On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 02:22:59PM +0200, Frederik Elwert wrote:
>       * Dasher, as a complete different approach. I might be a good
>         replacement for a regular virtual keyboard once mobility
>         decreases to a level where a regular keyboard is hard to handle.
>         But it seems not to be very well maintained, it???s quite unstable
>         and I did not manage to get all of its functionality working

I'm sorry to hear this - please let me know what problems you are having...

We have already put together dasher running on android writing into
talkadroid to provide mobile speech generation (both available from
the android market place).

The most recent dasher in the git repository
(git clone git://git.gnome.org/dasher) will use speechdispatcher or
gnome speech if it is installed on your system, and in combination
with "control mode" will speak what you write.

Best wishes,

(dasher maintainer)

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