Re: Installing the latest Orca...and on to the capslock patch

2006-11-11 Thread Terrence van Ettinger
Thanks; that worked.  I like that new little window thing for
preferences/quitting.  It's nicer than having to go into the assistive
technology prefs to change things in orca.  So now my question is, I
tried to put in the capslock patch, but it says it can't find the file
to patch at line 8, and asks me what file to patch.  The commad I
entered was "patch

info that may be helpful

2006-11-11 Thread mike coulombe
Hi, I tried to install edgy on two p3 600 MHz computers.
One had a modem and one didn't.
Both booted to the music fine.
However after that the one with the modem took for ever to get to a desktop.
It said gnome had a problem loading, and never did work when we tried to run 
the installer.
  The one with out the modem came up to a desktop and the installer ran fine.
So apparently if a hardware issue is found it causes ubuntu to act strange.
This may be why some laptops are having problems.

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