[UAI] Final CFP Social Media shared task: COVID Twitter text classification and named entity recognition (ProfNER track of SMM4H at NAACL 2021)

2021-02-15 Thread Martin Krallinger
 CFP SMM4H-SPANISH:ProfNER Shared Task (SMM4H - NAACL 2021) 

*ProfNER: **Identification of professions & occupations in Health-related
Social Media (SMM4H at NAACL)*


We are organizing the first shared task specifically focusing on named
entity recognition of professions & occupations in Social Media in Spanish.

Specifically, we focus on Twitter data related to Covid-19 and lock-downs.

ProfNER is part of The Social Media Mining for Health Applications (#SMM4H)
Shared Task 2021.

A version of the provided ProfNER corpus *translated automatically into
English* (ProfNER-MT) is also available to participating teams.

*The ProfNER sub-tracks:*

*Tweet binary classification: *Participants must determine whether a tweet
contains a mention of occupation, or not.

*NER offset detection and classification**: *Participants must find the
beginning and end of occupation mentions and classify them in the
corresponding category

*Key information:*

*ProfNER web: *https://temu.bsc.es/smm4h-spanish/

*Datasets: *https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4309356

*Registration: *https://forms.gle/1qs3rdNLDxAph88n6

*CodaLab: *https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/28766

*Other ProfNER resources:*

*Embeddings (Twitter Spanish): *https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4449929

*Professions and occupation gazetteer: *

*Task motivation*

Some workers are at the forefront of the battle against the COVID-19
pandemic. Detecting vulnerable occupations is critical to prepare
preventive measures related to exposure to the virus as well as indirect
mental health issues due to fear of infection, confinement, etc.

NLP systems benefit from recent NLP technologies such as transformers,
novel language technologies and transfer learning and from the vast
production of real-time data in social media.

Following the previous organization of shared task with high impact with a
considerable number of participants [Cantemist], [CodiEsp], [Meddocan] we
are organizing the ProfNER track. It promotes the development of profession
& occupation-related text mining resources in Spanish social media due to
the special relevance of professions in the definition of at-risk groups.

Systems capable of automatically processing social media texts are of
interest to the medical user community, researchers, the pharmaceutical
industry as well as patients. The detection of profession & occupation
information is relevant for general NLP, occupational data mining, etc.

Competing systems have the potential to generalize to alike use cases in
other content types such as medical reports and in other languages.

*Important dates*

Dec, 15: Training & Development set release
Feb, 25: Validation set submission due
Mar, 1: Test set & background set release
Mar, 4: Test set predictions due
Mar, 15: System descriptions due
Apr, 1: Acceptance notification
Apr, 12: Camera-ready system descriptions
June 6–11: NAACL 2021 conference

*Publications and workshop*

Each participating team will have the opportunity to submit a system
description which will be published as part of the *shared task proceedings*
The 6th SMM4H Workshop, *co-located at NAACL 2021* More details are
available at https://healthlanguageprocessing.org/smm4h-2021/

*Track Organizers*

   - *Martin Krallinger*, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
   - *Antonio Miranda-Escalada*, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
   - *Eulàlia Farré*, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
   - *Salvador Lima*, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
   - *Vicent Briva-Iglesias*, D-REAL, Dublin City University, Ireland

*SMM4H Organizers*

   - *Graciela Gonzalez-Hernandez*, University of Pennsylvania, USA
   - *Davy Weissenbacher*, University of Pennsylvania, USA
   - *Ari Z. Klein*, University of Pennsylvania, USA
   - *Karen O’Connor*, University of Pennsylvania, USA
   - *Abeed Sarker*, Emory University, USA
   - *Elena Tutubalina*, Kazan Federal University, Russia
   - *Zulfat Miftahutdinov*, Kazan Federal University, Russia
   - *Ilsear Alimova*, Kazan Federal University, Russia
   - *Martin Krallinger*, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
   - *Juan Banda*, Georgia State University, USA
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[UAI] CFP-Deadline extended: Special Issue of the journal Entropy on "Bayesian Inference in Probabilistic Graphical Models"

New deadline is May 20, 2021.

Dear Colleagues,

Probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) have become a popular statistical 
modelling tool with remarkable impact on disciplines like data mining and 
machine learning, because their most outstanding features are their clear 
semantics and interpretability. Bayesian inference methods naturally embed into 
PGMs, providing them with efficient and sound techniques for estimating both 
structure and parameters. Bayesian inference has been the key to the 
application of PGMs in specially demanding domains like streaming data 
analysis, where the models need to be frequently updated when new data arrives.

There are, however, a number of open issues concerning scalability, which is 
especially relevant in big data domains. In general, approximate techniques are 
employed, including variational inference and Markov Chain Monte Carlo. This 
Special Issue seeks original contributions covering aspects of Bayesian methods 
for learning PGMs from data and efficient algorithms for probabilistic 
inference in PGMs. Papers covering relevant modelling issues are also welcome, 
including papers dealing with data stream modelling, Bayesian change point 
detection, feature selection and automatic relevance determination. Even though 
entirely theoretical papers are within the scope of this Special Issue, 
contributions including a thorough experimental analysis of the methodological 
advances are particularly welcome, so that the impact of the proposed methods 
can be appropriately determined in terms of performance over benchmark datasets.

Bayesian networks
Probabilistic Graphical Models
Bayesian methods
Cross Entropy Methods
Variational Inference
Bayesian Data Stream Modelling
Monte Carlo methods for PGMs

Link: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy/special_issues/graphical_models 

Deadline for paper submission: 20 May 2021

Prof. Rafael Rumí
Prof. Antonio Salmerón
Guest Editors

Antonio Salmerón Cerdán
Department of Mathematics
University of Almería

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[UAI] 2nd CFP [OptLearnMAS 2021] The 12th International Workshop on Optimization and Learning in Multi-Agent Systems

2021-02-15 Thread Gauthier Picard

[Apologies for cross-posting. Please share with anyone may be interested]

The 12th Workshop on Optimization and Learning in Multiagent Systems 

To be held in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on 
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Online, from May 3-7, 


This workshop invites works from different strands of the multi-agent 
systems community that pertain to the design of algorithms, models, and 
techniques to deal with multi-agent optimization and learning problems 
or problems that can be effectively solved by adopting a multi-agent 
framework. The workshop is of interest both to researchers investigating 
applications of multi-agent systems to optimization problems in large, 
complex domains, as well as to those examining optimization and learning 
problems that arise in systems comprised of many autonomous agents. In 
so doing, this workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers to 
discuss common issues that arise in solving optimization and learning 
problems in different areas, to introduce new application domains for 
multi-agent optimization techniques, and to elaborate common benchmarks 
to test solutions.

OptMAS 2021 website: https://optlearnmas21.github.io/

Workshop submission site: 

Important dates

* March 3, 2021 – Submission Deadline
* April 3, 2021 – Acceptance notification
* April 30,2021 – AAMAS/IJCAI Fast Track Submission Deadline
* May 1, 2021 – AAMAS/IJCAI Fast Track Acceptance Notification
* May 3 or 4, 2021 – Workshop Date


Stimulated by emerging applications, such as those powered by the 
Internet of the Things, critical infrastructure network, and security 
games, intelligent agents commonly leverage different forms optimization 
and/or learning to solve complex problems. The goal of the workshop is 
to provide researchers with a venue to discuss techniques for tackling a 
variety of multi-agent optimization problems. We seek contributions in 
the general area of multi-agent optimization, including distributed 
optimization, coalition formation, optimization under uncertainty, 
winner determination algorithms in auctions, and algorithms to compute 
Nash and other equilibria in games. This year, the workshop will have a 
special focus on contributions at the intersection of optimization and 
learning. For example, agents which use optimization often employ 
machine learning to predict unknown parameters appearing in their 
decision problem. Or, machine learning techniques may be used to improve 
the efficiency of optimization. While submissions across the spectrum of 
multi-agent optimization are welcome, contributions at the intersection 
with learning are especially encouraged.


Topics include but are not limited to the theory and applications of:

    * Optimization for learning agents
    * Learning for multiagent optimization problems
    * Distributed constraint satisfaction and optimization
    * Winner determination algorithms in auctions
    * Coalition formation algorithms
    * Algorithms to compute Nash and other equilibria in games
    * Optimization under uncertainty
    * Optimization with incomplete or dynamic input data
    * Algorithms for real-time applications
    * Cloud, distributed and grid computing
    * Learning and Optimization in Societally Beneficial Domains

Submission Information

Submission URL: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=optlearnmas21

Submission Types:

    * Technical Papers: Full-length research papers of up to 7 pages 
(excluding references and appendices) detailing high quality work in 
progress or work that could potentially be published at a major conference.

    * Short Papers: Position or short papers of up to 4 pages 
(excluding references and appendices) that describe initial work or the 
release of privacy-preserving benchmarks and datasets on the topics of 

Fast Track (Rejected AAMAS or IJCAI papers):

Rejected AAMAS or IJCAI papers with *average* scores of at least 5.0 may 
be submitted directly to OptLearnMAS along with previous reviews. These 
submissions will not undergo the regular review process, but a light 
one, performed by the chairs, and will be accepted if the previous 
reviews are judged to meet the workshop standard.

All papers must be submitted in PDF format, using the AAMAS-21 author 
kit. Submissions should include the name(s), affiliations, and email 
addresses of all authors.
Submissions will be refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty, 
significance, and clarity. Each submission will be thoroughly reviewed 
by at least two program committee members.
Submissions of papers rejected from the AAMAS 2021 and IJCAI 2021 
technical program are welcomed.

For questions about the submission process, contact the workshop 

[UAI] Extended deadline February 25: ACM SACMAT 2021 - Symposium of Access Control Models and Technologies

2021-02-15 Thread Marinella Petrocchi

Apologies for cross-posting

Due to numerous requests, the deadline has been ***extended to
February 25, 2021 (11:59 pm AOE)*** (firm).

ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies -- SACMAT 2021
June 16-18, 2021, Barcelona, Spain

Important dates
* Paper submission deadline (firm): February 25, 2021 (11:59 pm AOE)
* Rebuttal: March 30 - April 2nd, 2021
* Notifications: April 15th, 2021
* Systems demo and Poster submissions: April 19th, 2021
* Systems demo and Poster notifications: April 27th, 2021
* Panel Proposal: TBD
* Camera ready: May 4th, 2021
* Conference date: June 16 – June 18, 2021

* Call for Research Papers

Papers offering novel research contributions are solicited for
submission. Accepted papers will be presented at the symposium and
published by the ACM in the symposium proceedings. In addition to the
regular research track, this year SACMAT will again host the special
track --  "Blue Sky/Vision Track". Researchers are invited to submit
papers describing promising new ideas and challenges of interest to the
community as well as access control needs emerging from other fields. We
are particularly looking for potentially disruptive and new ideas which
can shape the research agenda for the next 10 years. We also encourage
submissions to the newly introduced “Work-in-progress Track” to present
ideas that may have not been completely developed and experimentally
Topics of Interest
Submissions to the regular track covering any relevant area of access
control and computer security are welcomed. Areas of interest include,
but are not limited to, the following:

* Operating systems
* Cloud systems and their security
* Distributed systems
* Fog and Edge-computing systems
* Cyber-physical and Embedded systems
* Mobile systems
* Autonomous systems (e.g., UAV security, autonomous vehicles, )
* IoT systems (e.g., home-automation systems)

* Network systems (e.g., Software-defined network, Network function
* Corporate and Military-grade Networks
* Wireless and Cellular Networks
* Opportunistic Network (e.g., delay-tolerant network, P2P)
* Overlay Network
* Satellite Network

Privacy and Privacy-enhancing Technologies:
* Mixers and Mixnets
* Anonymous protocols (e.g., Tor)
* Online social networks (OSN)
* Anonymous communication and censorship resistance
* Access control and identity management with privacy
* Cryptographic tools for privacy
* Data protection technologies
* Attacks on Privacy and their defenses

* Password-based Authentication
* Biometric-based Authentication
* Location-based Authentication
* Identity management
* Usable authentication

* Blockchain Technologies
* AI/ML Technologies
* Cryptographic Technologies
* Programming-language based Technologies
* Hardware-security Technologies (e.g., Intel SGX, ARM TrustZone)
* Economic models and game theory
* Trust Management
* Usable mechanisms

Data Security:
* Big data
* Databases and data management
* Data leakage prevention
* Data protection on untrusted infrastructure

Policies and Models:
* Novel policy language design
* New Access Control Models
* Extension of policy languages
* Extension of Models
* Analysis of policy languages
* Analysis of Models
* Policy engineering and policy mining
* Verification of policy languages
* Efficient enforcement of policies
* Usable access control policy

* Regular Track Paper Submission and Format
Papers must be written in English. Authors are required to use the ACM
format for papers, using the two-column SIG Proceedings Template (the
sigconf template for LaTex) available in the following link:
The length of the paper in the proceedings format must not exceed twelve
US letter pages formatted for 8.5" x 11" paper and be no more than 5MB
in size. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their
submission will print easily on simple default configurations. The
submission must be anonymous, so information that might identify the
authors - including author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or
obvious self-citations - must be excluded. It is the authors'
responsibility to ensure that their anonymity is preserved when citing
their own work. Submissions should be made to the EasyChair conference
management system by the paper submission deadline of February 25, 2021
11:59 pm AOE:

All submissions must contain a significant original contribution. That
is, submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal,
conference, or workshop. In particular, simultaneous submission of the
same work is not allowed. Wherever appropriate, relevant related work,
including that of 

[UAI] [AAMAS-2021] Call for Participation

2021-02-15 Thread AAMAS2021 Publicity Chair
We cordially invite you to attend the 20th International Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), which will take place
online during 3-7 May 2021.

Registration for AAMAS-2021 is now open:


The registration fee is USD 30 if you register by 1 March 2021, and it
increases to USD 60 after that date.

This fee covers full access to all conference activities: keynote talks,
the pre-recorded video presentation of contributed papers and live
discussions of those papers, poster and demo sessions in a virtual meeting
space, plenty of tutorials and workshops, and more.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!
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[UAI] [CFP] Doctoral Symposium at the 2nd Int. Conf. on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS)

2021-02-15 Thread ACSOS Publicity

+* Doctoral Symposium @ACSOS 2021 +
+ +
+  Doctoral Symposium held at the +
+  2nd IEEE International Conference on   +
+  Autonomic Computing & Self-Organizing Systems  +
+ +
+  27 September -- 1 October 2021 +
+  Washington, DC, USA    +
+ +
+  http://2021.acsos.org/ +
+  https://twitter.com/ACSOSconf  +
+ +

 Important  Dates *

- Submission deadline: June 26th, 2021
- Notification to authors: August 1st, 2021
- Camera Ready deadline: August 13th, 2021
- ACSOS conference: September 27th - October 1st, 2021

*  About the Doctoral Symposium  **

The second IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and 
Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS) provides a forum to share the latest 
research results, ideas and experiences in autonomic, self-adaptive, and 
self-organizing systems.

ACSOS was founded in 2020 as a merging of the two long-running IEEE ICAC 
and SASO conferences, bringing together the two leading communities in 
this research space.

The Doctoral Symposium provides an international forum for PhD students 
working in ACSOS-related research fields to present their work to a 
diverse audience of leading experts in the field, to gain both 
insightful feedback and discussion points around their research as well 
as the invaluable experience of presenting new research to an 
international audience. The symposium has a strong history, though ICAC 
and SASO, of connecting young researchers with highly experienced peers 
to forge connections, which can last for many years.

PhD students are invited to submit a two-page abstract, with another 
page for references, which should use the below format to describe the 
key motivation of their research, the major contribution (either actual 
or expected, depending on the research stage), discuss their 
methodology, and present the current status of the research. Authors of 
accepted papers will have the opportunity to present their work both at 
the doctoral symposium and in brief at the main conference itself, 
offering a very wide audience for their research.

Students at any stage of their PhD are welcome to submit. Reviews, 
feedback, and expectations will be adapted appropriately to the relative 
stage of each submission.

**  Mentoring Programme  **

This year the Doctoral Symposium will employ a mentoring program, in 
which every author of an accepted paper will be paired with an 
experienced mentor from the community. Mentors will help introduce the 
student to the community, offer extended discussion of their research 
objectives and career opportunities, and will host their students 
throughout the event to help gain the best experience from an 
international conference.

  Submission Instructions  

Submissions should use the IEEE Computer Society Press format 
(https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html) and should 
be a maximum of 2 pages long, with an extra page permitted for references.

Authors should submit their abstracts to EasyChair at

Because the doctoral symposium focuses on the work of specific PhD 
students, please note that only single-author submissions are permitted, 
with the name of the PhD supervisors included below that of the author.

All submissions should have the following specific structure:

Motivation and challenges: explain why this research is important, and 
identify the key research question and challenges that have yet to be 
addressed by the community - including limitations of current approaches

Contribution and objectives: present the main contribution of the 
research, in a way that a non-expert could clearly understand, then 
present the detailed objectives of your research, highlighting why your 
work is novel in comparison to existing research

Methodology and preliminary results: present the methodology of your 
approach, discussing why it is suitable to your contribution, and also 
present any preliminary results if 

[UAI] 15th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2021): Last Mile for Paper Submission for Doctoral Consortium, Posters & Demos, Research Projects and Tutorials

2021-02-15 Thread George A. Papadopoulos

*** Last Mile for Paper Submission for Doctoral Consortium,
Posters & Demos, Research Projects and Tutorials ***

15th International Conference on
Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2021)

May 12-14, 2021, Virtual Event!


Submission deadline (except tutorials): February 19, 2021 (AoE)
Submission deadline only for tutorials: March 19, 2021 (AoE)

(Proceedings to be published by Springer)

RCIS has become a recognized conference on research challenges in
Information Science. Organized for the 15th time in a row, RCIS 2021 will be
held from May 12-14, 2021, as a virtual event. The topics of interest are
organized into some major categories (more details in the call for papers

· Information Systems and their Engineering
· User-Oriented Approaches
· Data and Information Management
· Business Process Management
· Domain-specific IS Engineering
· Data Science
· Information Infrastructures
· Reflective Research and Practice


· Submission deadline (except tutorials): February 19, 2021 (AoE)
· Submission deadline for tutorial proposals: March 19, 2021 (AoE)
· Notification to authors and registration opening: March 12, 2021
· Notification for tutorial proposals: March 22, 2021
· Author registration deadline for all paper types: March 29, 2021
· Camera-ready copy deadline for all paper types: March 29, 2021
· Conference: May 12-14, 2021


The RCIS 2021 Doctoral Consortium is an opportunity for doctoral students
to present, discuss and develop their research project in an interdisciplinary
workshop, under the guidance of a panel of senior researchers. The Doctoral
Consortium offers nice opportunities for PhD students. Firstly, the feedback
received during the Doctoral Consortium will really benefit students who have
defined their topic, research plan and have obtained early results, but who
still have room for improving their longer-term plan. Secondly, students at all
stages of their doctoral project can meet the welcoming RCIS community and
widen their network of contacts.

The Doctoral Consortium has the following objectives:
· Provide a platform for students to present their work and to meet other
peers and be familiar with different research topics and methods.
· Provide feedback on students' current research and guidance on future
research directions.
· Promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a
spirit of collaborative research and networking.
· Contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other

Interested PhD students are invited to submit papers, in agreement with
their supervisors, addressing the instructions that are provided on the
online call: http://www.rcis-conf.com/rcis2021/callDoctoral.php .

Papers shall be formatted according to the Springer LNCS/LNBIP conference
proceedings template (for LaTeX and Word):
Submissions must be written in English, and must be authored by the student
only. The maximum length of the paper should be eight (8) pages, including
references, appendices, etc. The submission site address is
where you can choose the "RCIS2021_Doctoral_Consortium" track.

Doctoral Consortium Chairs
· Xavier Franch, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
· Renata Guizzardi, University of Twente, The Netherlands

Doctoral Consortium Student Co-Chair
· Blagovesta Kostova, EPFL, Switzerland


The posters & demos track will showcase prototypes and new research ideas
in Information Science. This track provides a forum for researchers and
practitioners to present their work, interact with conference participants, and
obtain feedback on on-going research. We invite two types of submissions:

· Posters are intended to convey a research result and are not advertisements
for commercial software packages. While posters need not describe
completed work, they should report on research for which at least some
preliminary results are available.

· Demonstrations should directly and actively involve the exhibition and
display of tools/prototypes and associated materials that illustrate research
work in progress and serve as ground for discussion of research ideas.

Posters and demonstrations proposals must be submitted as a single PDF file
with no more than 6 pages in Springer LNCS/LNBIP format
including references and appendices. Proposals that exceed the limit of 6
pages will be rejected without review. Proposals that have already been
accepted or are currently under review for other conferences or journals will
not be considered for publication at RCIS 2021. The submission site address
is http://www.rcis-conf.com/rcis2021/ where you can choose the

[UAI] Call for volunteers for AISTATS 2021

2021-02-15 Thread Wittawat Jitkrittum
Dear all,

The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
(AISTATS 2021, https://aistats.org/aistats2021/) invites students and
postdoctoral researchers to apply to be a volunteer. The AISTATS 2021 is
scheduled to be on April 13-15, 2021 as a virtual event. As a volunteer,
you will be an essential part of the success of AISTATS 2021. All selected
volunteers receive a free conference registration and have access to all
programs offered, including talks by our invited speakers, live poster Q
sessions, social activities on Gather.town, among others. In addition,
volunteering gives you a unique networking opportunity with leading

Example duties for volunteers include:


   Providing technical assistance to speakers and attendees in a live

   Acting as a point of contact between other attendees and the AISTATS
   team during the event

   Promoting interactions and positive virtual atmosphere on our chat
   platform and Gather.town

   Monitoring signs of misconduct and disturbing behaviors

   Compiling the list of questions asked for a live Q session

   Backstage tasks before the virtual event such as setting up virtual
   rooms on Gather.town

Each volunteer will be responsible for only a small subset of these tasks
at a time. Volunteers must be undergraduate, Master’s, PhD students, or
postdoctoral researchers. Volunteers do not need to have a paper accepted
at AISTATS. We welcome qualified applicants from all geographic areas
regardless of their gender, race, color, religion, age, origin, and
military status. We will respect your time availability when we divide the

Submit your application at https://aistats.org/aistats2021/volunteering.html.
The application deadline is February 25, 2021 (anywhere on Earth), or until
all volunteer positions are filled, whichever is earlier. Please apply as
soon as possible.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at

Thank you,

The AISTATS 2021 organizing team
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