On 6/12/2011 2:40 AM, Isaac Porat wrote:

My comments were not a criticism of at-spi but rather the need were possible to unify accessibilities standard across platforms for the simple reason that if software vendors have to worry about one accessibility stack it is better than two or three, as Linux as very small user based it is always left behind by the main vendors.

in my opinion, any criticism of the current accessibility world should not be focused on just cross platform but on how they don't really meet the needs of the disabled, application developers, or accessibility interface developers.

I start from the principle that accessibility is defined by what the user needs, not what the application but accessibility interface vendor is willing to give. For example, nuance doesn't give me what I need (a speech user interface was sufficient discoverability) therefore, they don't provide sufficient accessibility. At the same time, I a assert that individual is responsible for their own accessibility because what the user needs depends on what they do and the nature of their disability. There's no way that any application or accessibility vendor can possibly provide that level of customization at a price that individual can afford.

The second starting point is that trying to replicate a GUI or extract information from a GUI is a failed proposition. Speech user interfaces (spoken or heard) have entirely different structure. A blind person using a web application should here a small number of things essential to operating the interface and not all of the junk around the application unless they ask for it. A spoken interface is a wide and shallow interface where control the scope makes the same or similar command do different things.

My personal objection to most of the current work is that they seem to ignore speech recognition entirely or so cripple the interface as to be useless for anything but direct text dictation in a very limited way.

The current accessibility tool kits are replicating the same mistakes I've seen inaccessibility environments since I've been disabled. I think a better solution, is for the application to export the data and operations available via a GUI and accessibility tool to reveal all of its controls and data so that a customizable framework can drive both application and accessibility tool to provide the accessibility interface necessary for the user.

the model I propose reduces the cost for an applications developer to provide accessibility, makes it possible to split boundaries between which machine has the accessibility device, and which machine has the application as well as applications within browsers. This model also makes accessibility cheaper, easier to validate, customize, and support than the current models.

this is still theoretical as I don't have any hands with which to write code. I wouldn't turn away a volunteer to help me with making a prototype. the basic idea is sound enough that others I have bounced it off of think it's worth exploring. All I need is someone with hands.

--- eric

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