Hello Sandy,

On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 12:44 -0600, Sandy Phillips wrote:
> My brother said that someone gave him a link to go and download a program 
> where he could just right click on a tar file and it would extract it but he 
> lost it. Can anyone tell me what he could be talking about? I'm going to be 
> using ubuntu 9.04. Any and all help would be appreciated.

If you mean opening a tar/tar.gz/etc file in Gnome/Ubuntu, it's called
file-roller, but shows in Gnome as Archive Manager.

It should be installed with the rest of Ubuntu, but if it isn't you can
install it with:
sudo aptitude install file-roller
(in a terminal window)

Having it installed, you just need to press Return for the file to be
open in file-roller.

Hope it helps,

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