RE: UV Crash on W2K3

2004-04-25 Thread Sara Burns
I raised a case with IBM when I tracked down our crash to a file not
converting properly when we moved from AIX to W2K3.  This file had a
trigger, which we had removed, but even so it did not convert completely.
The result was an unpredictable crash of the session which took a long time
to track down.
I am advised by IBM support that currently there is not a way to move
UniVerse files, with Triggers, to another Machine Class as fnuxi does not
support SQL tables.  They do not regard this as being a bug.
The application of a Trigger to a standard UniVerse file turns this into a
pseudo SQL Table with a SICA block within the file's header, to store the
trigger information.  The CREATE/DROP TRIGGER commands are updating the
They have provided me with a workaround to clear the sica pointer from the
file header, which will allow me to make the changes when moving between
machine classes.
I am going to request an enhancement to make this available to other users
without them needing to write additional hacks to get around this situation.
This is the second time we have had to move between machine classes within 3
years.  It happens - we need to be able to handle it simply without the
aggravation it has caused us.
At the very minimum IBM need to cover this in their documentation.  If they
have I didn't find it.
UniVerse 10.1 on Windows 2003
Sara Burns
Sara Burns (SEB) 
Development Team Leader

Public Trust 
Phone: +64 (04) 474-3841 (DDI) 

Mobile: 027 457 5974

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Performance Degraded running u10.0.0 in Aix 5.2 ML 2

2004-04-16 Thread Sara Burns
We upgraded UniVerse 10.0.11 from AIX 4.3.3 to AIX 5.2 last October.  We
also run Oracle and Vantive on the same box.  One thing we have found is
that we need to have at least twice the amount of Paging Space as real
memory.  If the free Paging Space gets down to zero the machine dies a
horrible death.
As I understand it with AIX the data is first written to the Paging Space
then to memory - rather unusual.  So if your Paging Space is low then you
may be doing a lot of swapping out to somewhere else.  After the upgrade we
noticed that the batch processes were faster but we did notice a degradation
in the user interface for Oracle / Vantive although not noticeable with
When you run topas check to see if there are any processes consuming large
amounts of cpu constantly.  One of our non-UniVerse applications suffers
from run-aways and we see them consuming one cpu each constantly.
Fortunately we have 4 cpus so can live with these run-aways (as we cannot
remove them without dropping multiple users in critical applications).  If
you get more run-aways AIX will drop their priority so this will become less
obvious - but it will affect all users of the machine.
It is not common to have UniVerse run-aways but we have seen it
infrequently.  If you see a process consuming high cpu look at it in
PORT.STATUS to see what it is doing.  Check you are not using PORT.STATUS
for any utilities that run often.  This can have a major effect on the
performance of the machine.  Also topas has an effect as well.
We are not running any ML patches on our production machine as neither ML1
nor ML2 are compatible with one of our other applications - the one that
runs away.  
Generally we are very pleased with the performance on AIX - only management
wants us to move from this platform.
Our approx specs are p660, 4 cpu, 6Gb RAM, 12Gb Paging Space
Universe 10.0.11, 320 users
Oracle 9.2 - usually about 600 oracle processes
Vantive 9 - 100 processes each with up to 5 threads
Sara Burns
Sara Burns (SEB) 
Development Team Leader

Public Trust 
Phone: +64 (04) 474-3841 (DDI) 

Mobile: 027 457 5974

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u2-users mailing list


2004-04-12 Thread Sara Burns
A trap we fell into when converting from UniData to UniVerse was to run that
excellent utility PORT.STATUS.  This is extremely debilitating to UniVerse
and should be restricted to only essential operations.
Currently we are looking at converting UniVerse from AIX to W2K3.  This is
making us look at how things are done in our applications.  We have noticed
a number of situations where we are making UNIX calls where there are built
in UniVerse methods.  This is a hangover from previous lives which I think
started at Reality to UniData to UniVerse.  There was also ALL as part of
the mix.
A recent small change to a program extended the running time greatly.
Turned out a call to SP-ASSIGN (our modified version) was being made every
time a record was read instead of only if it were to be printed.  This is
very slow and I believe involves OS system calls.  We have also noticed a
very high level of system calls, but that was also on our previous Sequent
hardware - so maybe it is our app not UniVerse or AIX.
What I am trying to say is that by converting from D3 you may have extensive
performance hits in your application code, which is not obvious.
We are intending doing a lot more research into what our application is
doing, especially as it interacts with the OS.  This may be our greatest
benefit from investigating the W2K3 route.  
Sara Burns (SEB) 
Development Team Leader

Public Trust 
Phone: +64 (04) 474-3841 (DDI) 

Mobile: 027 457 5974

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u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

2004-03-30 Thread Sara Burns
I am probably in the best position to compare apples with apples.  
I have both UniVerse and Oracle on the same IBM p660 4 processor box with
6Gb RAM.  The 800,000 customers are replicated from UniVerse to Oracle,
although the Oracle version is only a subset of the attributes required by a
different application.
Both have an index on the first line of the Postal Address.
My query was to show all customers with the first line of the Postal address
UniVerse 9 seconds
Oracle 25 seconds
Sara Burns
Sara Burns (SEB) 
Development Team Leader

Public Trust 
Phone: +64 (04) 474-3841 (DDI) 

Mobile: 027 457 5974

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u2-users mailing list

UV on W2K3 - trying to add to path

2004-03-24 Thread Sara Burns
We are starting our evaluation of running UniVerse on W2K3.  To get a feel
of what it will be like and to scope the learning we need to do we have set
up a totally isolated W2K3 server (PDC) and have installed the personal
version of UniVerse while we wait for an NT version from IBM.
I added to the System Environment variables an extension to the PATH =
Problem - we do not get this in our telnet session.  It is fine in a cmd
session from the server but is missing from the telnet session.  Can anyone
explain how we add this on an NT platform.  Universe was installed as
Administrator and we have even tried using Administrator as the user in the
telnet session but that did not show the extra path.  Our personal user
accounts are in the Admin group.
I can add this within my session as  PATH=%path%;c:\ibm\uv\bin and it works.
However this is lost next time.
I can see this is going to be an interesting learning curve for our DBAs
(Oracle and UniVerse) who have UNIX skills but little exposure to NT apart
from using a desktop. I will be on leave tomorrow (Friday) so I will see if
I can get the digest sent to me at home.
Thank you in anticipation
Sara Burns
Sara Burns (SEB) 
Development Team Leader

Public Trust 
Phone: +64 (04) 474-3841 (DDI) 

Mobile: 027 457 5974

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u2-users mailing list

Re: UniVerse on NT vs *nix

2004-03-09 Thread Sara Burns
The general thinking is that it must be more effective to only have one
operating system.  Less staff training etc etc etc.
As there is so much that is NT based they think that all should be on NT.
That includes UniVerse and Oracle.  Of course SQLServer doesn't have the
The fact that UniVerse and Oracle are supported on NT makes it that much
harder to explain that this is not such a good idea.  I need facts to back
up my feelings.  Some years ago I was told by one of the knowledgeable
contributors to this list that We would be brave to go the NT route, as we
would be the biggest site to do this.  I am trying to find out if that has
changed with the evolution of new versions of NT - now W2K3.
Your comments are really appreciated.
Sara Burns
Sara Burns (SEB) 
Project Leader (Vantive)
Public Trust 
Phone: +64 (04) 474-3841 (DDI) 

Mobile: 027 457 5974

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u2-users mailing list

UniVerse on NT vs *nix

2004-03-08 Thread Sara Burns
I am under considerable pressure to convert from UniVerse on AIX to UniVerse
on Windows 2003.
We have licenses for 320 users and do get up to this number at times
although 300 is more normal.
We run up to 30 phantom processes during the day above this interactive user
count.  At times these would be running in parallel, processing sections of
our customer base.  This is a daily event during the afternoon whilst other
users are doing normal work.
Currently we run UniVerse 10.0.11 on an IBM p660 with 4 cpus and 7Gb ram.
We also run Oracle and Vantive on this same box which is why the ram is so
high.  We transfer data between UniVerse and Oracle real time using BCI 
OpenLink.  The reverse is an in-house Oracle Pipes development which is
gradually being replaced by UniObjects for Java.  I anticipate we would need
to run these applications on separate boxes if under Windows 2003.
Our DBAs, both UniVerse and Oracle, are reluctant to go down this path as
they believe they will not have the same ability to monitor their systems.
I would appreciate comments, good and bad, from anyone with experience of
this number of users in an Windows environment.  Email me off-line if this
seems appropriate.
Thanks in anticipation
Sara Burns
Sara Burns (SEB) 
Project Leader (Vantive)
Public Trust 
Phone: +64 (04) 474-3841 (DDI) 

Mobile: 027 457 5974

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u2-users mailing list


2004-02-29 Thread Sara Burns
There are times you just hang your head in shame.  This is one of those.
My problem with $OPTIONS TIME.MILLISECOND was that I could not type.  Within
my include file I had milliseconds (plural).  This would have just done
nothing except that the command before it was $OPTIONS PICK.  Put together
these reverted to the default for PICK obviously using seconds.  Not what I
Thanks to those who helped me investigate this more fully.  You learn
something new every day.
Apologies for responding so late but I was on leave on Friday and my home
email address is rejected by the list.
Sara Burns
Sara Burns (SEB) 
Project Leader (Vantive)
Public Trust 
Phone: +64 (04) 474-3841 (DDI) 

Mobile: 027 457 5974

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