Does anyone know of a utility out there that will let you control and
augment the way the mouse buttons and wheel behaves. The mouse wheel is
tied two and sometimes three control movements, rotation for scrolling
or zooming, pressing for clicking the middle button, and sometimes left
and right pressing for another degree of action like horizontal

With my finger control, for example, if I'm relaxed, I might have a 50%
chance of clicking the scroll wheel without scrolling off target first.
So being able to lock out some of the mouse wheel capabilities easily
would be useful at times. 

Part of what I'd like to see is an input event filter that could be
access by a pop up window to restrict or augment the mouse's buttons and
scroll wheel. Has anyone seen anything like this? If not would there be
be anyone interested in work with me on this or more generically on a
set of tools/utilities for optimizing the mouse and keyboard use by
people with dexterity issues? 

Rick Berger 

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

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