[UAI] CFP: IEEE Conferences (ISPA, BDCloud, SocialCom, SustainCom), 17-19 December 2020 (Virtual and New Dates)

2020-08-24 Thread Wang, Zi
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email]

*** IEEE (ISPA-2020, BDCloud-2020, SocialCom-2020, SustainCom-2020 
International Conferences) ***

To be held virtually in England, UK, 17-19 December 2020.

The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing 
with Applications (ISPA-2020)


The 10th IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing 


The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Social Computing and Networking 


The 10th IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Computing and 
Communications (SustainCom-2020)


Sponsored by

IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, and IEEE Technical Committee of Scalable Computing 



Paper Submission Deadline:   12 September 2020

Authors Notification:18 October 2020

Camera-Ready Paper Due:  17 November 2020

Early Registration Due:  17 November 2020
Conference Date:   17-19 December 2020



After evaluating the current COVID-19 situation and associated travel 
restrictions, the conference will be held virtually with remote presentation on 
17-19 December 2020 as the safety and well-being of all conference participants 
are of the highest priority. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion in 
IEEE Xplore Digital Library after they are presented at the virtual conference. 
The paper submission deadline has been extended to 12 September 2020 as we 
understand many are facing unexpected challenges at this time.



All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference websites 
with PDF format. The materials presented in the papers should not be published 
or under submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8 pages (or 10 pages 
with over length charge) including figures and references using IEEE Computer 
Society Proceedings Manuscripts style (two columns, single-spaced, 10 fonts).

Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings can be found at


Once accepted, the paper will be included into the IEEE conference proceedings 
published by IEEE Computer Society Press (indexed by EI).



Distinguished papers selected from the conferences and associated workshops, 
after further extensions, will be recommended for submission and publication in 
the Special Issues of the following prestigious journals:

- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

- Computer Networks (Elsevier)

- Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier)

- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (Elsevier)

- Knowledge-Based Systems (Elsevier)

- Neurocomputing (Elsevier)

- Information Fusion (Elsevier)

- IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatics Sinica

- IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering


- Sensors

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[UAI] AISTATS 2021 Call for Papers

2020-08-24 Thread Wittawat Jitkrittum
Dear all,

(Posting on behalf of the AISTATS 2021 organizing committee)

We invite submissions to the 2021 International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), and welcome paper submissions on
artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and related areas. ar

Key dates

The tentative dates are as follow:


   Abstract submission: October 8, 2020, 08:00 AM PDT

   Paper submission date: October 15, 2020, 08:00 AM PDT

   Reviews released: November 23, 2020

   Author rebuttals due: November 28, 2020

   Final decisions: January 08, 2021

   Conference dates: April 13-15, 2021


AISTATS is an interdisciplinary gathering of researchers at the
intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, machine
learning, statistics, and related areas. Since its inception in 1985, the
primary goal of AISTATS has been to broaden research in these fields by
promoting the exchange of ideas among them. We encourage the submission of
all papers which are in keeping with this objective at AISTATS.

Current website: https://www.aistats.org/aistats2021/
Paper Submission:

Proceedings track: This is the standard AISTATS paper submission track.
Papers will be selected via a rigorous double-blind peer-review process.
All accepted papers will be presented at the Conference as contributed
talks or as posters and will be published in the Proceedings.

Solicited topics include, but are not limited to:


   Models and estimation: graphical models, causality, Gaussian processes,
   approximate inference, kernel methods, nonparametric models, statistical
   and computational learning theory, manifolds and embedding, sparsity and
   compressed sensing, ...

   Classification, regression, density estimation, unsupervised and
   semi-supervised learning, clustering, topic models, ...

   Structured prediction, relational learning, logic and probability

   Reinforcement learning, planning, control

   Game theory, no-regret learning, multi-agent systems

   Algorithms and architectures for high-performance computation in AI and

   Software for and applications of AI and statistics

   Deep learning including optimization, generalization and architectures

   Trustworthy learning, including learning with privacy and fairness,
   interpretability, and robustness

Formatting and Supplementary Material

Submissions are limited to 8 pages excluding references using the LaTeX
style file we provide. The number of pages containing citations alone is
not limited. You can also submit a single file of additional supplementary
material which may be either a pdf file (such as proof details) or a zip
file for other formats/more files (such as code or videos). Note that
reviewers are under no obligation to examine your supplementary material.
If you have only one supplementary pdf file, please upload it as is;
otherwise gather everything to the single zip file.

Submissions will be through CMT (
https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/AISTATS2021) and *will be open a month*
before the abstract submission deadline.

Formatting information (including LaTeX style files) *will be made
available**.* We do not support submission in preparation systems other
than LaTeX. Please do not modify the layout given by the style file. If you
have questions about the style file or its usage, please contact the
publications chair.
Anonymization Requirements

The AISTATS review process is double-blind. Please remove all identifying
information from your submission, including author names, affiliations, and
any acknowledgments. Self-citations can present a special problem: we
recommend leaving in a moderate number of self-citations for published or
otherwise well-known work. For unpublished or less-well-known work, or for
large numbers of self-citations, it is up to the author's discretion how
best to preserve anonymity. Possibilities include leaving out a citation
altogether, including it but replacing the citation text with "removed for
anonymous submission," or leaving the citation as-is; authors should choose
for each citation the treatment which is least likely to reveal authorship.

Previous tech-report or workshop versions of a paper can similarly present
a problem for anonymization. We suggest leaving out any identifying
information for such versions, but bringing them to the attention of the
program committee via the submission page. Reviewers will be instructed
that tech reports (including reports on sites such as arXiv
) and papers in workshops without archival proceedings
do not count as prior publication.
Previous or Concurrent Submissions

Submitted manuscripts should not have been previously published in a
journal or in the proceedings of a conference, and should not be under
consideration for publication at another conference at any point during the
AISTATS review process. It is acceptable to have a substa

[UAI] ACM IUI 2021: Call for workshop proposals

2020-08-24 Thread Axel Soto


In conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Intelligent User  
Interfaces (IUI 2021)

College Station, TX, USA
April 13 - 17, 2021

IUI 2021 is pleased to invite proposals for workshops to be held in  
conjunction with the conference. The goal of the workshops is to provide a  
venue for presenting research on focused topics of interest and an  
informal forum to discuss research questions and challenges. Workshops  
will be held on the first day of the conference. We invite submissions of  
full-day (6 hours) and half-day (3 hours) workshop proposals on any of the  
conference topics (or related). This year we are particularly interested  
in workshops that have an interactive aspect.

Preference will be given to workshops with interactive and hands-on  
sessions where participants can team up or work together towards the  
common goal of the workshop. We encourage proposals for a wide range of  
workshops, including but not limited to:

- "Mini-conferences" on specialized topics; such workshops may have their  
own paper submission and review processes.
- "Late breaking work" meetings; such workshops usually have a lighter  
review process (e.g. based on abstracts only).
- "Hands-on" workshops around a specific problem or topic that may wish to  
ask participants to submit a position statement.
- "Mini-competitions", challenges, or hackathons around selected topics  
with individual or team participation.


Note: One of the keys to a successful workshop submission is to CONTACT  
THE CHAIRS WITH YOUR IDEAS (workshops2...@iui.acm.org), and work together  
to prepare an exciting proposal!

Workshop proposals should be maximum 2 pages long and follow the standard  
sigconf format, using one of the Interim ACM templates available at  

Please submit your proposal via the PCS 2.0 submission system  

The proposals should be organized as follows:
- Name and title: A one-word workshop acronym and a full title.
- Description of workshop topic and goal: This description should discuss  
the relevance of the suggested topic to the IUI audience. Include a brief  
discussion of why and for which audience the workshop is of particular  
- Organizers: Names, affiliations, emails, and web pages of the workshop  
organizers. This can be a single person or a group of people. Strong  
proposals normally include organizers who bring differing perspectives on  
the topic and are actively connected to the communities of potential  
participants. Please indicate the primary contact person and the  
organizers who plan to attend the workshop.
- Previous history: List of previous workshops that were held on the topic  
including the conferences that hosted past workshops and the number of  
participants. Also please provide the list of other workshops organized by  
workshop organizers in the past.
- Workshop program committee: Names and affiliation of the members of the  
(tentative) workshop program committee that will evaluate the workshop  
- Participants: A statement saying how many participants you expect and  
how you plan to invite participants for the workshop. We recommend the  
proposal to include the names of at least 10 people who have expressed  
interest to participate in, or contribute a paper to, the workshop.
- Workshop format: A brief description of the workshop format regarding  
the mix of events such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels,  
demonstrations, and general discussion.

- Length: Full-day or half-day.
- Proposal format: Workshop proposals should be maximum 2 pages long and  
follow the formatting instructions from (sigconf):  

Additional guidelines:

- Workshop proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the workshop chairs.
- Organizers: We strongly encourage all of the workshop organizers to  
attend IUI and take part in their workshop. This can make the workshops  
more appealing for the participants and strengthen the discussion part.
- Workshop summary: An extended abstract with a summary of the workshop  
goals and an overview of the workshop topics will be included in the ACM  
Digital Library for IUI 2021.
- Workshop proceedings: At the convenience of the workshop organizers, we  
will arrange a joint volume of online proceedings for the workshop papers.  
Workshops should request the authors to submit papers in the ACM SIGCHI  
Paper Format.
- Cancellation: Workshops with few submissions by January 3 2021 may be  
cancelled, shortened, merged with other workshops, or otherwise  
restructured. This will be done in consultation between the IUI 2021  
workshop chairs and the workshop organizers.

Additionally, we strongly encourage to have 

[UAI] PostDoc in AI for biomedical imaging in Hamburg / Germany

2020-08-24 Thread Alexander Schlaefer

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and University Medical Center
Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) have recently established the Interdisciplinary
Competence Center for Interface Research (ICCIR). Within the
interdisciplinary center, the Institute of Medical Technology and
Intelligent Systems at TUHH will be responsible for developing artificial
intelligence methods.

Our research covers AI methods ranging from medical robotics and treatment 
planning to machine learning (ML) for signal and image processing. Within 
the ICCIR we are particularly interested in methods for fast 
spatio-temporal imaging, e.g., 4D ultrasound (US) or 4D optical coherence 
tomography (OCT). We will collaborate with partners from various 
institutes and clinics with a focus on identifying tissue properties at 
interfaces. Examples would include tumor-tissue boundaries, different 
tissue layers, or interfaces between implants and instruments and soft 

We have funding for a full time position at pay scale E14 (app. 50K EUR
p.a.) for 36 months. The successful candidate holds a PhD in computer
science or related fields, has an excellent academic track record, and is
interested in pursuing an academic career.

As a post-doctoral researcher you will be responsible for
- developing ML methods, particularly CNN/RRN approaches
  for processing fast, volumetric image data
- integrating ML with the (GPU based) signal processing systems
- initiating new research projects with partners, particularly clinicians
- co-supervising PhD students from computer science and
  biomedical engineering
- contributing to grant applications

- extensive knowledge of current ML methods is important; experience with
  methods from robotics and / or optimization would be a strong plus
- understanding of image and signal processing; experience with biomedical
  imaging and particularly US and OCT would be desirable
- very good practical programming skills (C++, Python, CUDA)
- proven track record of excellent publications
- excellent English language skills
- project management experience would be a plus

Please, send your complete application including transcripts and a list of
publications through our online application system

The application deadline is September 10th, 2020. Please, do not hesitate
to contact Alexander Schlaefer (schlae...@tuhh.de) with questions
regarding the position.

Alexander Schlaefer
Institute of Medical Technology and Intelligent Systems
Hamburg University of Technology
+49 (0) 40 42878 3050
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[UAI] Open Tenure Track Assistant Professorship in Computing @ Graz University of Technology

2020-08-24 Thread Gerald Steinbauer
Research of Graz University of Technology is organized in 5 field of 
expertise (Advanced Material Science, Human and Biotechnology, 
Information-Communication-Computing, Mobility and Production, 
Sustainable Systems). In order to strengthen these fields, Graz 
University of Technology currently offers one tenure-track assistant 
professorship in each of the fields.

In particular we refer hereĀ  to the offered position in the field 
Information-Communication-Computing. The offered position is interesting 
because of the tenure track model, the integration in a young and 
vibrant Computer Science faculty and the fact that the announcement of 
the position is widely open and includes all fields related to computer 
science, computing, or communication.

Further information about the position can be found in the attached call 
and under the following link: 

Description: Adobe PDF document
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[UAI] Call For Papers uai@engr.orst.edu

2020-08-24 Thread George Petrakis

We would like to invite you to submit paper or papers 
on the area of materials, applied mechanics etc
to our Journal:

International Journal of Mechanics

Indexed in Scopus, IET (Inspec), EBSCO, Semantic Scholar, GoogleScholar etc..

Send your paper to me by email.
Format:  Check www.naun.org
The Journal is a peer reviewed Journal with Open Access and every paper
is subject to peer review by 3-5 international experts,
specialists on  Applied Mechanics, Materials, Elasticity, Fluid Mechanics, Heat 
and Mass Transfer
Strength of Materials, Biomechanics, Mechatronics, Computational Mechanics
and Mechanical Engineering Applications

Publication Fees: 300 EUR for papers that will be sent from now until September 
20, 2020

Alternatively, we can publish your paper in the Journal:
Engineering World
without fees, provided that it will pass the peer review process.

Send please, your paper to me by email: dr.g.petra...@gmail.com

Best Regards

George Petrakis
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