[UAI] ACM IUI 2021 - Call for tutorial proposals

2020-08-28 Thread Axel Soto


In conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Intelligent User  
Interfaces (IUI 2021)

College Station, Texas
April 13-17, 2021

Tutorial co-chairs
Osnat Mokryn, University of Haifa
Vijay Drajanna, Sensel

We are pleased to invite proposals for tutorials to be held in conjunction  
with the conference. The goal of the tutorials is to provide a venue for  
presenting research on focused topics of interest and an informal forum to  
discuss research questions and challenges. Tutorials are designed to  
provide fundamental knowledge and experience on topics related to  
intelligent user interfaces, and the intersection between Human-Computer  
Interaction (HCI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Note: We encourage you to contact the chairs with your ideas (emails  
above), and work together to prepare an exciting proposal.
We encourage proposals for a wide range of tutorials, including but not  
limited to:
- "Hands-on" or “project-centric” tutorials around a specific problem or  
- Tutorials on a specific topic relevant to IUI; for example, methods and  
approaches in HCI and/or AI, specific techniques or algorithms to develop  
intelligent user interfaces, etc.

Tutorials will be held on the first day of the conference. We invite  
submissions of proposals for half-day (3 hours) or  full-day (6 hours)  
tutorials. Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the tutorial  
chairs. We encourage you to consider virtual and semi-virtual options for  
the tutorial in the submission.

The organizers of accepted tutorials are responsible for producing a call  
for participation and publicizing it, such as distributing the call to  
relevant newsgroups and electronic mailing lists, and especially to  
potential audiences from outside the IUI conference community. Tutorial  
organizers are also required to set up their own website with information  
about the tutorial and the IUI 2021 web site will refer to this website.

Tutorial proposals should be maximum 2 pages long and follow the  
formatting instructions at  
https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template. Please either use  
the Word interim template with Libertine fonts downloaded and embedded, or  
the LaTex sigconf template.

The proposals should be organized as follows:
- Name and title: A one-word acronym and a full title.

- Description of tutorial topic: This description should discuss the  
relevance of the suggested topic to IUI and its interest for the IUI2021  
audience. Include a brief discussion of why and for which audience the  
tutorial is of particular interest.

- Organizer(s): Names, affiliations, emails, and web pages of the  
organizer(s). Provide a brief description of the background of the  
organiser(s). Strong proposals normally include organizers who bring  
differing perspectives on the topic and are actively connected to the  
communities of potential participants. Also please provide a list of other  
tutorials organized by the organizers in the past.

- Participants: A statement saying how many participants you expect and  
how you plan to invite participants for the tutorial. If possible, include  
the names of at least 10 people who have expressed interest to participate  
in the tutorial.

-Tutorial format: A brief description of the format regarding the mix of  
events or activities, such as teaching activities, hands-on practical  
exercises, and general discussion. Please also list here any material you  
will make available to tutorial participants, e.g. slides, access to  
hardware/software, handouts, etc.

- Planned outcomes of the tutorial: What are you hoping to achieve by the  
end of the tutorial.

- Length: Half-day or Full-day.

Please submit your proposal via https://new.precisionconference.com/  
selecting the IUI 2021 Tutorials track.

Discuss your topic with the workshop and tutorials chairs: ASAP
Proposals due: 23 October 2021
Reviews Sent: Monday, 30 November 2021
Revised Proposal Submissions: 20 December 2021
Notifications to authors: Tuesday, 14 January 2021
Camera-ready for Tutorial summary: February 10, 2021
Tutorials held: 13 April 2021

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[UAI] ICITS'21 - 4th Int. Conference on Information Technology & Systems, Santa Elena, Ecuador

2020-08-28 Thread MariaL
* Published by Springer in a book of the AISC series
* SCIMago H-Index = 34

* Indexed in Scopus, WoS, DBLP, Ei-Compendex, etc

ICITS'21 - 4th International Conference on Information Technology & Systems
4 - 6 February 2021 | Peninsula de Santa Elena, Ecuador


ICITS'21 - The 2021 International Conference on Information Technology & 
Systems, to be held in Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador, 4 - 6 February 2021, 
is an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present and 
discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns 
in the several perspectives of Information Technology & Systems.

We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers to ICITS'21. They can be 
written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. All submissions will be reviewed on 
the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity.


Submitted papers should be related with one or more of the main themes proposed 
for the Conference:

A) Information and Knowledge Management (IKM);
B) Organizational Models and Information Systems (OMIS);
C) Software and Systems Modeling (SSM);
D) Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools (SSAAT);
E) Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA);
F) Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems (CNMPS);
G) Intelligent and Decision Support Systems (IDSS);
H) Big Data Analytics and Applications (BDAA);
I) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI);
J) Ethics, Computers and Security (ECS)
K) Health Informatics (HIS);
L) Information Technologies in Education (ITE);


Submitted papers written in English (until 10-page limit) must comply with the 
format of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series (see 
Instructions for Authors at Springer Website), must not have been published 
before, not be under review for any other conference or publication and not 
include any information leading to the authors’ identification. Therefore, the 
authors’ names and affiliations should not be included in the version for 
evaluation by the Scientific Committee. This information should only be 
included in the camera-ready version, saved in Word or Latex format and also in 
PDF format. These files must be accompanied by the Consent to Publish form 
filled out, in a ZIP file, and uploaded at the conference management system.

Submitted papers written in Spanish or Portuguese (until 15-page limit) must 
comply with the format of RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de 
Informação (download instructions/template for authors in Spanish or 
Portuguese), must not have been published before, not be under review for any 
other conference or publication and not include any information leading to the 
authors’ identification. Therefore, the authors’ names and affiliations should 
not be included in the version for evaluation by the Scientific Committee. This 
information should only be included in the camera-ready version, saved in Word. 
These files must be uploaded at the conference management system in a ZIP file.

All papers will be subjected to a “double-blind review” by at least two members 
of the Scientific Committee.

Based on Scientific Committee evaluation, a paper can be rejected or accepted 
by the Conference Chairs. In the later case, it can be accepted as paper or 

The authors of papers accepted as posters must build and print a poster to be 
exhibited during the Conference. This poster must follow an A1 or A2 vertical 
format. The Conference can include Work Sessions where these posters are 
presented and orally discussed, with a 7 minute limit per poster.

The authors of accepted papers will have 15 minutes to present their work in a 
Conference Work Session; approximately 5 minutes of discussion will follow each 


Papers accepted as posters are not published; they are only exhibited, 
presented and discussed during the conference.

To ensure that a paper accepted as paper is published, at least one of the 
authors must be fully registered by the 6th of November 2020, and the paper 
must comply with the suggested layout and page-limit. Additionally, all 
recommended changes must be addressed by the authors before they submit the 
camera-ready version.

No more than one paper per registration will be published. An extra fee must be 
paid for publication of additional papers, with a maximum of one additional 
paper per registration. One registration permits only the participation of one 
author in the conference.

Papers written in English and accepted and registered will be published in 
Proceedings by Springer, in a book of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and 
Computing series, will  be submitted for indexation by ISI, E

[UAI] Call for Papers: KR2ML Workshop at NeurIPS 2020

2020-08-28 Thread Veronika Thost
KR2ML Workshop at NeurIPS 2020
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Meets Machine Learning
Virtual Workshop
December 11/12, 2020 (tbd)

Call for Papers
We invite papers that describe innovative combinations of symbolic knowledge representation/reasoning approaches and learning: including new methodology, datasets, evaluations, surveys, reproduced results, and negative results. 

The KR2ML workshop is intended to provide a forum for discussing new approaches and challenges in integrating KRR and ML approaches, and for exchanging ideas about how to move the area forward.  

Topics of interest for all kinds of submissions include, but are not limited to:
- Successful integrations of ML and KRR-based techniques.
- Approaches that tackle problems in the integration of ML and KRR techniques (e.g., datasets).
- ML-based solutions to problems in KRR systems, or the other way round.
- Applications in various domains (e.g., natural language processing, computer vision).
Important Dates 
Submission: Oct 09, 2020 (midnight Pacific Time) 
Notification: Oct 30, 2020
Workshop: Dec 11/12, 2020
Submission Requirements
Submissions to KR2ML 2020 are limited to 4 pages of content, but may contain an unlimited number of pages for references and appendices. The latter may not necessarily be read by the reviewers. We request and recommend that authors rely on the supplementary material only to include minor details (e.g., hyperparameter settings, reproducibility information, etc.) that do not fit in the 4 pages. The submission process is double-blind. 

All submissions must be formatted with LaTeX using the NeurIPS paper format: https://nips.cc/Conferences/2020/PaperInformation/StyleFiles  

All accepted papers will be presented in a virtual poster session, and some will be selected for oral presentation. We welcome articles currently under review or papers planned for publication elsewhere. However, papers that have been published at an ML conference should not be submitted. Accepted papers will be published on the KR2ML homepage, but are to be considered non-archival.  

Submission Link: tbd (see the KR2ML homepage for updates) 

This CFP will be kept updated on the workshop homepage (see above). Please email any enquiries to kr2ml...@gmail.com. 

Veronika Thost, Kartik Talamadupula, Vivek Srikumar, Chenwei Zhang, Josh Tenenbaum
KR2ML 2020 Program Chairs

uai mailing list

[UAI] CFP - ISCMI 2020 (virtual conference this year)

2020-08-28 Thread ISCMI Publicity
Dear colleagues,

The *7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine
Intelligence (ISCMI 2020)* will be held virtually this year on 14th-15th
Nov, 2020 (http://iscmi.us/index.html). lSCMl is the annual flagship event
of  llCCl (http://www.iicci.in/) and is held annually since 2017 in memory
of life & work of Prof. Lotfi Zadeh.

IEEE Sweden Section, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society &  IFSA  are
the  technical co-sponsors for the event.

Due to the prevailing situation, and based on the requests from our peers
we have extended the submission deadline. The conference was slated to be
held in Stockholm, Sweden, but in light of the prevailing situation due to
COVID-19, we have decided to hold it as a full-fledged virtual conference
(more information at http://iscmi.us).

*Extended Submission Deadline*
20th September 2020

The proceedings of  all the previous 6 lSCMl conferences are available on
IEEE Xplore.
Apart from the lEEE published proceedings & availability at Xplore, there
is scope for a selected subset of papers to be considered for publication
at a special issue of the NCAA journal  (a Springer publication with 2018
Impact Factor & 5 year Impact Factor of 4.664 & 3.570 respectively

*Prof. Zadeh Memorial lecture *
The annual llCCl Prof. Zadeh Memorial lecture at ISCMI 2020 will be
delivered by Prof. B-M Bernadette, the current President of IEEE
Computational Intelligence Society (Life Fellow, IEEE & also Fellow, IFSA).

We hope to see you virtually this year!

Best regards,
ISCMI 2020 Organizing Committee
uai mailing list

[UAI] 22 postdoc, research fellow and PhD student positions in artificial intelligence and machine learning – Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI (Helsinki, Finland)

2020-08-28 Thread Kaski Samuel
Are you an ambitious researcher looking for an interesting postdoc, research 
fellow or PhD position?

Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI offers a possibility for 22 new 
researchers to join a unique research community with an attractive joint 

FCAI is a community of experts that brings together top talents in academia, 
industry, and public sector to solve real-life problems using both existing and 
novel AI. Our research mission is to create a new type of AI that is data 
efficient, trustworthy, and understandable. We develop AI techniques needed for 
systems which can help their users make better decisions and design better 
solutions across a range of tasks from personalized medicine to materials 
design. A core insight in developing such AIs is that they need to have world 
models for understanding the world and interacting with it, and user models for 
understanding the user and interacting with them. 

Depending on the position, we are looking for mainly postdocs, but also 
excellent research fellow and PhD student candidates can be considered for some 
of the positions. The positions are negotiated on an individual basis and may 
include e.g. relocation bonus and independent travel budget. We welcome 
applicants with diverse backgrounds, and qualified female candidates are 
explicitly encouraged to apply.

The deadline for applications is October 5, 2020 (midnight UTC+02:00)
Read more and apply here: https://fcai.fi/we-are-hiring

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[UAI] Paper Invitation [Robotics, CiteScore 2.5] - Special Issue "Intelligent Medical Robotics"

2020-08-28 Thread Ms. Charlene Dong

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to contribute a paper to our Special Issue
"Intelligent Medical Robotics" in /Robotics/. Both comprehensive review
and original article are welcome.

Special Issue Website at:
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 April 2020
Guest editor: Prof. Allon Guez

This Special Issue will attempt to provide an overview of the recent
achievements in the field of AI and Medical Robotics.

The particular topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

• brain-computer interfaces
• autonomous robots
• mobile robots
• service robots
• robotic implants
• nano-, micro- and milli-robots
• educational (interactive) robots
• modular robots
• collaborative robots
• medical military robots
• surgical robots
• rehabilitation robots
• biorobots
• telepresence robots
• pharmacy/lab automation
• companion robots
• disinfection robots
• machine intelligence
• neural network
• deep learning
• medical robotics

If you decide to contribute to this special issue, please inform us. The
Editorial Board of Robotics strives to ensure a rigorous and efficient
peer review process for all manuscripts, in order to ensure high quality
manuscripts be published in a timely manner (if accepted after peer
review process).

Robotics provides an advanced forum for studies related to all aspects
of robotics. It is covered by leading indexing services, including the
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI - Web of Science),
Scopus (from Vol.6, 2017), nspec (IET) and DBLP Computer Science
Bibliography, and other databases. As a fully open access journal, the
Article Processing Charges of CHF 1000 (APC) apply to accepted papers.

For further details on the submission process, please see the
instructions for authors at the journal website:

In case of questions, please contact the Editorial Office at:
robot...@mdpi.com or charlene.d...@mdpi.com

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Charlene Dong
Robotics (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/robotics)

News: The 2019 CiteScore of Robotics is released: 2.5

Nominations for 2020 Robotics Young Investigator Award (1,000 CHF)
Application Deadline: 30 November 2020

Nominations for 2021 Robotics Travel Award (800 CHF)
Application Deadline: 30 June 2021 

Robotics Editorial Office
St. Alban-Anlage 66
4052 Basel Switzerland
Tel.: +41 61 683 77 34
Fax: +41 61 302 89 18

Disclaimer: MDPI recognizes the importance of data privacy and
protection. We treat personal data in line with the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) and with what the community expects of us.
The information contained in this message is confidential and intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
addressed. If you have received this message in error, please notify me
and delete this message from your system. You may not copy this message
in its entirety or in part, or disclose its contents to anyone.

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[UAI] [ICPRAI-2020-announcement] Virtual ICPRAI 2020, Oct. 19-23 in Zhongshan with a Cross-ocean Musical Webinar

2020-08-28 Thread ICPRAI 2020

*ICPRAI 2020, Virtual Conference, October 19-23, 2020*

**ICPRAI 2020 - Second International Conference on Pattern Recognition 
and Artificial Intelligence**

*Special Note:*

  1. After monitoring carefully the evolution of Covid-19 for months and
 having held several online meetings to consider the best actions,
 our organizers have now decided to ZOOM our conference virtually
 online on Oct. 19-23, 2020. Opening  will be on Oct. 19 and 
closing on

 Oct. 23 (Zhongshan evening, Paris afternoon, and Montreal morning).

  2. The format of presentations and schedule of the technical program
 will be announced by September 15th, similar to DAS 2020 and ICFHR 

https://www.vlrlab.net/das2020/ and http://icfhr2020.tu-dortmund.de/

  3. Meanwhile we have received a respectable number of submissions for
 the Special Issues for IJPRAI, IJWMIP, and the new book "New
 Frontiers in Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence". We
 are working diligently on them and on the final stage of publishing
 ICPRAI 2020 proceedings by Springer Verlag.

  4. In addition to our solid technical program, we are also replacing
 the banquet with a memorable/unforgettable cross-country cross-ocean
 Special Webinar on musical patterns, to be performed by the best 
 artists in the world + game with prize + awards. New low 
registration fees
 are available now, just click "Registration" at our conference 

  5. As a reminder, details for the Competition entitled "Application of
 PRAI to suppress Covid-19" are available on the conference website.
 Just click "Competition". The deadline for receipt of reports has
 been extended to September 30, 2020.

Following the success of the First ICPRAI (http://www.icprai2018.com and
https://users.encs.concordia.ca/~icprai18/), in Montreal, Canada,
CENPARMI (Centre for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence) of
Concordia University continues to organize a second ICPRAI in 2020
in collaboration with GD-ZS CAST (Guangdong Zhongshan China Association
for Science and Technology) and journal editors/scientists:

Ching Y. Suen, Yuan Y. Tang, Edwin Hancock, Patrick Wang, Farida Cheriet,
Cheng-Lin Liu, Yue Lu, Nicole Vincent, Pong C. Yuen; Igor Gurevich,
Xiaoyi Jiang, Adam Krzyzak, Seong-Whan Lee, Jay Liebowitz, Qin Lu,
Umapada Pal, Kam-Fai Wong, Sheila Lowe, Bidyut Chaudhuri, Hironobu 

and David Zhang, plus numerous prominent leaders and researchers from China
and the International Community.


*   *Early**
**now-Sept. 30**
*   *Regular**
*   *Late/On Site**
**Oct.16-23, 2020**
** Regular Participants:**
*   195
** Students**
** & CENPARMI Alumni:**
*   95
*Special Webinar & Keynote**
** Speeches only, Regular:**
*   95
*Special Webinar & Keynote**
** Speeches only, Students**
** & CENPARMI Alumni:**
*   55

As no banquet is possible, we are replacing it by a

Special Webinar by Ching Y. Suen:  Musical Patterns in the East and West

reviewing and appreciating some popular cross-country and cross-ocean
Chinese and Western songs in the Closing Ceremony.

All Conference Participants, Students, and CENPARMI Alumni can attend all
sessions, and will get 1 ticket for the Closing Ceremony. All registered for
the Special Webinar & Keynote Speeches can attend these two functions only.
Those who registered before can attend all sessions, and will get 1 Closing
Ceremony ticket + 1 paper conference proceedings published by Springer

Never Before: The conference will be closed with the World's First Special
Webinar commenting on Cross-country and Cross-ocean Chinese and Western 

on Oct. 23, 2020 (Zhongshan evening, Paris afternoon, Montreal morning)
performed by top artists from different parts of the world, with the
following program (English subtitles will be provided when the songs are
sung in other languages):

 1. Same song (A) in Italian, Chinese, and English by
    (a) The top Tenor in the world,
    (b) A well known singer in China in Mandarin,
    (c) An unknown singer in Canada,
    (d) Top singer who modified the lyrics, U.S.A.

 2. Same song (B) in English by
    (a) Top singer in America,
    (b) Top singer in Hong Kong,
    + game of guessing the name of the singer with an ICPRAI prize.

 3. Chinese opera (C) in Chinese and in English by
    (a) Top opera singers in Hong Kong in Cantonese,
    (b) Famous comedian (oriental Elvis) in Hong Kong in Cantonese,
    (c) Chinese opera performed in English by well known singers
    in Hong Kong.

 4. Intermission - 10 minutes

 5. Song "Unforgettable" (D) by singers of ICPRAI 2018 in Toronto
    & Montreal, see praises and "Feedback" by the audien

[UAI] Supplier of RF microwave components2020/8/28 7:38:27

2020-08-28 Thread cjfid
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If you are not interested in our products and services, you can unsubscribed 
our email and you will no longer receive similar email notifications.
uai mailing list

[UAI] [fm-announcements] Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) 2021: Final Call for Papers

2020-08-28 Thread Munoz, Cesar (LARC-D320) via fm-announcements
Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) 2021: Final Call for Papers

Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) is an international conference on
practical and theoretical topics in all areas that consider formal
verification and certification as an essential paradigm for their
work. CPP spans areas of computer science, mathematics, logic, and

CPP 2021 (https://popl21.sigplan.org/home/CPP-2021) will be held on
18-19 January 2021 and will be co-located with POPL 2021. CPP 2021 is
sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGLOG.


* CPP 2021 will feature Distinguished Paper Awards.
* CPP 2021 will take place on January 18-19, 2021 as a virtual or
hybrid physical-virtual meeting. This means that the authors will be
able to present their papers online. The POPL and CPP organizers are
monitoring the COVID-19 situation, and in September/October they will
make an announcement on whether there will also be a physical meeting
in Copenhagen; but irrespective of that decision, the online paper
presentation option will be guaranteed.
* The submission deadline is one month earlier than usual.


* Abstract Deadline: 16 September 2020 at 23:59 AoE (UTC-12h)
* Paper Submission Deadline: 22 September 2020 at 23:59 AoE (UTC-12h)
* Notification: 24 November 2020
* Camera Ready Deadline: 15 December 2020
* Conference: 18-19 January 2021

Deadlines expire at the end of the day, anywhere on earth. Abstract
and submission deadlines are strict and there will be no extensions.


We welcome submissions in research areas related to formal
certification of programs and proofs. The following is a
non-exhaustive list of topics of interest to CPP:

* certified or certifying programming, compilation, linking, OS
kernels, runtime systems, security monitors, and hardware;
* certified mathematical libraries and mathematical theorems;
* proof assistants (e.g, ACL2, Agda, Coq, Dafny, F*, HOL4, HOL Light,
Idris, Isabelle, Lean, Mizar, Nuprl, PVS, etc);
* new languages and tools for certified programming;
* program analysis, program verification, and program synthesis;
* program logics, type systems, and semantics for certified code;
* logics for certifying concurrent and distributed systems;
* mechanized metatheory, formalized programming language semantics,
and logical frameworks;
* higher-order logics, dependent type theory, proof theory, logical
systems, separation logics, and logics for security;
* verification of correctness and security properties;
* formally verified blockchains and smart contracts;
* certificates for decision procedures, including linear algebra,
polynomial systems, SAT, SMT, and unification in algebras of interest;
* certificates for semi-decision procedures, including equality,
first-order logic, and higher-order unification;
* certificates for program termination;
* formal models of computation;
* mechanized (un)decidability and computational complexity proofs;
* formally certified methods for induction and coinduction;
* integration of interactive and automated provers;
* logical foundations of proof assistants;
* applications of AI and machine learning to formal certification;
* user interfaces for proof assistants and theorem provers;
* teaching mathematics and computer science with proof assistants.


Around 10% of the accepted papers at CPP 2021 will be designated as
Distinguished Papers. This award highlights papers that the CPP
program committee thinks should be read by a broad audience due to
their relevance, originality, significance and clarity.


Prior to the paper submission deadline, the authors should upload
their anonymized paper in PDF format through the HotCRP system at

The submissions must be written in English and provide sufficient
detail to allow the program committee to assess the merits of the
contribution. They must be formatted following the ACM SIGPLAN
Proceedings format (http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/) using
the acmart style with the sigplan option, which provides a two-column
style, using 10 point font for the main text, and a header for double
blind review submission, i.e.,


The submitted papers should not exceed 12 pages, including tables and
figures, but excluding bibliography and clearly marked appendices. The
papers should be self-contained without the appendices. Shorter papers
are welcome and will be given equal consideration. Submissions not
conforming to the requirements concerning format and maximum length
may be rejected without further consideration.

CPP 2021 will employ a lightweight double-blind reviewing process. To
facilitate this, the submissions must adhere to two rules:
(1) author names and institutions must be omitted, and
(2) references to authors' own related work should be in the third
person (e.g., not "We bu