Dear users and developers,
Would some body try to answer me the following accessibility related question? In The future official Ubuntu 11.10 release, how will be solved The navigation in side The installed applications menu? In The Ubuntu 11.04 and in The earlyer releases, user could press ALT+F1 and special applications menu have been recalled. Will be The similar keyboardshortcut awailable also in The official Ubuntu 11.10? Or it will be awailable in Vinux? I would like to thank MR Yelavich for his exhaustic, very complex and intensive programmers work. I would like to thank him very much, that he want to develope Vinux build scripts, so Vinux will be officially builded so no utilities such as Remastersys will be necessary to use. Very well done. I would like to thank MR Yelavich and Canonical LTD for bringing newest software and kernel drivers to every Ubuntu release. I know, that some of visually impaired users may be sad, that new features are causing accessibility issues. But i think, that it is very positive, that visually impaired users can be engaged to The development of new user interfaces such as Unity. And new display managers such as LighttGDM. Very important positive fact is, that there is even ammazing proggrammer, who is bringing QT support for us by developing The bridge between At-spi and QT libraryes.
My question is:
How i can simply access The run application dialog window in The latest Ubuntu daily build to run terminal and to try some QT based applications atleast by using live CD mode?
I can not very probably run The terminal by typing
If there is no chance to run terminal like in earlyer Gnome releases, and if run applications dialog is not accessible by using keyboard shortcut, i AM suggesting to atleast support this hodkey. Or next idea is adding all applications links to The desktop, because desktop is accessible by Orca. So If applications menu is not accessible, I AM suggesting You to add applications linksto The desktop. Because it will be very probably much more easyer than to modifi Unity or Gnome-shell.
What do You think about my idea?
New accessibility algorithms can be awailable by Ubuntu updates.
Fortunately, Orca and At-spi is stable and also speech-dispatcher and Pulseaudio are working excellently, so there is nothink annoing for visually impaired users. I think, that it will be good idea to solve some complex accessibility related issues to make Vinux distro, which will combine new and older modules to provide best awailable accessibility. So i AM recommending YOu to add applications shortcuts list to The desktop in The live CD mode, when user is activating Orca profile. So sighted users will not be surprised by The new Canonical LTD approach.
What do You think about it?
Also Run application link could be awailable in The desktop.
If there is no choice to make The keyboard shortcut for this task

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