

   TG interfaces.  Or we'll create interfaces for live access via any

   TG application that supports a .NET DataSource.  Now _that_ is a

   TG transport medium.

   But at least i gave you a change to pitch your consultancy again G


   DSig `

   David Tod Sigafoos  ( O O )

___oOOo__( )__oOOo___

   It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.
   -- Friedrich Nietzsche
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Re: Re[2]: [U2] access to mvBase VTF files AD

2008-09-17 Thread Dave Taylor


I do not know of any way to read/write vtf files or account saves or file 
saves between mvBase and Universe.

We do have a tool that will convert D3 account saves so they can be restored 
by Universe - if you can get your mvBase account save restored to a D3 


We developed the FileCaddy programs, T-DUMP and T-LOAD, to t-dump all files 
and dicts in an account to tape and t-load each file to an account, creating 
the file before it loads if it does not exist.

It requires the use of a tape medium that can be read by both databases.

It is limited to file names that do not exceed approx. 25 characters, 
because we carry the file name and file stats in the tape label of each 
t-dump. We use Accuterm to move files with names longer than approx. 25 

It is certified to move data from A/P, D3, mvBase, R91 (on a C.Itoh 
machine), Universe, Unidata to mvBase, Universe, Unidata.

We offer the FileCaddy programs at no additional charge with the purchase of 
SpoolerPlus, our generic Pick print spooler for Universe and Unidata, or if 
we provide database conversion services.

Please call me if you'd like to explore this further.



Dave Taylor
Sysmark Information Systems, Inc.
Authorized IBM Business Partner
49 Aspen Way
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
(O) 800-SYSMARK (800-797-6275)
(F) 310-377-3550
(C) 310-561-5200

- Original Message - 
From: David Tod Sigafoos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Tony G
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 9:04 AM
Subject: Re[2]: [U2] access to mvBase VTF files


  My higher goal is to move data from mvBase to uniVerse.  Account save /
  account restore

  What I want is information on if this can be done simply.

  I can, as ray suggested, read the tape OR i can simply stream in the 

  and try to restore on my own.


  Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 11:39:03 PM, you wrote:

   Can uniVerse read and optionally create a VTF accessible

   to/from mvBase.  The big bit is to read in ..

  TG David - I can't tell what your higher goal is from your question.

  TG If you want to exchange data synchronously or asynchronously

  TG between Universe and mvBASE (or any other MV environment), have a

  TG look at this blog entry:


  TG That doesn't provide all the details, but in short, you can

  TG read/write between any local or remote environments with normal

  TG BASIC OPEN/READ/WRITE and some networking setup to move the data

  TG around.

  TG As usual, if you want a solution, just ask.  Do I give away

  TG complex solutions?  No, I write code for a living just like

  TG anyone else here.  So yes, consider this an AD.  Sigh.

  TG Regards,


  DSig `

  David Tod Sigafoos  ( O O )

   ___oOOo__( )__oOOo___

  'Politics is like driving. To go backward, put it in R. To go forward, 

  it in D' unknown
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Re[2]: [U2] access to mvBase VTF files

2008-09-16 Thread David Tod Sigafoos
   then there's unidata ... talk about grotesque G

   You are right .. moving data is moving data.  A simple save/restore solves a
   lot of problems, if there is one.

   Of course I can follow the norm and just write something and charge the
   client a lot of something that should be there G


   Saturday, September 13, 2008, 6:54:47 PM, you wrote:

   BH G-man:

   BH Let me try to answer a couple of your questions...

   BH Moving data can be a goal.  Whether you or I can foresee the need is

   BH irrelevant.  I've moved quite a few accounts from D3 to UV and UD and I

   BH suspect Dave has an equally justifiable need (not that he should need to

   BH justify anything).

   BH There used to be a common backup to an older format that all platforms

   BH did.  I can remember upgrading several different platforms to D3 and

   BH upgrading several D3 platforms to U2.  They all had that familiar

   BH account-save (a type of thing.

   BH Many of the vendors had (have) utilities to bring in accounts from other

   BH systems.  Flat-file BS is grotesque!  Then there's UniData.  :-)

   BH Bill

   BH -Original Message-


   BH [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tony G

   BH Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 5:07 PM

   BH To:

   BH Subject: RE: [U2] access to mvBase VTF files

From: David Tod Sigafoos

My higher goal is to move data from mvBase to

uniVerse. Account save / account restore

What I want is information on if this can be done simply.

I can, as ray suggested, read the tape OR i can simply

stream in the file and try to restore on my own.

   BH [flame jacket in hand]

   BH Moving data isn't a goal, it's a tactical effort to satisfy some

   BH more strategic business function.  I'm still curious as to why

   BH you need to move data using platform-specific media.  I find that

   BH the real answer to problems we see presented here is frequently

   BH that the wrong question is being asked.  And while I know there

   BH can be some resentment when I question why someone is asking for

   BH a specific solution, that line of inquiry frequently leads to

   BH saving a lot of time and money in accomplishing the real

   BH strategic goal.  Seriously, I deal with this all the time.

   BH The only valid case I can think of for your inquiry is that you

   BH have an old VTF and the source system no longer exists - maybe a

   BH crash-n-burn where the user wants to move to U2 rather than to

   BH pay for a new mvBASE license.  Fair enough.  If that's the case

   BH then my suggestion is to move the data into a live mvBASE system

   BH somewhere (which you can get for free from any mvBASE dealer)

   BH and then to extract it out using more conventional means.

   BH The tape mechanisms in all of these platforms was never intended

   BH to be cross-platform.  They're intended to backup and restore

   BH data to a specific platform.  And while we expect to be able to

   BH move data from one shop to another, across operating systems, and

   BH across DBMS releases, many of us have found there are occasional

   BH issues here.  Extract data from these proprietary formats is a

   BH sure way to win geek points, but it's a pointless business effort

   BH considering there are better ways to accomplish the goals.

   BH So I would back up a moment (pun intended I guess) and ask why

   BH you're not writing flat files that can be transported and then

   BH read from the file system?  If the systems are local then you can

   BH simply write to a file in BASIC that's simultaneously accessed by

   BH Universe.  I do that for development all the time with a bunch of

   BH DBMS's.

   BH If the mvBASE system is still up and you want to do this on a

   BH regular basis, I'm guessing the environments are remote and you

   BH want to duplicate one or more accounts from one platform and just

   BH read it somewhere else.  All the File-Save process does is to

   BH select the SYSTEM file, loop through all MD files, loop through

   BH all DICT files, and the copy all the DATA file items in a

   BH proprietary tape buffer format.  I know you could swing that in a

   BH few minutes, using the same type of recursive loop to create

   BH directories and write items as files.  ( I actually have code

   BH like that around here somewhere from an effort where I needed to

   BH extract an entire R83 system over a network via AccuTerm. )

   BH Anyway, I hope you accomplish your goals.

   BH Best,

   BH T


   DSig `

   David Tod Sigafoos  ( O O )

___oOOo__( )__oOOo___

   Nothing  in  the  world  is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and
   conscientious stupidity. -- Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
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Re[2]: [U2] access to mvBase VTF files

2008-09-16 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

   Funny thing about consultants .. first thing they want to do is write a
   program instead of finding a pre-existing solution.

   IF there were a way to move data from one environment to another without
   charging the client more money just to show off my brilliance that would be
   the best thing for the client (saving money and getting good results) and
   myself (why re invent the wheel .. i know i am smart i don't need to prove
   it to myself again).

   If there is no such thing then the simple answer would be .. nope .. there
   is no such thing.  No one has ever done it .. set up a 300 baud line and
   just serialize the data from one box to the next G


   Saturday, September 13, 2008, 5:06:37 PM, you wrote:

From: David Tod Sigafoos

My higher goal is to move data from mvBase to

uniVerse. Account save / account restore

What I want is information on if this can be done simply.

I can, as ray suggested, read the tape OR i can simply

stream in the file and try to restore on my own.

   TG [flame jacket in hand]

   TG Moving data isn't a goal, it's a tactical effort to satisfy some

   TG more strategic business function.  I'm still curious as to why

   TG you need to move data using platform-specific media.  I find that

   TG the real answer to problems we see presented here is frequently

   TG that the wrong question is being asked.  And while I know there

   TG can be some resentment when I question why someone is asking for

   TG a specific solution, that line of inquiry frequently leads to

   TG saving a lot of time and money in accomplishing the real

   TG strategic goal.  Seriously, I deal with this all the time.

   TG The only valid case I can think of for your inquiry is that you

   TG have an old VTF and the source system no longer exists - maybe a

   TG crash-n-burn where the user wants to move to U2 rather than to

   TG pay for a new mvBASE license.  Fair enough.  If that's the case

   TG then my suggestion is to move the data into a live mvBASE system

   TG somewhere (which you can get for free from any mvBASE dealer)

   TG and then to extract it out using more conventional means.

   TG The tape mechanisms in all of these platforms was never intended

   TG to be cross-platform.  They're intended to backup and restore

   TG data to a specific platform.  And while we expect to be able to

   TG move data from one shop to another, across operating systems, and

   TG across DBMS releases, many of us have found there are occasional

   TG issues here.  Extract data from these proprietary formats is a

   TG sure way to win geek points, but it's a pointless business effort

   TG considering there are better ways to accomplish the goals.

   TG So I would back up a moment (pun intended I guess) and ask why

   TG you're not writing flat files that can be transported and then

   TG read from the file system?  If the systems are local then you can

   TG simply write to a file in BASIC that's simultaneously accessed by

   TG Universe.  I do that for development all the time with a bunch of

   TG DBMS's.

   TG If the mvBASE system is still up and you want to do this on a

   TG regular basis, I'm guessing the environments are remote and you

   TG want to duplicate one or more accounts from one platform and just

   TG read it somewhere else.  All the File-Save process does is to

   TG select the SYSTEM file, loop through all MD files, loop through

   TG all DICT files, and the copy all the DATA file items in a

   TG proprietary tape buffer format.  I know you could swing that in a

   TG few minutes, using the same type of recursive loop to create

   TG directories and write items as files.  ( I actually have code

   TG like that around here somewhere from an effort where I needed to

   TG extract an entire R83 system over a network via AccuTerm. )

   TG Anyway, I hope you accomplish your goals.

   TG Best,

   TG T

   TG Tony Gravagno

   TG Nebula Research and Development

   TG TG@

   TG ---

   TG u2-users mailing list


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   TG __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of

   TG virus signature database 3440 (20080913) __

   TG The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.



   DSig `

   David Tod Sigafoos  ( O O )

___oOOo__( )__oOOo___

   Nearly  all  men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's
   character, give him power. -- Abraham Lincoln(1809-1865)
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Re[2]: [U2] access to mvBase VTF files

2008-09-13 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

   My higher goal is to move data from mvBase to uniVerse.  Account save /
   account restore

   What I want is information on if this can be done simply.

   I can, as ray suggested, read the tape OR i can simply stream in the file
   and try to restore on my own.


   Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 11:39:03 PM, you wrote:

Can uniVerse read and optionally create a VTF accessible

to/from mvBase.  The big bit is to read in ..

   TG David - I can't tell what your higher goal is from your question.

   TG If you want to exchange data synchronously or asynchronously

   TG between Universe and mvBASE (or any other MV environment), have a

   TG look at this blog entry:


   TG That doesn't provide all the details, but in short, you can

   TG read/write between any local or remote environments with normal

   TG BASIC OPEN/READ/WRITE and some networking setup to move the data

   TG around.

   TG As usual, if you want a solution, just ask.  Do I give away

   TG complex solutions?  No, I write code for a living just like

   TG anyone else here.  So yes, consider this an AD.  Sigh.

   TG Regards,


   DSig `

   David Tod Sigafoos  ( O O )

___oOOo__( )__oOOo___

   'Politics is like driving. To go backward, put it in R. To go forward, put
   it in D' unknown
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