Dumb Question about orca and GNOME menu options

2009-01-20 Thread Buddy Brannan
Hi all,

OK, getting my hand back in the GNU/Linux thing. Finally I have a  
machine that's got enough umpf (technical term) to run GNOME and orca.  
Which is to say the Celeron/800 finally croaked and I got a P4/1.8/1GB  
RAM, cheap. Seems to do OK. Eventually I reckon I'll put Cepstral  
voices on and all that, but first--

I'm fairly sure this was addressed somewhere, but here goes. Ubuntu  
8.10, desktop CD. Installed it after trying out Vibuntu (before the  
name change) and deciding that I didn't really want it to log in as  
orca and have that account hanging around. So, installed the old way,  
i.e. stopping orca and sudo to run ubiquity after restarting orca as  
root. All good. Now, how again do I get things like shut down and log  
off dialogs to speak? They come up as inaccessible to orca, and I  
suspect this has something to do with permissions things are running  
under, but I think I need a bit more direction.

FWIW, I had the same soundcard issue as a previous poster with 9.04.  
No sound at all with 9.04.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Status of Gutsy Daily Live CDs?

2007-07-08 Thread Buddy Brannan
On Sun, Jul 08, 2007 at 08:22:48PM -0400, Al Puzzuoli wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just wondering what's up with the Gutsy CDs?  For the last couple weeks now, 
> each disk I've tried has booted, but I get no speech when I attempt to run 
> Orca.  I'm guessing this is a known issue, but is there a specific bug number 
> where its status can be tracked, or should we just wait until further notice 
> before trying any more daily builds?

I can confirm this. I just downloaded one, and no sound at all in
fact. When I tried to run orca manually, I got a pop out of the
speakers and nothing after. 

Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone 888-75-BUDDY
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Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Console Display Weirdness--any clues?

2007-05-04 Thread Buddy Brannan
Hi guys,

OK, so since GNOME is running so hideously slow (as previously
mentioned), I'm back to my good ol' reliable console apps and
Speakup. Not a bad thing, mind you. But I'm wondering if anyone's
noticed anything odd? I can't explain it much better than this:

Screens don't always seem to draw properly. For instance, if you go to
www.google.com with lynx, the search edit field starts with Go
followed by the _ characters to denote a form field. The first link of
the page says iGoogle, and some pages, letters are missing at the
beginnings of words or stuck on the wrong lines. While this might just
be an oddity with the lynx-cur package (I doubt this), I have a
different, though as annoying, problem with centericq. Instead of
drawing the screen with the high ASCII graphics characters as one
would expect, the terminal uses punctuation characters, as if I were
using a terminal incapable of displaying these other characters.

echo $TERM says my terminal type is linux as it ought to be. 

And while I'm at it, how can I get a bigger display (i.e. 50 lines/132
columns)? I got spoiled by this with grml... 
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone 888-75-BUDDY
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Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Forgot something: Orca isn't starting on login

2007-04-29 Thread Buddy Brannan

In my last Email, I forgot a detail...

For some reason, even though it's checked in accessibility
preferences, orca isn't starting on login. At least, it doesn't seem
to be, as there's no speech. I can get it to run from alt-f2,
though. Anything I should be checking on this?
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone 888-75-BUDDY
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>From Kitchen Disaster to Culinary Master, make meals and baking 
easier and faster: http://www.tastyshop.net
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Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Got Ubuntu installed, but--

2007-04-29 Thread Buddy Brannan
Hi y'all,

OK! I got it installed (Yay!) It took some doing, though, and thank
goodness for Speakup. I ended up having to do something like this:

Boot (I don't know if it booted with or without accessibility support
the final time, but no matter, cause Orca wasn't coming up on its own
Start Orca
Open the terminal, sudo su, then kill Orca
Start Orca again
Get the non-responsive Orca, so--
Alt-tab back to the terminal, type fg, then ctrl-c
In another console, start up Speakup and kill off all the stuff that
makes Orca go
Go back to the gnome-terminal and restart Orca (which starts)
Then run ubiquity...

...but I had to do this a couple times, because the partitioner was
having an issue with my hard drive, which I finally solved by just
wiping the partition table completely with fdisk. 

I got installed, but the city/timezone selection dialog didn't really
work for me. Good thing it automatically assumed I was
Americal/New_York. I was able to get past it with Orca's flat review

OK, so now I have a nice, shiny new Ubuntu running on a slow
Celeron/800 with 512MB RAM (well, 504 after the 8MB of shared video
memory). And goodness me is gnome ever slow. I think I'd like to
change to using the Cepstral voices I have, but I don't dare at this
point. Anything I can do to make it a little less painful? Is there a
more better window manager for instance, or should I just go for a
more better computer? 

But since I'm asking about Cepstral (well, I wasn't, but I did bring
it up), in order to use it, do I need to build gnome-speech from
source? I mean--I eventually plan on playing with mozilla3 and
Openoffice, but not on this machine for heaven's sake. 

And any ideas (while I'm here) on getting speakup to load earlier (I
just stuck it in /etc/modules, which is OK really) 

Apart from running really slow, which is at least 75% my fault for
having a computersaurus, this looks pretty promising. 

Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone 888-75-BUDDY
Get a free online mall and earn on 1000 stores:
>From Kitchen Disaster to Culinary Master, make meals and baking 
easier and faster: http://www.tastyshop.net
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Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Orca and Installing--again

2007-04-27 Thread Buddy Brannan
Hi y'all,

Yep, again...LOL

Browsing the archives, it looks like my install's gone about the same as 
Debee's, with the following differences, fairly minor in nature. 

First, you should know--the computer is really old and
slow. Celeron/800, 512MB RAM (and video adapter that uses shared
memory, set to however little I could get away with, looks like
8MB). So here's what happens:

Computer boots, but the hard drive doesn't really stop. Still, after a
couple seconds, pressing F5, then 3, then enter twice, gets the
machine to boot. This takes a really, really long time, but as I said,
it's a really slow machine. No music and no orca, but gnome comes
up. To get orca, pressing alt-f2 and typing orca seems to do the

Orca actually seems to do what it's supposed to, and it's nice not to
have to use festival. In gnome-terminal, which also comes up, stopping
orca after typing sudo so is all good. Restarting orca gets me a
"Welcome to orca", followed by silence, and keys don't respond. Typing
ubiquity and waiting doesn't seem to do a whole bunch either. I don't
even get the reading of Debee's apparent log output. 

Any suggestions what to do to nail this down a bit better? 

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list