Status of IBM a11y

2007-06-01 Thread Peter Parente
Hello all,

Yesterday, IBM decided to change strategies with respect to GNOME accessibility:

Under this new plan, IBM is no longer supporting development of LSR,
Accerciser, pyatspi, AT-SPI::Collection, or Firefox/AT-SPI
accessibility. These projects will not vanish, but the news does have
an impact on each.

== Accerciser

Eitan Isaacson is busy preparing Accerciser for inclusion in GNOME
2.20 under a grant from the Mozilla Foundation. Its development and
documentation is far enough along that it should only require minimal
future maintenance (i.e. bug fixes, updates to stay in sync with
at-spi). As far as I know, Eitan plans to stay on as maintainer of
Accerciser after the grant concludes. Even if Eitan does decide to
leave, someone from the accessibility or automated testing communities
could step up and take ownership over the code.

== pyatspi

The Python bindings for AT-SPI are complete enough to power Accerciser
today. Dogtail and LDTP are busy adopting them as well. Orca, as I
understand it, plans to adopt them sometime in the GNOME 2.20 or 2.22
time frame. I will do my best to support pyatspi as problems arise
until another member of the GNOME community is expert enough to own
the binding. Since pyatspi is in the at-spi module, Li Yuan remains as
the proper maintainer.

== LSR

Development on LSR as a screen reader for GNOME will cease. We will
make one last release of LSR 0.5.3 on Monday in line with GNOME
2.19.3. After that, the project will go dormant until various groups
decide whether the LSR core will be used to drive other open source AT
projects or if it will be abandoned altogether.  Over the next few
weeks, I will be updating and writing documentation in case the LSR
core goes on to live in other projects. I will also reorganize the LSR
wiki to de-emphasize the screen reader user content, and put the focus
more on developer documentation. Contact me directly if you wish to
discuss LSR.

== Firefox and the Mozilla platform

Aaron Leventhal will remain the maintainer of accessibility for the
Mozilla core. His priorities will now be: 1) ARIA support -- Windows
and Linux , 2) Firefox 3 accessibility regressions, 3) IAccessible2
and cross-platform issues

Aaron will not be focusing on Linux accessibility support in the
Firefox 3 timeframe unless it affects all platforms, API harmonization
or ARIA support. The ATK/AT-SPI-specific support of XUL and HTML must
now be via the existing community and module peers. Aaron will
continue to be available to review bug fixes in those areas. Contact
Aaron directly for details.

== AT-SPI Collection
Ariel Rios has (or will) post his outstanding work on implementing the
AT-SPI Collection interface. I'm not sure of his immediate plans, but
he has expressed an interest in completing the work on his personal
time. Contact Ariel directly for details. Documentation about
Collection can be found at


Personally, I am still extremely interested in accessibility and the
GNOME desktop. The IBM decision means that I will no longer contribute
to GNOME through my daily work, but I certainly plan to make
contributions to GNOME as a hobbyist. In addition, I will gladly help
anyone who wishes to develop or reuse any of the projects I worked on
for the past two years. Feel free to contact me about them at any

Finally, I want to wish all the other accessibility developers on
GNOME the best of luck. Keep fighting the good fight of making free
software accessible to all those who want it.

Best regards,
Peter Parente

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Orca, AT-SPI and the Compiz zoom project

2007-04-30 Thread Peter Parente
Hi Kristian,

Traditionally, screen reader ATs like gnopernicus originally and now
Orca and LSR drive the gnome-magnifier. The magnifier itself is just a
"dummy" component which is completely controller by the other ATs.
They tell it where to look, how much to zoom, how big a zoom region
should be on the desktop, how many zoom regions should exist, how big
the cursor should be, etc. The purpose of this design, I believe, is
so that magnification can be tied to speech and Braille output by the
screen reader.

At present, the screen readers communicate with gnome-mag through bonobo/CORBA.

I hope this helps,

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Fwd: Module Proposal: LSR

2007-04-11 Thread Peter Parente
FYI. Please see the message on the desktop developers' list and post
your comments to that list so they are all in one place.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Accerciser 0.1.0 (stretch)

2007-02-23 Thread Peter Parente
Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the
GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing
you to check if an application is providing correct information to
assistive technologies and automated test frameworks. Accerciser has a
simple plugin framework which you can use to create custom views of
accessibility information.

In essence, Accerciser is a next generation at-poke tool.

== Features

* ORBit, not cspi, based

Like the modern LSR and Orca screen readers, Accerciser uses pyORBit to talk
AT-SPI with other applications. The legacy cspi module is avoided.

* Plugin architecture

Create a Python module, drop it in a folder, and have it load as a plugin pane
with full access to AT-SPI and the selected element in the accessibility tree

* Interface browser and event monitor plugins

All the features you've come to expect from a poke tool, and then some.

* IPython console plugin

A full, interactive Python shell with access to the accessible object selected
in the tree view; all AT-SPI interfaces, methods and attributes; and any other
Python modules. Supports autocompletion and a million other niceties thanks to

* API browser plugin

Shows the interfaces, methods, and attributes available on the selected
accessible object.

* Global hotkeys

Move the tree view quickly to the last focused accessible or the one under the
mouse pointer. Insert a marker into the event monitor log for easy
identification at a later time.

* Customizable UI layout

Move plugin tabs to different panels or even separate windows to view them

* Accessibility!

Accerciser does not disable its own accessibility.

* Yelp documentation

Included in the package.

* Python powered

Brits, not serpents.

== Authors

Eitan Isaascon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is responsible for taking a mock-up from
Peter Parente ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and turning it into the wonderful, useful
tool that it is today.

== For more information

Visit the Accerciser web site at

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Screen Magnifier

2006-12-06 Thread Peter Parente

I know that the Orca screen reader has support for driving the
gnome-magnifier at present. I'm not sure what options are available
for configuring it today.

The next release of Linux Sreen Reader will also have support for
using the gnome-magnifier by itself and with speech and/or Braille. We
have mouse, focus, selection, and caret tracking working. We also have
nearly all of the settings supported by the magnifier exposed in our
configuration dialog, including color inversion.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

LSR 0.3.2 - BSD Licensed!

2006-11-29 Thread Peter Parente
* What is it ?

Linux Screen Reader (LSR) is an extensible assistive technology for people with
disabilities. The design philosophy behind LSR is to provide a core platform
that enables the development of LSR extensions for improving desktop
application accessibility and usability and shields extension developers from
the intricacies of the desktop accessibility architecture.

The primary use of the LSR platform is to give people with visual impairments
access to the GNOME desktop and its business applications (e.g. Firefox,
OpenOffice, Eclipse) using speech, Braille, and screen magnification. The
extensions packaged with the LSR core are intended to meet this end. However,
LSR's rich support for extensions can be used for a variety of other purposes
such as supporting novel input and output devices, improving accessibility for
users with other disabilities, enabling multi-modal access to the GNOME
desktop, and so forth.

* What's changed ?

The purpose of this release is to publicly announce the change of license on
the LSR code base from the Common Public License to the New Berkeley Software
Distribution License (BSD) official and public. The BSD license is
GPL-compatible but has no copyleft restriction. This change helps LSR better
fit into the GNOME ecosystem and allows other projects to build on it with
few restrictions.

Some of the features planned for 0.4.0 are present in this release. A full
record of those features will appear in the announcement for that version and
are available in the ChangeLog in the meantime.


* ar (Djihed Afifi)

* Where can I get it ?

Source code release:

For more information, visit the LSR home page:

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Crash on red squiggly line (was Re: Orca/Magnifier Issues)

2006-11-13 Thread Peter Parente
Hi Will,

Thanks for opening the OOo bug.

You're right that the crash isn't caused by the red underline
attribute. But there is a problem with using getAttributeRun versus
the older getAttributes in the Text interface. Here's a bug report
with stack trace of the crash in gedit.

We've reverted back to using getAttributes until the newer method is fixed.


On 11/13/06, Willie Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Peter et al:
> I was just doing some testing with this on Ubuntu Edgy with gedit 2.16.1
> and OOo 2.0.4-0ubuntu2.
> I've got good news and bad news.  The bad news is that I was able to
> confirm that OOo crashes when doing a spell check while Orca is running.
> Bummer.  The good news is that inspecting the text attributes of a word
> with a red squiggly line doesn't seem to cause a crash.
> I'll file a bug with the OOo folks regarding the crash.
> Thanks!
> Will
> On Tue, 2006-11-07 at 09:25 -0500, Peter Parente wrote:
> > Hi Robert and Will,
> >
> > > 1)  I noticed that doing spell-checking in OpenOffice Writer while
> > > using ORca/Magnifier (without speech) caused OpenOffice to crash.
> >
> > At one point I noticed that inspecting the text attributes on a word
> > with a red squiggly line under it in ANY application appears to crash
> > that application (e.g. OOo writer, gedit with auto spell checking
> > enabled). I chalked it up to a GNOME 2.14 bug, but I just now
> > reproduced it in 2.16 as well. Perhaps it has something to do with the
> > crash?
> >
> > Pete

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Orca/Magnifier Issues

2006-11-07 Thread Peter Parente
Hi Robert and Will,

> 1)  I noticed that doing spell-checking in OpenOffice Writer while
> using ORca/Magnifier (without speech) caused OpenOffice to crash.

At one point I noticed that inspecting the text attributes on a word
with a red squiggly line under it in ANY application appears to crash
that application (e.g. OOo writer, gedit with auto spell checking
enabled). I chalked it up to a GNOME 2.14 bug, but I just now
reproduced it in 2.16 as well. Perhaps it has something to do with the


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: eSpeak and Screen Readers?

2006-10-31 Thread Peter Parente
Lorenzo T. indicated on the gnome accessibility mailing list that he
managed to get eSpeak working in LSR via Speech Dispatcher. Here's a
link to his post.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

ANNOUNCE: Linux Screen Reader 0.3.0

2006-10-06 Thread Peter Parente
* What is it ?

The Linux Screen Reader (LSR) project is an open source effort to
develop an extensible assistive technology for the GNOME desktop
environment. The goal of the project is to create a reusable
development platform for building alternative and supplemental user
interfaces in support of people with diverse disabilities.

The primary use of the LSR platform is to give people with visual impairments
access to the GNOME desktop and its business applications (e.g. Firefox,
OpenOffice, Eclipse) using speech, Braille, and screen magnification. The
extensions packaged with the LSR core are intended to meet this end. However,
LSR's rich support for extensions can be used for a variety of other purposes
such as supporting novel input and output devices, improving accessibility for
users with other disabilities, enabling multi-modal access to the GNOME
desktop, and so forth.

* What's changed ?

A demonstration of LSR 0.3.0 will be presented at the GNOME Accessibility
Summit. A screencast of the demo will be posted on the LSR homepage
shortly thereafter. The demo will showcase the latest screen reading
features of LSR
as well as two prototype interfaces for people with cognitive decline and
reading disabilities.

For users

* The new settings dialog allows for configuration of settings defined by a
  particular device or script as well as the current user profile. For
  instance, a user can change their speech synthesizer without restarting LSR.
* Settings are now persistent across sessions. More settings will be added
  in future versions.
* New keyboard commands are now available such as reading accessible
  descriptions, reporting text attributes, routing focus and caret, etc. See
  the list of defined commands at
* The LSR review keys now function on web pages in Firefox 3.0. The FirefoxPerk
  will grow new commands for rich document navigation in future releases.
* The Perk chooser dialog allows users to manually load and unload scripts for
  the current application. This allows users to dynamically load/unload tool
  scripts at runtime, kind of like Emacs modes.
* DECtalk is now supported through gnome-speech.
* SpeechDispatcher is now supported.
* A script to better support accessible login has been added. Instructions for
  configuring Fedora Core to start LSR at login are now available in the LSR
  FAQ. (

For developers

* The developer scripting API has grown a tremendous number of new convenience
  methods. See the epydoc on the LSR homepage for details.
* Three developer monitors now exist in LSR for watching raw accessibility
  events from at-spi, execution of LSR scripts, and I/O streams to devices.
* User configurable settings may now be defined by LSR scripts. The settings
  dialog automatically generates an accessible user interface for changing
  their values.
* Developers can now add new dialogs and debugging monitors to LSR just as they
  can add scripts and input/output devices. They're all just extensions to LSR.
* The command line interface for managing extensions is now simpler.
* Extensions may now be added by the root user and made available system-wide,
  or added by an unprivileged user and available for his/her use only.
* The spec is updated to support the building of relocatable RPMs.


* en_GB(David Lodge)
* vi(Clytie Siddall)
* zh_CN(Funda Wang)
* pt_BR(Raphael Higino)
* sv(Daniel Nylander)

For full details, please see the ChangeLog at

For an idea of where LSR is headed next, visit

* Where can I get it ?

Source code release and contributed packages:

For more information, visit the LSR home page:

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: problem with movie player and orca

2006-09-14 Thread Peter Parente

I believe Rhythmbox and Totem both use ALSA to talk to the sound
hardware on your machine. ALSA has the nice capability of mixing
multiple streams of audio across applications. On the other hand, most
(if not all) speech synthesizers use the older OSS sound library to
talk to your sound card. A conflict occurs when an app using OSS and
another using ALSA try to send output to the same device. Typically,
one will block indefinitely until the other releases the device.

SpeechDispatcher is looking to address this problem by routing output
from OSS synthesizers through ALSA when possible. For instance, IBM
TTS (ViaVoice) can return  the raw speech waveform to an application
instead of outputing it directly. An app can do whatever it wants with
the waveform (e.g. send it to ALSA).  I'm not sure how mature this
support is in SpeechDispatcher at present.

LSR 0.3.0 has support for routing IBM TTS speech through a free, but
closed source third-party mixing library that output using ALSA.
Directions on how to configure LSR to use this library will be
available when 0.3.0 is released at the end of the month.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list