Hi Mike and others.
I don't have any answer to the first question, however i think i know
why users & groups no longer work.
It seems as when you want to add/manipulate users and groups in Feisty,
you now need to be root to do this, and the speech following while
switching users still doesn't seem to work. In Edgy there was a
workaround for that, you could simply get out in a text terminal and
killall -9 orca, however in Feisty when you try doing this you're logged
out of Gnome and are back on the login prompt. This is also true when a
bug buddy appears that you can't see and you try restarting at-spi
registryd and orca to get at the dialog.
To the developers or other gurus, is this a known problem, should one
file a bug against something on this? Has this already been done?

mike coulombe wrote:
> Hi, I am using feisty.
> While the package manager doesn't work with orca the update manager does.
> My question is when ever I run it it doesn't show any updates.
> However if I run aptitude update and then the update manager it shows the 
> updates.
> Is there a setting that has to be changed so the update manager will work 
> correctly.
> One other thing, the users and groups no longer work with orca.
> Mike.
> X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0659-0, 12/15/2006), Outbound message
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