Dear core developers of Orca and other users,

    Do You think, that Abiword could be made accessible with Orca, now, I 
found out, that many dialogs are accessible without problems, including all 
menus, but navigation inside opened or newly created document is not 
available with Orca. Orca can not read and intereact when User is pressing 
arrow keys or Del and Backspace. Could be possible to also access this edit 
area in Abiword, or this is not possible, because there are no possibility 
to get text from this document area, because it is not compatible with 
At-spi? I AM aware, that openoffice package is fully accessible, but when 
Abiword is also presented, may be, that it could be possible to make some 
scripts for accessing document content in Abiword too.

If no, please try to tell Me, why is not possible from programmers wiev.

Thank You for Your answer.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel

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