Hello everyone,

This message is about finding a practical solution for users to find the themes they need and thereby take advantage of the abundance of contributed artwork.

I came across this problem when I updated to (Ed)ubuntu 12.4: By using the normal settings programs to configure the desktop, I could only see four themes to select from, two of which were high-contrast themes and the other two being Ubuntu themes with orange activation colors. As I couldn't find a better solution then, I went to tamper with the color settings of GTK and, after some late evenings' work, managed to eradicate the oranges and bring about a satisfying look & feel.

Having thought it over, I think the simplest way to help users find different themes would be putting a good set of themes into the Ubuntu Software Centre. In this 12.4 version I'm using, Ubuntu Software Centre has a category named something like "Themes and Customizations" (I'm using a translated version so I don't know the exact name) but there were no themes or themepacks to be found there.

I hope that the decision-makers of Ubuntu will acknowledge the need for a rich selection of themes made readily available. Better customizability would probably help people stay with Ubuntu rather than switch to other official or unofficial Ubuntu variants.

(As I have indicated, this writing is based on the situation with Ubuntu/Edubuntu 12.4. Please pardon me if the problem has already been improved for 12.10.)


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