When I click in the link to access the bug, the bug is not shown and  I 
receive the following:
You apparently didn't choose any bugs to modify.

On 04/02/2010 05:11 PM, Bill Cox wrote:
> I've tracked down the structural navigation issue with Firefox and
> Orca, and submitted a patch to the Mozilla guys.  I would like to go
> ahead and patch firefox and make it available through the Vinux PPA,
> so Vinux users can start testing it.  Hopefully there aren't any more
> bugs in Orca navigation, and hopefully I haven't created any new ones!
>   I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  If it works out ok, I'd love to see
> Ubuntu Lucid's firefox get fixed as well.  The bug report is at:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/process_bug.cgi
> Bill
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