Accessibility suggestions

2009-07-02 Thread Angelo Marra
What prevents me to cmigrete to linux is
1 I need to dictate
2 I need Text to speech as SAPI
3 I have a wonderful scanner (plusteck opticbook 3600  which is not 
supported  but it is amazing  in results for scanning books.

I tried to use KDE TTS but it is very non-friendly.
I use Dspeech in win: ( I'd love to 
heve such a software for linux

on the idea of programming by voice: fantastic! I'd love to do that.
some years ago, while looking for open hardware, I found a project on 
programming in natural   ways  or languages...
I cannot find it any more.
I have a disability and I study accessibility and inclusive policies, 
I've a lot of hints if needed.
unfortunately, I'm unable to put hands-on-it as I'd never programmed 
more then macros in word an a bit of basic.


Angelo  D. Marra
Dottore di Ricerca in Diritto Civile
Università "Mediterranea" di Reggio Calabria
Avvocato in Reggio Calabria

Via Pio XI, trav. Putortì, 36
89133 Reggio Calabria

Email: (valido anche per MSN)
Skype: angelorc
Abit: +39 (0)965.59 39 96
Mobile: +39 349.619 11 56 


Responsabile della mailing-list Disability Studies Italy

Per iscriversi mandare una email a: 

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Cygwin / Dragon / SAPI / Linux

2009-07-02 Thread Angelo Marra
Angelo Marra ha scritto:
> Sorry it is not cler to me: can I use SAPI in LINUX ?
> I have Ubuntu 9.04...
> How about Dictation?
> Thanks a lot
Sorry I did not put my name
it is Angelo.


Angelo  D. Marra
Dottore di Ricerca in Diritto Civile
Università "Mediterranea" di Reggio Calabria
Avvocato in Reggio Calabria

Via Pio XI, trav. Putortì, 36
89133 Reggio Calabria

Email: (valido anche per MSN)
Skype: angelorc
Abit: +39 (0)965.59 39 96
Mobile: +39 349.619 11 56 


Responsabile della mailing-list Disability Studies Italy

Per iscriversi mandare una email a: 

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Cygwin / Dragon / SAPI / Linux

2009-07-02 Thread Angelo Marra
Sorry it is not cler to me: can I use SAPI in LINUX ?
I have Ubuntu 9.04...
How about Dictation?
Thanks a lot

Thomas Lloyd ha scritto:
> Hi,
> Not sure if you have tried Cygwin but that does allow you to open both a
> full gnome desktop and individual applications within windows and in
> theory should allow you to control the system remotely over ssh via
> Dragon. 
> You can run the system full screen and you would not know that you were
> even using a windows system.
> If you would like further information let me know as i have worked quite
> extensively on such setups.
> As a side note i have been integrating the Microsoft SAPI interface into
> Linux and have been mainly concentrating on text to speech but there is
> the speech to text interface that I have tested but not yet done any
> work on. I see that Dragon also has the potential to have such an
> interface developed in the same fashion that I have created for SAPI. I
> have quite a large amount of experience and as along as we can get the
> bare minimum components of Dragon running under Wine your away.
> I could do with a sneak peak at the details on the Dragon scripting
> interface to see if it supports COM automation under windows. If so it
> will be more straight forward for me.
> I have a little bit of experience of the SAPI speech recognition system
> and never rated it really, that is why i have left it alone till now.
> Anyone who has experience of it can let me know otherwise.
> I would love someone with experience of the Vista SDK to come on board
> and help me suck out the SAPI 5.3 components to see if we can get them
> running under wine. Any volunteers? 
> Tom 


Angelo  D. Marra
Dottore di Ricerca in Diritto Civile
Università "Mediterranea" di Reggio Calabria
Avvocato in Reggio Calabria

Via Pio XI, trav. Putortì, 36
89133 Reggio Calabria

Email: (valido anche per MSN)
Skype: angelorc
Abit: +39 (0)965.59 39 96
Mobile: +39 349.619 11 56 


Responsabile della mailing-list Disability Studies Italy

Per iscriversi mandare una email a: 

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

[Fwd: Gnome voice control]

2009-01-29 Thread Angelo Marra

 Messaggio Originale 
Oggetto:Gnome voice control
Data:   Fri, 30 Jan 2009 00:34:05 +0100
Da: Angelo Marra 
A:  Anthony Sales 
Referenze:  <> 

Do not take me as an idiot.
how can I make it run?

PS what about improving text dictation?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list


2009-01-29 Thread Angelo Marra
Hi folks
How hobout bulding a dictation Sofware for ubuntu?
WE need it!

QUOTE from the net:

* TheMuso's blog 

Voce Dictation 

Submitted by NathanDBB (not verified) on Wed, 11/28/2007 - 05:05.

Many people who use Linux are spending 10+ hours in front of their 
computers each day. Because of this, many of us have typing-related hand 
damage. While I don't expect to be able to use the command line with 
voice, I should be able to write email and use a mouse-grid.

Ubuntu _needs_ voice dictation software. We have not even started down 
the LONG ROAD to having free voice software. We have a couple of 
speech-to-text engines, but we don't have a good large vocabulary to 
work with. This Wiki page talks about getting the collection of this 
vocabulary started, but NOTHING has happened.

As you point out, we need voice tools if we are going to get into 
mainstream corporate and government desktops. If we are are going to be 
an alternative to MS Vista in these markets, speech-to-text is MORE 
IMPORTANT then 3d desktops.

I  totally agree!
What do tou think?

Thanks Angelo

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

joining the Ubuntu Accessibility Community

2009-01-20 Thread Angelo Marra
Hi folks!
I'm in Accessibility issues, I love Ubuntu philosophy..
I Can't be a developer but I'd love to help.
I've a dream to make assistive technology available on Linux: Linux mast 
be better then ither OS as regards accessibility.
I've a lkot of suggestions about it, do you think I can help?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Text to speech italian

2008-05-15 Thread Angelo Marra
Thjanks very much.
I know festival already.
is there anthing batter?
Thans again

Hynek Hanke ha scritto:
> Angelo Marra napsal(a):
>> I need to use GOOD voices (such as sapi5) in UBUNTU.
>> Is there any ITALIAN and ENGLISH voice I can use?
>> Which software can I use in Linux similar to DSpeech or Textalou
> Hello Angelo,
> there are Italian voices in Festival:
> festlex-ifd - Italian support for Festival
> festvox-italp16k - Italian female speaker for Festival
> festvox-itapc16k - Italian male speaker for Festival
> Though not great, they are not so bad either.
> With regards,
> Hynek Hanke

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Text to speech italian

2008-05-11 Thread Angelo Marra
I need to use GOOD voices (such as sapi5) in UBUNTU.
Is there any ITALIAN and ENGLISH voice I can use?
Which software can I use in Linux similar to DSpeech or Textaloud?
Thanks a lot

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list