
Ubuntu Lucid uses Speech Dispatcher 0.6, and Maverick uses 0.7.0. The current
release of Speech Dispatcher is 0.7.1. To provide Ubuntu users with more
options to run stable release of Speech Dispatcher, and thus hopefully improve
their user experience, I created a PPA called ppa:dusek/spd, that contains
package of Speech Dispatcher 0.7.1. To be precise, the package is for Ubuntu,
both Lucid and Maverick, and both i386 and amd64.

To use them, do:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dusek/spd
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

then if you want the change to take effect immediately, logout. If upgrading
from Speech Dispatcher 0.6, you better do a full reboot.

Please let me know of any problems you run into with these packages, or any
suggestions you might have as to how best offer Speech Dispatcher to Ubuntu
users through PPA. As said, important issues reported will be fixed with a
patch (when available) in the stable PPA, and PPA-related suggestions
will also be gladly implemented. (Ubuntu developer GURUs: please, where
should the issues be reported and discussed? My (maintainer's) addres? Or
does Launchpad support PPA bugreports?)

I am planning to continue offering the future Speech Dispatcher stable releases
in the ppa:dusek/spd PPA.

Best regards,
Boris Dusek
Brailcom, o.p.s.

P.S.: The ppa:dusek/spd PPA is a different PPA from the one I posted before,
ppa:dusek/spd-test, in that it will contain only the stable releases of Speech
Dispatcher (e.g. 0.7.0, 0.7.1, 0.7.2 and so on), with the necessary patches for
critical issues found. If you added the ppa:dusek/spd-test, I advise you to
remove it, since it is my experimental PPA (I will probably unpublish it). You
can remove the testing PPA with

sudo rm dusek-spd-test-lucid.list


sudo rm dusek-spd-test-maverick.list

depending on your release.
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