I installed Ringtail yesterday from the daily iso image, I took a video while doing it but I need to edit that down before posting it.

Once you have a computer that will boot from USB (bit of fiddling in the bios with no audio available) it boots to a grub menu. First option is to run the desktop, second option is to install ubuntu, so cursor down and enter after booting.
After the drums, wait a couple of seconds then press ctrl+s to start orca
Alt-tab doesn't work to get to the ubiquity window, so you have to use a mouse. The mouse cursor starts out in the center of the screen and is in the right place, so you just have to make a left mouse button click happen to move focus to ubiquity. Once in ubiquity it works as before. I would strongly recommend being plugged in to wired internet for the installation process - connecting to wifi is challenging (and might not work depending on your wifi card) and if you are not connected to the internet it won't correctly guess your location, timezone and keyboard preferences and will assume you are in New York, USA with a US keyboard layout. Apart from that I could proceed through the ubiquity screens to the end, restart and boot into a desktop with orca running. First time I did it the unity dash spoke the button names for applications, but since then it has been silent. The launcher speaks OK and other applications work as before.

So the regressions are
- starts with a grub menu (this is probably temporary)
- no alt-tab at the start of ubiquity, you need a mouse click.

the rest is the same bugs as before as far as I can tell.


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