Trying to get started

2011-08-03 Thread Antony Stone

I'm trying to get a machine set up with a recent version of Orca for a blind 
friend.  We've been advised that Ubuntu is currently the best distribution to 
choose for getting an up-to-date version (ie: with as many features, and 
working as well as possible).

1. First question - is this correct, or should we be doing something else to 
get the most functional version of Orca possible?

We're using a Braille display (ie: we prefer not to use speech), which is 
supported by BRLTTY (it's a Papenmeier Compact 40-cell display).

Things seem to be difficult to get going in a reliable way, though:

I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 as standard (ie: I did not select a Braille 
display or any other accessible features to do the actual installation - I am 

After installing, I logged in under my friend's username, and selected 
Accessibility Features on Login, made sure Orca was selected, and told Orca we 
wanted Braille.

I also selected password confirmations as normal dialogue boxes, so that 
these should work on the Braille display.

The first problem we encounter is how to log in.  We start the machine, I can 
see the GRUB menu (my friend can't, so blind dual-boot still appears to be not 
an option), the machine starts up X, and a login dialogue box appears.

The Braille display says Screen not in text mode - the login prompt is not 

2. Second question - how do we get the login prompt shown on the Braille 
display so that my friend can log in quietly?

As a workaround I recorded an audio clip of Please enter username, return; 
password, return and set this as the System ready sound (I spent some time 
setting it up as the login sound, only to find that this is played *after* 
the user logs in, not at the prompt telling them to log in...).

So, my friend now knows when to enter her username and password, and can log 

Orca starts up, with speech, and announces that it is running and the 
Preferences button is active.

Nothing appears on the Braille display (except Screen not in text mode from 
when X started while BRLTTY was already running).

I have to restart BRLTTY, and then also restart Orca, for the Braille display 
to become functional.

3. Third question - what have we misconfigured here, which stops Orca from 
showing Braille as soon as it starts up?  (We can hear the standard BRLTTY 
startup bleep, and we see Screen not in text mode, so we know BRLTTY is 
running and driving the Braille display correctly).

Having restarted things for my friend, she can now start navigating the menus, 
and I've been helping her by reading the Orca / Gnome documentation at

This tells us we can use Alt-F1 to get to the Applications menu; this works.

It doesn't appear to tell us how to get to the Status bar menu which I can 
see in the top right corner of the screen - the one with icons for wireless 
networking, volume control, and particularly important, the shutdown / logout 
/ restart menu button (the one which to a sighted user looks like a power 
switch icon).

4. Fourth question - is this the correct documentation we should be using for 
the keyboard navigation keys, and how do we get to the logout / shutdown menu 
without the mouse working?

Oh, yes, while I'm thinking about the mouse, the computer we're using has a 
touchpad, which of course does all sorts of undesirable things when randomly 
touched by a blind person typing.  Since I'm a fairly advanced Linux user, I 
set up sudoers to allow my friend's user ID to run rmmod without a password, 
and then put sudo rmmod psmouse into the list of applications to run at 
login time for her username - however this seems rather advanced for an 
average blind user; is there some more standard way of saying disable the 
touchpad when Iog in?

Getting back to Orca, I've selected the laptop keyboard layout, therefore 
CapsLock is the Orca Modifier key.  CapsLock-S disables or enables speech, as 
expected.  It also leaves CapsLock turned on after pressing it (or off if it 
was on beforehand) - in other words, CapsLock is still acting as the standard 
toggle, it isn't being fully captured by Orca, even though on an older version 
of Orca (whatever came with Debian Lenny, I can't recall the version number) 
the CapsLock key worked correctly as an Orca Modifier, and did not leave 
CapsLock turned on after you had used some Orca function.

5. Fifth question - is this a known bug, or something we've misconfigured?  How 
can we get the CapsLock key to act as an Orca modifier without leaving capitals 
turned on afterwards?

I know there's more - my friend has been exploring the menus as much as she 
can given the documentation we've found so far, and she's commented that 
various things seem to be either very slow, or don't appear to respond 
properly, but I'd rather see if we can get some answers to these basics before 
going into detail about other things which might just 

Re: Trying to get started

2011-08-03 Thread Antony Stone
On Wednesday 03 Aug 2011 15:41:05 José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:

 I think that ubuntu 11.04 is not the better choice.
 First there is the problem related to the CapsLock ke. Yes, it is a bug.

Aha, good to know.

 Ubuntu 11.04 uses unity as the default interface and I think that there
 are problems regarding accessibility.

Is this something which can be changed in Ubuntu?  You say it is the default 
interface, which suggests to me that we could use a different one if we wished?

 In myopinion you should try ubuntu 10.10 or try vinux,

Thanks - does 10.10 have a similarly up-to-date version of Orca (which we have 
been told is very important for getting the best functionality - older 
versions are distinctly lacking in working features)?



Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Trying to get started

2011-08-03 Thread Antony Stone
On Wednesday 03 Aug 2011 17:23:05 José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:

 If you install ubuntu 11.04 with the accessibility profile enabled, the
 classic gnome interface will be configured as the default. To enable the
 accessibility profile you need to press the f5 key in some part of the
 boot. I don't remember exactly in which part, but I think that is after
 choose the language.

Okay, that's very good to know, however I think I prefer to avoid the CapsLock 
bug :)

 Actually  I am using ubuntu 10.10 with orca from git repository. One
 reason to not use 11.04 is the problem of the CapsLock key.
 It is very simple to install orca from the git repository.

Thanks - presumably you install with accessibility options selected, and then 
build/install Orca from the Git source to bring it up to date?

One final question - have I got the best-available documentation for keyboard 
commands, to be able to navigate around the Gnome desktop, control 
applications etc?  I'm using

Thanks for the help :)


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list