Many thanks for your answer. Hopefully it will be once accessible with speech.

Op 01-04-16 om 04:10 schreef Luke Yelavich:
On Fri, Apr 01, 2016 at 10:20:33AM AEDT, Nolan Darilek wrote:
I feel like the OP's question is a bit different.

My understanding of these devices is that they become full(er) desktops when
plugged in to external hardware. At this point, would existing desktop APIs
take over and grant a desktop-like level of a11y, even if they don't work in
touch mode?

No, because it is not the same code base, sorry I probably didn't make that 
clear. Its totally new Unity, based on Qt5, based on Mir, no X involved, no Gtk 
anywhere so far as I know, etc.


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