just for context for my next mail . . .

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        [ubuntu-web] Updated guidelines for community sites
Date:   Thu, 14 Oct 2010 16:58:43 -0500
From:   Matthew Nuzum <matthew.nu...@canonical.com>
Reply-To:       Ubuntu Web Presence Team <ubuntu-webs...@lists.canonical.com>
To:     Ubuntu Web Presence Team <ubuntu-webs...@lists.canonical.com>

Hello, you've been waiting for this for far too long, I hope it has been worth it (I think it has but read on and judge for yourself).

Alejandra, who many of you have interacted with, and her new cohort Inayaili De Leon have provided us with updated brand guidelines/models specifically for sites that are part of the official network of Ubuntu sites but that should not feel like part of the typical ubuntu.com <http://ubuntu.com> flow.

For example, if you visit http://webapps.ubuntu.com/marketplace/ you should feel like you're in the ubuntu.com <http://ubuntu.com> website because it is part of the normal flow of navigation.

However, if you visit wiki.ubuntu.com <http://wiki.ubuntu.com> or the fridge you should not feel like you're at www.ubuntu.com <http://www.ubuntu.com>. The navigational needs are completely different. You should feel like you're connected to ubuntu.com <http://ubuntu.com> but not part of it.

The problems we faced when trying to use the old guidelines for these community sites is that we didn't know how to deal with navigation. We didn't know how to indicate which site users were on and we were worried about confusing users with navigation that looked the same but mysteriously changed behavior depending on what site they were on.

Here's an image of the new model: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/WebThemes?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=wiki_global_header_and_footer.png <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/WebThemes?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=wiki_global_header_and_footer.png>

Let me explain some of the features here.

First, the Ubuntu logo area is clearly indicating the site you're on. Clicking this should take you to the current site's homepage (not to www.ubuntu.com <http://www.ubuntu.com>).

The orange area does not include primary navigation, instead all of the site navigation is in the gray area. (see below for question #1 about this).

The search bar is visually distinct from that of ubuntu.com <http://ubuntu.com> and allows room for site speicific search features and instructions.

Above the orange bar to the far right is something being called the "Mother ship' navigation. It links back to key areas on Ubuntu.com.

Down near the bottom of the page in the footer area wehave some new navigation elements: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/WebThemes?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=global_fat_footer.png <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/WebThemes?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=global_fat_footer.png>

You'll see here that the "fat footer" or mini sitemap is reserved for the current site. Don't duplicate Ubuntu.com's footer. All of the elements in the lists should be relevant to the existing site. Below that is a 2nd footer with an Ubuntu logo and links to Contact us, Trademark and Legal information.

This template is for Ubuntu community and Ubuntu related sites to use. I'll be implementing it for wiki.ubuntu.com <http://wiki.ubuntu.com> in the coming weeks (though the existing testing wiki update will go live before this is ready).

I have a couple questions and I know you do too, here is a start: Maybe Alejandra can chime in with some thoughts, others please feel free to toss in your questions and ideas too.

#1 Some sites may need to have additional navigation needs, what should they do? - Matt's suggestion: Maybe use the left side navigation from here as inspiration: http://www.canonical.com/enterprise-services/ubuntu-advantage/landscape (ubuntu colors of course)

#2 What if a site has wide content, what should be done?
- Matt's opinion: make it full width (no left/right padding) or make the theme fluid width or both (personally, I don't like sites with really wide content)

#3 What sites should not use this theme?
- Matt's opinion: Sites that are not part of the Ubuntu community and/or don't want to feel connected to the Ubuntu ecosystem.

OK, there's a bunch of details, now share your thoughts and ideas and questions.

Matthew Nuzum
newz2000 on freenode, skype, linkedin, identi.ca <http://identi.ca> and twitter

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