Hi, Ubuntuers!

I burned the subject Beta to a 16 gb USB drive, with the maximum-size persistence file that USB Disk Creator app will allow.  I booted this new system, with the Blindness profile, in the usual way.  I configured Orca as I want, and saved its settings.  While I was doing this, the Zeitgeist demon and vfsd crashed, just as the do in my Beta 1 installation.  I chose to ignore future crashes of these components.  I then went to the top panel, and connected to my wireless, using the menu of available connections.  Whenever I do this, I find that I'm stuck in the menu system.  I've tried key combinations like 'escape', 'ctrl+esc', 'ctrl+alt+tab', 'super+tab', 'super+d', and a few others.  none of these seems to work.  Might this be caused by the crashes I chose to ignore? 

Next, I wanted to switch to Unity, recalling how well it seemed to work in Beta 1.  I rebooted my usb, went to 'menus->system->administration->login screen'.  Here, I hit the 'unlock' button, and changed the session type to 'Ubuntu', instead of 'Ubuntu Classic, no effects'.  I closed the login screen applet.  On subsequent reboot, the system came back with classic Gnome settings and behavior. 

If I find that Classic Gnome is preferred, how do I work with the new 'indicator' style top panel?  If I want Unity, what should I do, other than re-burn the usb from iso, and run without the blindness profile?



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