Hello all,

I found an interesting fact about Thunderbird accessibility.
I guess this might be fixed in the next update to tb although I don't know why this happens. When I have an active INTERNET connection, it is but natural that tb will connect to the server, google in my case. After a few seconds the password prompt comes up, but Orca takes about a minute or 2 to read the password dialog. At first I was under the impression that it is thunderbird that takes time, but now I know it it is the Orca that reads it late. I also had a feeling that Orca might be taking time due to the huge list of emails in my inbox (6000) at present. But that might not be true, because once Orca announces the password prompt after that delay, I have no particular problems navigating the list of emails.
Can any one reproduce this?
Is there some way I can speed this up?
Is this know and will Ubuntu 12.04 have the fix if any available as an update?
I ask this because firefox offlate has been behaving so nicely.
Happy hacking.

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