Re: root problem solved.

2007-09-22 Thread Krister Ekstrom

mike coulombe wrote:
 Hi, incase anyone else has this problem, here is what I found.
 I had someone look at the login window, and there was a box to check for 
 admin login. 
Where in the login window settings is this? I don't see the box, so
can't check it. My admin login has been broken eversince i upgraded from
Feisty to Gutsy.
Thankful for any help.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

All these old kernels...

2007-08-12 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi folks.
I have a whole bunch of old and obsolete kernels on my hard drive and
every time there comes a new kernel my /boot/grub/menus.lst gets updated
and ofcourse then includes all my old and obsolete kernels, so i have to
go in and trim down the menu.lst file by hand so that i can use my dual
boot with not so much down arrowing.
What i would like to know is, is there a way in Ubuntu to delete the old
kernels that i no longer need so that only new kernels get used and so
that the menu.lst doesn't get updated and gets longer and longer?
If i could start gnome, which i can't due to a mistake from me, i could
probably hand-delete the kernels or something like that but i wonder if
there are other more safe methods to remove old kernels.
Thanks for any help.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Web page creation and publishing with speech

2007-07-26 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I have looked very very briefly at a gtk-based html editor called
Bluefish, that looks quite ok. There's also another tool called Screem
or something like that that also looks quite good. How much of those
editors that actually are accessible, i don't know but they're always
worth a try.

Willem van der Walt wrote:
 You can always use a plain text editor to create your pages and ftp to 
 upload it.
 So, if you do not find a tool, that is your way out.
 On Thu, 26 Jul 2007, Michael Weaver wrote:
 I am thinking of constructing a web page.
 I started it at one point under Windows but I lost a few files and
 with me thinking of eventually migrating to Linux I abandoned it for a
 What tools would anyone suggest for me to create and uploade my page
 which are accessible with speech in Linux?
 Hope someone can advise me.
 gnome-accessibility-list mailing list


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Just out of curiosity

2007-05-02 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi people.
Well, the time starts to approach when i can seriously consider
switching from Windows to Ubuntu, which is very impressing today. What i
wonder now out of curiosity is how do people out there solve their
ocr-ing tasks? Is it Ocrad or Gocr from a terminal or is it rebooting
and changing OS or what do you do?
Thanks for answering this.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: basic screen reader question

2007-04-10 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:
Does Gnopernicus allow you to do something Orca does not?
Yes, in fact it does.
You can emulate mouse commands such as drag and drop with Gnopernicus
something which Orca can't at present, and sometimes this is necessary.
Gnopernicus also allowed for moving of the flat review in small steps so
that you could go outside objects that the screen reader knew. How well
it performed these tasks, i don't really know, but it could do them.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Weird upgrading problem

2007-03-07 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hey all,
I was trying to upgrade my Feisty to the latest version this morning
when to my surprice i encountered a strange little problem. I noticed
that the upgrading procedure, (made with the command aptitude
dist-upgrade) had stopped so i went to check the screen and there was a
dialog that said: Configuring X11Common
Incorrect nice value
Please enter an integer between -20 and 19.
Well, here comes the strange part because there was no edit box to fill
in the value in, and typing numbers on the keyboard didn't give any
result, the only keys that worked were spacebar and enter key and they
only produced the same dialog.
Fortunately this is Linux, so there must be a text file that can be
altered in some way. What file has the config settings for X11-common
and if there isn't a text file after all, what if anything can i do in
order for things to install as normal and do you want me to provide any
other info?
Thanks for any help here.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: espeak and orca

2007-01-08 Thread Krister Ekstrom
On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 17:56 +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
 * For those who have eSpeak working (which option did you use the 
 experimental Orca support or the gnome-speech-SD bridge?) -- how is
 working? Any issues?
Well it's working quite ok, i'd say. The only issues i have as of now is
that i can't seem to use document reading (numeric plus) because Orca is
only reading one line and then stops, but i think it has to do with the
lack of indexing somewhere. I think it's a known issue. Other than that,
i haven't had any noticable problems. I'm running the Speech dispatcher

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: espeak and orca

2007-01-08 Thread Krister Ekstrom
On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 13:04 -0600, Kenny Hitt wrote:
 Normally, I use espeak with the speech-dispatcher gnome-speech driver.
 This driver doesn't support the read to end command, so I either
 to festival when I want to read an entire document, or use the direct
 speech-dispatcher backend for Orca.
 Can you actually use both drivers at the same time? I thought it was
 one or the other and installing them both would mean conflict. How
 does one choose between them? I guess they get visible in the orca
 prefs in some way, right?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Mounting Windows partitions/discs from Gnome in Feisty?

2006-12-15 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I'm almost embarrased to ask this, because i think it was discussed a
couple weeks ago, but i have just recently gotten Feisty to work so i
ask this question now.
I can see .desktop files in the Computer folder in Gnome that point to
my windows partitions, one with VFat and the other with Ntfs on them,
however when i try to open them nothing happens and when i try mounting
them the same result occurr. I open them as user, not root. What am i
missing and if there's a setting, where could i adjust it? I managed to
open the windows disk once, that is that's what i thought i did, but i
landed in my Linux file system. It's clear i don't quite understand this
one, so i'm thankful for any help and/or pointer to a document that i
can read.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: getting updates need info

2006-12-15 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi Mike and others.
I don't have any answer to the first question, however i think i know
why users  groups no longer work.
It seems as when you want to add/manipulate users and groups in Feisty,
you now need to be root to do this, and the speech following while
switching users still doesn't seem to work. In Edgy there was a
workaround for that, you could simply get out in a text terminal and
killall -9 orca, however in Feisty when you try doing this you're logged
out of Gnome and are back on the login prompt. This is also true when a
bug buddy appears that you can't see and you try restarting at-spi
registryd and orca to get at the dialog.
To the developers or other gurus, is this a known problem, should one
file a bug against something on this? Has this already been done?

mike coulombe wrote:
 Hi, I am using feisty.
 While the package manager doesn't work with orca the update manager does.
 My question is when ever I run it it doesn't show any updates.
 However if I run aptitude update and then the update manager it shows the 
 Is there a setting that has to be changed so the update manager will work 
 One other thing, the users and groups no longer work with orca.
 X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0659-0, 12/15/2006), Outbound message
 X-Antivirus-Status: Clean

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Can't start gnome in Feisty - the saga continues

2006-12-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi folks.
Well, i will try to describe the problem i'm having as far as i can
remember. I have a horrible memory for syntax, error messages in detail
and other geek and non-geek jargon but i'll try as best as i can.
When i'm at the login prompt of Ubuntu Feisty and have typed my username
and password, the system obviously tries to start because my hard drive
snorts but after a little while it stops and nothing further happens.
When pressing enter i got back to the login prompt. I had a sighted
friend look at the screen but the only thing he saw were a couple of
empty windows. I thought it wasn't the at-spi bug mentioned here on the
list, but further investigations showed that it had something to do with
the accessibility structure because it complained that at-spi-registryd
wasn't started at the start of the session.
Ok, i thought, so let's try the older At-spi thingy then.
I did so, but the problem still was there. The only exeption is that now
i don't return to the login prompt after pressing Enter anymore.
When turning off all accessibility flags, everything seems to work as
normal and Gnome starts up as it should.
Anyone has any suggestions as to what to do? Is there some package one
should look for?
I'm thankful for any help.
Oh, btw, i should perhaps mention that the error occurred after
dist-upgrading from Edgy to Feisty.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: TTS voices project

2006-12-04 Thread Krister Ekstrom

I'd be glad to help in any way possible with the Swedish voice, but as i
understood it from a friend who already is trying to help out it's a
nightmare to put together a voice. How do you suggest one started if i
no nothing about the ins and outs of Espeak?

Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
 Hello All!
 I'd like to propose a new Ubuntu Accessibility project aimed at creating 
 Text To Speech voices (or helping to improve existing ones).
 Project wiki page:
 The project is especially focused on creating and improving eSpeak 
 voices, which we need for the multilingual Live CDs and which are 
 relatively easy to create. The eSpeak maintainer says that he is happy 
 to create new basic language sets, but needs help from native speakers 
 to improve them and actually make them usable. Most of this work does 
 not involve programming or audio mixing, but merely altering language 
 definition files.
 So if you speak one of the languages listed in the wiki, please test the 
 quality of the voice and give some feedback on what might be improved. 
 As we go we can help each other figure out the workings of the eSpeak 
 language definition files.
 This project is important for several reasons:
 - First of all we should strive to provide local language support in 
 spoken form to as many people as possible. Universal Access is both 
 about infrastructure and tools as well as language.
 - The live CD currently ships with some of worlds most spoken languages 
 by default in the form of localised desktop and application interfaces. 
 It would be great if we had the corresponding voices available as well.
 - This represents a fairly simple non-coding way of contributing to 
 Ubuntu Accessibility So if you can spare some time but don't do 
 programming this is a great way to contribute!
 - Local promotion -- It would be much easier to promote Ubuntu and Free 
 Software to local visual impairment communities if we had native speech 
 support. In places where commercial offerings are poor it's a killer 
 If we can make a basic start on this within the ubuntu accessibility 
 team I'd like to invite other groups to help out such as the Ubuntu 
 Studio team or the good folks over at

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Ubuntu Release Schedule (was Re: need some info)

2006-12-01 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi there,
Is it safe to switch my sources.list from Edgy to Feisty? I take it i
just change the lines that say edgy to feisty or is there something
else i should do?

Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
 Willie Walker wrote:
 Ubuntu Folks:

 Is there a URL that we can point users to that contains up-to-date
 schedule and download information?  Queries for this type of information
 seem to come quite often and it would be great if there were one spot
 where people could get answers.
 The Feisty release cycle is described here:
 It shows that the first test disc is scheduled for today, though my 
 guess is that it will be out late evening.
 Announcements are made on ubuntu-devel-announce:
 When such discs are released they will appear here:
 Seems there is already a daily build here for those who cannot wait:
 Hi, is there a link yet for the new version that is scheduled to release 
 the first CD today.
 Mike, I appreciate your enthusiasm to test, but please excuse us for not 
 always answering these questions promptly. Frequent AWTY (Are We There 
 Yet?!) questions are often ignored by developers as a matter of 
 principle I'm afraid :-/

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Weird problem on my Ubuntu system

2006-10-31 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi folks.
First, i'm sorry for the cross posting, but i am at a loss now, and
don't know what to do and maybe if one don't know the other one will.
I have a wierd problem, to say the least on my Ubuntu system (Latest
Edgi, Orca from Cvs and ESpeak but it also occurrs on Festival).
The problem i'm having is that every time i go into a menu in Gnome, and
it doesn't matter which menu and then arrow down a couple steps, the
system crashes and Bug buddy comes up with an error report. This started
happening last sunday and as far as i know, i didn't do anything in
particular to make this start happening. I'm no programmer, so the techy
side of the problem is something i don't understand, unfortunately so
can't give you any hacker details. I have a bug buddy error report with
most debug symbols in place that i could attach should someone want it,
but as i said, me i'm at a loss as to what gives here.
Thanks in advance for any hints, questions or info you could pass my way.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Orca Weird problem on my Ubuntu system

2006-10-31 Thread Krister Ekstrom
You are right, Will, it seems to be Gnome-panel that acts up. The
problem got solved when i installed the regular, not the cvs version of
Orca. Too bad, because i really loved the way the users and groups bug
was solved. The only thing that didn't work, was that Orca didn't
anounce the changed status of the check box when pressing the space bar,
otherwise it worked fine, but i can't use it, since something goes wrong
between orca and gnome-panel.

Willie Walker wrote:
 Hi Krister:
 I'm going to guess this is gnome-panel crashing.  It has a very sad
 outlook on life and randomly kills itself when it sees an assistive
 technology running.  When one looks at the 492 open bugs on gnome-panel,
 35 of them have crash in their summary, so I'm guessing gnome-panel is
 doing some rather complex things that are hard to get right.  :-(
 One of my mottos is if you want something done right, OR AT ALL, you
 have to do it yourself.  As such, we (the Orca team) may need to be the
 ones to track this problem down and propose a patch to the gnome-panel
 folks.  If someone else has time and wants to take the lead on this, I
 have no problem with them doing so.  ;-) ;-) ;-)
 On Tue, 2006-10-31 at 12:25 +0100, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
 Hi folks.
 First, i'm sorry for the cross posting, but i am at a loss now, and
 don't know what to do and maybe if one don't know the other one will.
 I have a wierd problem, to say the least on my Ubuntu system (Latest
 Edgi, Orca from Cvs and ESpeak but it also occurrs on Festival).
 The problem i'm having is that every time i go into a menu in Gnome, and
 it doesn't matter which menu and then arrow down a couple steps, the
 system crashes and Bug buddy comes up with an error report. This started
 happening last sunday and as far as i know, i didn't do anything in
 particular to make this start happening. I'm no programmer, so the techy
 side of the problem is something i don't understand, unfortunately so
 can't give you any hacker details. I have a bug buddy error report with
 most debug symbols in place that i could attach should someone want it,
 but as i said, me i'm at a loss as to what gives here.
 Thanks in advance for any hints, questions or info you could pass my way.
 Orca-list mailing list

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: A Bit OT: Making the Command-Line Friendlier (DOS-Background, Long)

2006-10-10 Thread Krister Ekstrom
On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 20:49 +0200, Samuel Thibault wrote:
 Veli-Pekka Tätilä, le Mon 09 Oct 2006 21:21:16 +0300, a écrit :
  You need text config files and the shell as soon as something does
  not have a front-end or is not thought to be important enough to be
  configured by the average user.
 Well, at least you have a relatively simple text config (with doc).  On
 windows you'd have to dig into the registry...
True, but in Linux  you also have Webmin, which can configure much of
the system from a web interface.

   Manual pages are reference documentation (
  Arrgh, that's quite bad really. Fortunately GUI apps have a sounder 
  philosophy in this. No-one expects you to absolutely master an app based on 
  a pure menu reference, for example. I know the comparison is a bit unfair 
  but needless to say, I really don't liek this philosophy.
 But once learned, this is a very efficient approach.  Yes, it means
 learning.  Well, yes, bare unix will probably be for programmers for
Yes and it's sad because unix/Linux is a powerful system but unless it
doesn't get user friendlier, which it works on, it's gonna be kinda hard
to convinse windows folks to leave Windows... 

   unfortunately) few people know. Type info coreutils for instance, for
  Thanks, will try that. HOW widely are these available?
 What do you mean by widely?  Any distribution will for sure provide
 them.  Now, do all packages have such documentation?  GNU packages, yes,
 because that's in their development policy.  Else, not so much,
And in some cases, the info pages point to man pages.

 BTW, maybe you'l find pinfo easier for browsing info pages.
 Thanks for the tip. Have installed it now and will have a look at it.

   Mmm, I can't remember exactly which one this was, maybe mc (midnight
   commander) and other such tools may fit your needs?
  I tried MC a couple of days back and my WIndows screen reader didn't track 
  the focus in the terminal emulator. It is probably quite a complex app for 
  console screen readers.
 Oh, maybe you should use the accessible version which has proper cursor
 routing: amc.
Where can you obtain this? I checked but Ubuntu didn't have it.
On another not, would it be at all possible for Brltty to have some kind
of option to track other cursors than the standard system cursor, for
example the soft cursor found in MC?

  The Norton tree is simply a scrolling ASCII tree of directories in which 
  can navigate with arrows and go to a dir with enter.
 Ok.  I don't know such program.
There's a simple file manager whos name i can't quite remember, but i
think it was something like Pilot.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Almost ashamed to ask but ...

2006-10-09 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hey folks,
Krister here with another little query for you.
I'm trying to play an .mp3 file by selecting it on the Gnome desktop and
then hitting the enter key. But instead of nice music, a dialog comes up
saying that Totem can't play this type of file since i don't have a
decoder for .mp3 installed and my question is what package i should
install? I've searched for mp3 decoders, but with no luck at all,
probably because i don't know the propper name of the package, so could
anyone please shed some light on this?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: orca and lsr updated.

2006-10-06 Thread Krister Ekstrom
At least Orca will, that i'm sure very soon be available as a package.
Dunno if LSR is available right now, but if it is, it'll also be

On Fri, 2006-10-06 at 12:18 -0500, mike coulombe wrote:
 Hi, I see that both orca and lsr have new versions out.
 Will there be packages we can get using apt-get,
 or will these be considered software updates and included automatically.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: where is disk managet in edgy

2006-10-05 Thread Krister Ekstrom

mike coulombe wrote:
 Hi, in dapper there is a disk manager to enable windows partitions.
 I don't see this in edgy. Does anyone know the correct name of the package to 
 install to get this.

That's a package that i to am interested in getting, so please provide
the name to the list.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: building elinks with javascript support breaks Gnome

2006-10-04 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I can confirm that it is so. I tried to install the necessary components
to get the Javascript support and had my gnome removed. I had to install
it again, and this removed the javascript components...

On Wed, 2006-10-04 at 09:39 -0500, Kenny Hitt wrote:
 Since Firefox accessibility still has a ways to go, I do most of my web
 browsing with elinks.  Unfortunately, the Ubuntu elinks package has
 javascript support disabled.  When I try to install the libmozjs-dev
 package needed to get javascript support in elinks, aptitude wants to
 remove large parts of gnome to satisfy dependencies.
 Would it be possible to enable javascript support in the Ubuntu elinks
 package?  If not, does anyone know a way to install the libmozjs-dev
 package so I can build elinks from source without breaking Gnome?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Team meeting

2006-10-04 Thread Krister Ekstrom
On Wed, 2006-10-04 at 16:46 +0200, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
 For those new to IRC see:
Will this chat client work with Orca? I assume it does, but ask anyways.
Is this a meeting where everyone's invited? 
Sorry for the newbyish questions. I just don't wanna stomp in where i
don't belong.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: idea for the installer

2006-09-27 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi folks,
I don't think the problem is the installer being accessible or not, at
least in Ubuntu, the graphical installer works very well, at least if
you have a hard drive dedicated to Linux. The thing that can be tricky,
or rather that is tricky is that speecha and braille don't follow when
you switch to being a root user from a regular user. You'll have to kill
Orca as a regular user and then start it again as root, and this can
sometimes cause problems. What would be good was if there was a way to
smoothly switch speech with the user so that one could switch users
without losing assistive technology and i think this is being worked on.
Please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.

On Wed, 2006-09-27 at 09:38 +0300, Veli-Pekka Tätilä wrote:
 mike coulombe wrote:
  but if there is a real problem getting orca to work with the install
  program. How about a automatic installer. snip
 I think that's a great idea especially for newbies who do want to go with 
 the defaults. About the only setting I changed myself was the locale FInland 
 that is. Based on that a smart installer should be able to figure out my 
 time zone and keyboard, although there might not be a 1to1 mapping for all 
 the other countries.
 I've heard there might already be an automated deployment system for Debian, 
 which is called I believe automated install (kickstart in Redhat). I've 
 never used the thing, though.
 It would  be even better if the user could customize the setup. HACking some 
 well commented config file to do that might be an acceptable alternative 
 similarly to apps like doxygen for C plus plus programmers or the HTML Tidy 
 manual and config file for Web authors.
 Personally, you guessed it, I would rather do this via some GUI preferably 
 mirroring that of the installer as much as is practical. The only OS in 
 which I've done that myself and really liked it was Win98, though.
 For Windows users, and I guess most people are switching from windows due to 
 the dominance and long-term development of apps like Jaws, Eloquence and 
 Zoom Text, there's another catch. That is you cannot generally make a good 
 accessible Windows GUI with Linux GUis like TK or GTK, or at least I've 
 never seen any. Maybe a cross platform solution with ports to various OSes 
 and GUI libs, if the users would like to do this customization before they 
 boot to the OS. Or some console affair written with a GUI screen readre 
 friendly text mode and ANSI C. AS to what's GUI reader friendly, little or 
 no ASCII graphics and using the standard cursor or something that's at least 
 shaped like a vertical bar for easy tracking.
 Or if the live CD approach is prevalent, one could do this customization in 
 some specialty distro. Maybe it would fit on most USB sticks and you could 
 at the very least easily write out the changes on some removable media. On 
 the other hand, if the live CD could be made to speak the installer, most 
 people who don't have to deploy Linux on multiple machines, could just as 
 well use the speaking installer directly.
 Regarding the defaults, if this is specific to folks needing accessibility, 
 I think the settings should reflect that. For ages I've been wishing for a 
 LInux distro that just worked in terms of accessibility. SOmething with as 
 many CLI and GUI readers, multi-lingual speech synths and accessible 
 versions (GTK2 or self-voicing) as is practical. Too bad the Oralux project 
 hasn't advanced all that much.
 I think it would be great if Gnome had the assistive technology support 
 enabled by default. I cannot see why it already doesn't, in fact, unless 
 accessibility is a major performance or stability hit. OS X has the right 
 attitude in this, in that a user can just start using Voice Over, and when 
 he or she does that, speech, full keyboard access and the accessibility API 
 just works. In other words, no need  to configure anything. Besides, 
 configuring is difficult for many if you don't have speech or at least good 
 full-screen magnification preferrably with font smoothing (for truetype 
 With kind regards Veli-Pekka Tätilä ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Accessibility, game music, synthesizers and programming: 

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Should i file a bug, or is this a known issue or am i missing something obvious?

2006-09-11 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi folks,
I'm running Ubuntu Edgy on an IBM Net Vista with a built-in Intel
Graphics card model 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV. The computer's got 512 Meg ram
and i run Linux on a 40 Gig hard drive.
The problem i'm having is that my desktop in Ubuntu is wobbly to say the
least. Every time i do something in any application, like pressing ok
after typing in a password for mail in Evolution or making a change in
any preferences dialog or ... do anything, Orca, or it could be the
whole system, i'm not sure, freezes and i can do nothing. The only
method i've found that helps is to totally reboot and start all over again.
Another thing that's strange, is that i can only run my system at a
color depth of 16 bits and the only resolution setting that's visible in
Gnome is 640x480. Does anyone using graphics programs today actually use
a resolution that low? I have tried to change the allocated video RAM in
the Xorg.conf but to no avail, i only get one resolution. Could these
two problems i've described be related in some way? Is this a known
issue or am i doing something wrong or should i file a bug on this. I
don't know if there's an error log of some kind and i can not seem to
get some dialog when the system hangs, so wonder what to do.
Sorry for these newbyish questions.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Some problems i have with my Ubuntu system

2006-09-05 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi folks,
I have some problems with my Ubuntu Edgy system running on an IBM Net
Vista with a built-in Intel graphics card, (I810).
I made a dist-upgrade this morning, european time and since then i no
longer have a working Swedish keyboard layout, or rather it works, but
Orca doesn't. When i have U.s english keyboard layout, Orca works as
expected, but when i switch to Swedish layout, i can no longer silence
Orca with the control keys and the numeric keypad will not work. Is this
anything that anyone has encountered? Should i file a bug report?
Thanks for all help.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Found my live cd problem, now a question

2006-08-29 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Krister here. I wrote to the list and asked a couple days back about a
problem i had when starting up the Ubuntu live cd. It looked like X
didn't start correctly. It turned out that it didn't, because it uses a
screen depth apparently not supported by my screen. It wanted to use
24-bit color, but my screen wants to use 16-bit color, so my question
is: Is there a way to change the screen depth from the boot prompt
thingy and if so, how?
Thanks a lot for any answer.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list