>Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 19:35:14 +0000
>From: Michael Weaver <michaelweav...@btinternet.com>
>To: ubuntu-accessibility@lists.ubuntu.com, orca-l...@gnome.org
>Subject: [orca-list] upgrading from hardy
>Message-ID: <94117.24461...@smtp818.mail.ukl.yahoo.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed
>i did a sudo do-release upgrade in hardy and got the error 
>message "no upgrade found"
>how do i resolve this so i can get the next version?
>do i need to edit the sourcesddlist file and change any line with 
>deb http at the beginning to the next distribution name before i 
>do my sudo-do-release-upgrade?

try checking /etc/update-maneger/release-upgrades (I know /etc/update-maneger/ 
is the correct directory, I might have the file name off).  The setting Prompt 
should be set to "normal" and not "lts."  Otherwise, you won't get a valid 
release until lucid is "Officially" published in April.

My understanding is that if you wish to upgrade from a stable distribution to a 
development release, you should append the -d flag to either do-release-upgrade 
or update-manager (which ever update method you prefer).                        
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