Re: [ubuntu-art] Styles/looks discussion

2006-08-21 Thread Michiel Sikma

On Aug 19, 2006, at 2:22 PM, PingunZ wrote:

> My preferences are " Rounded " and " Matte and Gloss "
> What I like about Rounded :
> - A face browser for the GDM. This is really popular on sites like  
> gnome-look. I'd really like to see it included in Ubuntu.

We can probably have a face browser in the other themes as well, if  
you suggest that we should. I don't really see why not.

> - The idea of the a usplash with a rounded loading bar. It could be  
> modified a little, I personally like the scrolling text.

I wonder about usplash myself. What's really going to be possible  
with this new usplash type? Will we make an old type for backup  
purposes too, in case someone's computer cannot use the new type? Can  
we make really innovative things like more graphical load bars that  
have fancy things like reflection, that would take a bit more time to  
implement than just simply a masked image?

Frank was working on that, though, wasn't he?

> What could be better in Rounded :
> - The splash screen ( the one after GDM ), I'd remove it.
> Just a little animation on the GDM till the desktop is loaded ?
> I also like the vista-approach, fade out when the desktop is loaded.
> If the splash screen isn't removed I'd certainly go for an animated  
> one, like xubuntu.

I hope you can do this. I think Ubuntu just has too many loading  
screens. :)

Michiel Sikma

PS: please CC your mails to the Ubuntu artwork mailing list. Seems  
that I didn't even notice that two mails, from you and Who, didn't  
reach the list.

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Styles/looks discussion

2006-08-21 Thread Michiel Sikma

On Aug 19, 2006, at 1:43 PM, Who wrote:

> Good idea to discuss this :)
> Personally, I was struggling to produce much that I liked with all out
> gloss, I think that matte/gloss will be much easier to produce work
> that is easy on the eyes and has a positive impact. Do people think
> failsafe is matte or all out gloss? We seem to have one style from the
> existing gdm and another from the splash...

Well, judging by the guidelines laid out by Frank, it is both. :) Or  
can be, anyway. But I feel that with the stuff that I personally have  
made that felt like it belonged to Failsafe, it's more of a Matte/ 
Gloss style than an all-out-gloss one. It just feels a lot better to  
me that way. Failsafe, as it has been retroactively named, was always  
a very sober and clean art direction, and I feel that Matte/Gloss  
continues that in a more elegant manner.

> In terms of designs, circles captivates me more than anything else,
> because I think we can push a bit of new into it - but it is also not
> as distinctive as it could be - with glossy circles we will need to be
> very careful not to step on the toes of Fedora Core 5 (which, while
> blue, was glossy/matte and circley)

I don't think we need to focus on not having to look like Fedora Core  
5, though. If anything we should just make neat art and not focus on  
whether we're stepping on anyone's toes. I can't really see Ubuntu  
ever taking the exact same artistic direction as Fedora, anyway.

I hope that we can look even better than Fedora Core 5's art with the  
next release, by the way. I feel that the Core 5 art is just a little  
more sophisticated than ours as it is right now. It looks very  
lightweight, something which works well with the icon style they're  
trying to convey. I feel that our 6.06 had a mostly unfinished and  
unpolished look. Like the drop-down menu in the GDM, which totally  
does not fit in, or the end session dialog that looks bloated and is  
off-center. I personally also reject the large red "knob"-like icon  
used to end the session. If we look at Tangerine or Fedora's icons,  
we see that they use a door instead, which is much more low-profile  
and does a better job at staying consistently less noticeable to be a  

I think that this release should, besides just making new and  
innovating art, also be to fix these inconsistencies and generally  
polish the entire thing up a bit, which is something Fedora Core 5 is  
ahead of, when compared to us.

> As for the colours: they are much less orage than we have been using
> (personally, a relief for me :P) - I don't know what implications this
> has for the GTK them or icon set - I think the key will be to add
> highlights in the other work that pick up on the icons - but I don't
> really know about this - if anyone has any more concrete ideas about
> how to make these other two look integrated

I was actually kind of peeved to learn that Frank's color palettes  
were more brownish than what I had been doing with the GTK theme at  
that point. I had been implementing hints of red and even tiny  
touches of yellow into the palette with my latest versions, and think  
that it works really well at refreshening the look. But well, perhaps  
there's still room for such colors in the future anyhow.

I don't even know about the icon set anymore, to be honest. I've got  
quite a few things to say about icons in general, but feel that a  
discussion on that is totally out of place here (for reasons of space  
too...). But as long as I don't have sources for the Human icon set,  
I can't really suggest anything. Does anyone still have that link  
that contained it? I'm willing to do a lot for Ubuntu art, but  
reverse engineering the alpha channels of all icons of an icon set  
isn't one of them. :)

Michiel Sikma

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art]

2006-08-21 Thread Brandon Holtsclaw
> Has there been a consensus as to what is going to happen with this  
> site?
> I think at the very least the "welcome" message should be modified to
> simply say something like, "You can also find more art at ..." and  
> then
> have the submission page explain wither new art is being accepted.
Sure that can be one easy , I'll change that in a few moments

> If it is decided not to add more artwork at least doing the above will
> get the current artwork up above the fold.
> Still, I was hoping we'd modify the system so that more artwork  
> could be
> added; seems to be a popular place.
Sure New artwork will be accepted at some point in the very near  
future , as Troy has pointed out before we're working on a place  
( via the art staging site atm untill its ready for public  
consumption ) that the art teams can work collaborate easier on  
"release" art ( probably for the edgy+1 release ) and also a  
community art section that has the current type stuff thats not  
targeted to be included in the releases as is the content now , kinda  
a show case if you will for the art community with automatic  
thumbnaling etc , I'll shoot you ( already need to update troy in the  
loop ) with the info on the staging area off list this evening when i  
get home.

> If some resources are needed that I can help provide, please let me
> know.

Nope I think you have me setup with all the needed tools afaik but  
I'll keep that in mind.

On that note I would like some input from the community about any  
features that would like to see in the "general community submition  
area" , you know where cool new wallpapers and themes you upload are  
put that arent intended to be "official" artwork. Are there things  
you like/dislike about gnome/ sites ? etc etc etc I'm not  
talking the colours or layout of the page per se but more of the  
"features" like ability to search , ability to put a summary  
paragraph , abaility to search by author , etc etc etc

Caio !
Brandon Holtsclaw

ubuntu-art mailing list


2006-08-21 Thread Matthew Nuzum
Has there been a consensus as to what is going to happen with this site?
I think at the very least the "welcome" message should be modified to
simply say something like, "You can also find more art at ..." and then
have the submission page explain wither new art is being accepted.

If it is decided not to add more artwork at least doing the above will
get the current artwork up above the fold.

Still, I was hoping we'd modify the system so that more artwork could be
added; seems to be a popular place. 

If some resources are needed that I can help provide, please let me
Matthew Nuzum
newz2000 on freenode

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Styles/looks discussion

2006-08-21 Thread Mark Shuttleworth

Michiel Sikma wrote:

  I think it's very beneficial to get this discussion going a little  
bit. What do you guys think about the styles and looks?

Agreed Michiel - thanks for kicking it off!


ubuntu-art mailing list