If you are looking for an accessible version of Ubuntu that has a built in
screen reader and magnifier and can be installed and run out of the box
without vision, check out the Vinux Project at:

We did several epdisodes of our radio show / podcast, Eyes On Success, about
Vinux.  Go to:
and enter "Vinux" into the Search field to get a list of all episodes which
featured Vinux, along with links to the audio, show notes, and a brief

You might also like to subscribe to the Eyes On Success podcast by using the
in your favorite podcatching program.  The show features a wide variety of
topics of interest to the visually impaired.

To receive weekly announcements of upcoming shows, join the listener forum
by sending an e-mail to:



Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 01:29:04 +0100
From: tapper <emma.lanc...@googlemail.com>
To: ubuntu-accessibility@lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Ubuntu and a screenreader
Message-ID: <526080d0.5090...@ntlworld.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

hi what's going on with the new Ubuntu:  can i as a blind computer user 
install it with speech. are you going to update the wiki or even do a 
blog post about it. i will be very happy if you can get back to me and 
let me no as win 8 is a pile! thanks Tapper

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