Re: [ubuntu-art] Idea regarding themes

2006-06-18 Thread j Mak
Niel Drummond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Sun, 18 Jun 2006 13:57:19 -0700 (PDT)j Mak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > The only problem could be that if you make the various flavors> uniform across the board you deprive them to develop their own> identities. You may end up like in fedora where the kde destop was> gnome-ized so much that the kde look and feel completely lost. This> may create a cross platform boredom.> good point. We need more of this kind of discussion. We also needto get the Xubuntu + Kubuntu + Edubuntu artwork teams communicatingwith us... I've had a brief look over their wiki pages, (their artwork sectionsare more substantial than ours, embarrassingly enough). For example,Kubuntu want to break off into a "theme" of their
 own:, it's worth looking at what they're doing: Niel  Actually, I made the xubuntu artwork for dapper. And hopefully will be able to continue improving it for edgy. I personally agree with the kde people that it is a good idea to chart a distinctive look for all
 ubuntu flavors.J. Mak 

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Idea regarding themes

2006-06-18 Thread j Mak
 - Original Message From: Niel Drummond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: ubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.comSent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 2:01:21 PMSubject: Re: [ubuntu-art] Idea regarding themesI have added your post to a Launchpad spec: NielThe only problem could be that if you make the various flavors uniform across the board you
 deprive them to develop their own identities. You may end up like in fedora where the kde destop was gnome-ized so much that the kde look and feel completely lost. This may create a cross platform boredom.J. Mak


ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] A request

2006-06-11 Thread j Mak
- Original Message From: Étienne Bersac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Michiel Sikma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: Ubuntu Art Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:33:24 PMSubject: Re: [ubuntu-art] A requestI don't condamn proprietary software users. But that's just as shamewhen people see Ubuntu coming with "great professionnal art software"such as Gimp and Inkscape, but artwork wasn't done with that tools. Doesthe pope preach for islam ?


Regarding vectordrawing programs inkscape just doesn't cut it. As a bitmap editor, I can live with the Gimp but when it comes to creating  vector images, I use exclusively Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand. Currently, I am experimenting with xara and I like it. But I guess we still have to wait a couple of more months till it's gonna be fully ported to linux.

J. Mak
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] That's a wrap everyone!

2006-06-02 Thread j Mak
Julian Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: ..on Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 06:30:20PM +0200, Michiel Sikma wrote:> > Op 1-jun-2006, om 18:27 heeft Tom Moitie het volgende geschreven:> > >Julian isn't saying that the users should be choosing the direction  > >that> >the Ubuntu artwork should go, but to gain critique from them, so that> >you, as the designers, can make better choices. Listening to people  > >who> >don't know what they're doing doesn't mean you have to follow what  > >they> >want. You guys are, of course, the graphical designers.> > That's right. Like I said, I do think that it's a very good idea to  > work with the community so that we may get feedback from them, but I  > don't think that it's
 right to put much weight on such opinions.  > Julian's mail made kind of made it seem so, but I guess he too thinks  > that community votes don't make up a good final decision.i don't necessarily think community wide votes should direct which artis shipped with Ubuntu. such voting schemes are riddled with all sortsof problems, the first being there are always some that are inclined to vote and many that aren't. i do however think a steady stream of opinion on the state of the Ubuntu artworkwould be extremely useful for designers - wherever it comes from. having a wishlist and or opinions forum focussed on artwork alone (not issues relating to Ubuntu more generally) would also (importantly) give users the confidence of a central context for being heard - with nopromise of implementation. as a bonus, this can only strengthen user good-will. currently such suggestions/opinions/criticisms are offered as bugs
 or randomly dispersed throughout threads in blogs and user forums.naturally there would be alot of feedback that isn't useful. i'm sure however there'd be some insights that would be very difficult to reach from the perspective of a many hard-of-seeing people to we have telling us how brilliant ourhigh-visibility theme is for instance?   I also think that bringing incompetent people into the design process is a bad idea. During my carrier, I cannot recall even one single occasion when such an involvement helped improving a project. But exactly the opposite, when they got a chance they even ruined that what before had at least some quality.J. Mak

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Re: [ubuntu-art] can't edit wiki

2006-05-30 Thread j Mak
Billy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:"">  This was the page that was moved and renamed to something out of the ordinary. I suspect that is why I can't edit it. I was trying to change Dapper-Drake to Outdoors and update the links.  Can anyone else do it? I can edit any other normal page -- ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com[Sorry, the first one went to the wrong place]I like this theme. Elegant. I just wonder how it would look with a slider having the same or similar color like the togglebutton1.J. Mak
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[ubuntu-art] comments?

2006-05-30 Thread j Mak
 It's a
 pity that nobody comments on the great stuff lizardking is working on.        J. Mak

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Re: [ubuntu-art] // External opinions on Ubuntu Art //

2006-05-30 Thread j Mak
Julian Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: hi list,i think it may be useful to produce some objectivity on the state of theart at this stage. by this i mean offering Ubuntu art up for some rigorous external critique! as it stands the only feedback we get is from forum rants, the occassional article and friends. alot of this feedback is unspecific and lacking the kind of trained description.that is useful to the Ubuntu artists context for doing this would be to introduce Ubuntu as the subjectof a design crit at a Design academy, where a big class of studentswould spend a day on the Live CD going through the art with afine-tooth-comb covering everything from colour palettes, icon design and distribution, overall continuity, interface semiotics - from boot to shutdown.perhaps we could open up a page on a wiki for them to edit directly,and provide topics with which to comment and grade aspects of the
 artwe're interested in hearing about. we could share this output withubuntu-desktop simultaneously.i lecture and give workshops at a few Design academies around the EU, but focus more on interactive art and game development using FOSS. if there was interest, i could talk it over with a department head andplan a day-long class excercise. i think students would love it - bothplay with and critique a whole new OS for a day.ideally we'd do this with a few schools at the same time. Great idea.J. Mak
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Re: [ubuntu-art] De Edgy Artwork reflection

2006-05-28 Thread j Mak
iacopo masi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I'm thinking about Edgy  future artwork and Dapper has close the Human theme cyles.With edgy there will be a new reinvented from skratch artwork.I like very much the new Orange Human expecilly the wallpaper and the icons (both Human and Tangerine). I put my opinion,my reflection in the next artwork.Starting from other concorrential no open OS like Xp (Microsoft) and  Osx (Apple) we see that there is a big work on artwork. :DXp is tasted with a blue and green theme with yellow folder. Os x with a light cyan, white and gray color scheme.In this schemas there was not only a predominant color in the theme. So the reproach to Human theme
 is "when a person looks ubuntu after 2 minutes says: ohh too much Brown (Breezy: wallpaper dark brow and brown gtk and brown metacity) or Too orange (dapper: orange icons,gtk and metacity) "So do you consider that for edgy it will be better if there will be like 2 or 3 color: like 2 major colors and 1 minor. It will be beautiful to think at ubuntu and remember nature: so blue (sky), green (grass), brown (tree). If this is too xp-ish it can be taken a lot of color scheme. For example thinking at dapper, my thought is that it was better if the metacity was of another color than the orange. In this way the eye could rest and than all theme could be less boring and heavy. Ispirating by  Ubuntu logo it is possibile to make the metacity of a black color and mixing the black color also in the wallpaper. for dapper we could have mix orange, black and sand begie. So I hope in edgy will be not
 only a predomint color but at lease two with variations. About the gtk I consider that we must continue to work with engines doing a synthesis of all best: I will take checkbox and V check form ubuntulooks, scrollbar and progress bar form  gFlat engines (rezlooks modified) and tab and panel from Clearlooks. However a lot of good work has been done with wonderful ubuntulooks. So at the end I consider that we can make a personal ,special, recognizable and enviable look and feel mixing cairo animation taking the best from various engines, innvoative (not blue) colore schema but not boring and a  touch of art. Regards,lizardking [The previous one went to the wrong place]Hi lizardking,I think you have brought
 up excellent ideas that needs serious consideration. I support all the way what you have said.         Regards,J. Mak
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Re: ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 11, Issue 54

2006-05-22 Thread j Mak
Oliver Grawert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: hi,Am Montag, den 22.05.2006, 16:18 +0200 schrieb Michiel Sikma:> How about the Edubuntu and Xubuntu splash screens (Kubuntu has  > already been packaged, one by kwwii)? I've made an Edubuntu one and a  > Xubuntu one (the latter which I can fix up to have a correct palette  > without any trouble before that deadline). Are we to send  > propositions to that same e-mail address? Are there even any  > alternatives yet?i'm very happy with the one you gave me (and personally would like tokeep it) for edubuntu last week and the edubuntu community seems to alsolike it, but as i said before, edubuntu will go with a variant of whatsvoted on as we are a derivative of ubuntu and a) want to show it b) wantconsistency over all (official)
 derivatives afaik. The same with xubuntu. We already have one, but of course, it different style will be chosen we might consider that one for the sake of consistency. J. Mak
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Updated "Minimalistic", patching usplash, sources

2006-05-13 Thread j Mak
 Frank,If you venture into creating usplash for other disros, please dont forget xubuntu. Here you can find the xubuntu logo."">This is the xubuntu color shceme:#a0b7c9#3a5065#789abd    Thanks,J. Mak
 Frank Schoep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-art,Let me first apologize for cross-posting this, but the discussion about a new usplash is now officially going on in countless of places and I feel that what I'm going to tell you is both relevant to -art and -devel at the same time. I won't make a habit of doing this so please excuse me for once.The part more interesting for ubuntu-art is above the line, ubuntu-devel subscribers will find the part under the line more interesting.First of all, many thanks to all testers for testing the Minimalastic usplash. Everyone who reported it worked well on their system, thanks again, but I'm sorry this mail is not going to be about you, it's the problems that I'm going to tackle.I've gotten some replies indicating
 that laptops and certain TFTs do not scale the logo, which was expected. But instead of showing a black area around the screen, they fill it with palette color 0, which is tan in my case. So, instead of the rounded corners looking good, they look bad. It seems that VMware is more of an exception than a rule in this case.So, after resizing and polishing the logo and it's position tonight I also removed the black corners to see if any more complaints stream in about them being removed. If testing is indicative, the largest (only?) portion of the userbase doesn't need them. I will personally assist users who have black backgrounds behind an unscaled usplash and complain about it. Honestly.The updated version is available at the exact same URL, the version number is the same so you _will_ have to remove the current version if you have it installed. This was just to make sure I don't have two versions in the wild. So
 the URL is still: of the old version are still here: users asked why there was no text. The reason is simple: after powering on my machine I do not expect it to do anything other than getting me to the desktop as fast as possible. Am I alone in this line of thinking? I think "less is more" fits the bill quite well here.I've also thought about making Kubuntu and Edubuntu usplashes similar to this one. I think they'll work out great, with Kubuntu having two shades of blue and Edubuntu leaning towards the yellow or orange. But let's first get Ubuntu main on the tracks.That was the ubuntu-art part. Now let's move to
 ubuntu-devel.I want / need to patch usplash to be able to cut down it's current verbosity and to still be able to display error messages. I've gotten some reactions that Minimalastic currently only shows "FAIL" but not what has failed. That is correct, because I set both the text foreground and background to the same tan to simulate hiding all text except "FAIL". How can I obtain usplash's source to make a patch?I'll elaborate on what I want to do:Right now, usplash probably does this:- read input- receive description of boot-part (e.g. "Starting Apache webserver")- display description on the left- read input- receive result (e.g. "OK")- display result on the rightWhat I want in the new scenario is this:- receive description of boot-part- store description in memory- receive result- if result "OK", don't display anything- if result
 "FAIL", display both description and resultThat's all. I'm sure I would be able to patch usplash in a matter of minutes to do this and it would solve my main problem for the usplash. As you might see, I'm really eager to get this done because it will make boot up feel that more polished. Removing the drawing operations of "non-interesting" text will also speed up boot times (especially noticeable on VMware and several videocards, for instance the one I have, a nVidia Geforce 7800 GS).The change I'm proposing will work for all usplash themes and make any usplash less confusing. It will also help to focus attention more on what actually goes wrong, like a main Unix philosophy it seems. How do you all feel about this?Oh, one more thing: the sources for the usplash are available on my CVS server via a CVSWeb interface, you can download tarballs and browse commit logs with it if you like: hope we can work together in bringing the best

Re: [ubuntu-art] Xubuntu deserves respect too!

2006-05-06 Thread j Mak
Viper550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Okay everyone, I see Xubuntu is using XFCE, a GTK based desktop, but this leads me to a question: why can't Xubuntu use an Ubuntulooks based theme instead of Clearlooks default? I am going to be working on a Ubuntulooks theme that will fit in with the Xubuntu desktop, so be ready! Consistancy is always a good thing, this also leads me to why you don't just use Polyester as the default theme for Kubuntu? It looks cool, and it matches the desktop too! It's based off Plastik, so it doesn't head THAT far away from the defaults...Viper550 It will use ubuntulooks. Right now, I am working on the default theme.Here is a quick p... Mak -- ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Silicon theme updated

2006-05-04 Thread j Mak
The links are not working.Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I've updated the icons for the Silicon theme to an Ubuntu-tailored version of Tango-Aluminum, namely Tango-Silicon. The icons fall back to Human before of Tangerine (and then Tango) since the Human icons are more in style with the whole theme. Screenie: (metacity+gtk): Icons:  (put it
 in /usr/share/wallpapers for the theme to automagically pick it up)Wiki: would like to propose Silicon for Dapper inclusion. I feel that is complete and consistent, and will have a broad user base (roughly the ones that use the silver theme in Windows XP). Also, it is quite different in feel from the warm stock Human theme. Cheers,Mikkel -- ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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[ubuntu-art] Looking for the logout icons source files

2006-04-27 Thread j Mak
 Hi,Could anyone tell me where can I find ubuntu's logout-icons source files? In xubuntu, we intend to use the same icons but want to modify their colors slightly to go better with xubuntu's theme.Thanks,J. Mak 
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[ubuntu-art] Poll

2006-04-20 Thread j Mak
 all, Xubuntu developers invite you to help choosing a theme for the upcoming xubuntu dapper.We have three themes to choose from; each includes a logo, a color scheme, a wallpaper, a gdm greeter and a usplash. You can vote here: Mak   
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Changing GIMP splash for Dapper

2006-04-16 Thread j Mak
 I also
 have one. Mak 
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Re: [ubuntu-art] comments and suggestions on Ubuntu's theming

2006-04-05 Thread j Mak
 agree completely. I found a bit ridiculous debating the details of the various dialogues, scroll bars, icons and so on and the overall conception of the desktop still up in the air. It is like riding on the horse backwards.J. Mak Sander van Loon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi all,I already sent this e-mail message a few days ago to this mailing list,but it was held for moderator approval because I didn't want to register(I don't like to get my mailbox spammed with list e-mails). It seems ittakes some time for moderators to make a decision (is there anymoderator at all?), so I decided to register and send this e-mail again.What I want to tell about is the
 following: read. I hope it is useful for the art developers.Greetings,Sander van Loon -- ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Inconsistence of gradients and artwork colors

2006-04-02 Thread j Mak
Daniel Borgmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Same goes for colors, some variety is not evil but can make a thememore interesting to look at, especially in the long run. Curiously youdon't see this obsession with uniformity from the closed sourcedesktops. While you might personally not like the variety of colors inMicrosoft's offering or the multiple styles used by OSX, it apparentlyworks quite well for them.Daniel   
  Red and orange are among the most difficult colors to handle in the entire color spectrum. IMHO, none of those are suitable for desktop use.  From the psychological point of view orange is too disquieting and from the visual point of view too busy. The best solution would be,
 dropping it completely either by choosing a more pleasing, a more soothing color, or just going back to the original chocolate theme.  Still time to accomplish this. J. Mak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>--ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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Re: [ubuntu-art] WinFOSS CD browser design

2006-03-29 Thread j Mak
Henrik Nilsen Omma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: j Mak wrote:> Hi Henrik,> I've created this splash for the cd browser>> What do you think?Thanks that looks good. A few things:I notice that you have a black region at the bottom where I presume progress icons would normally go (as when gnome starts up). That's not needed for the CD browser, so perhaps we could eliminate that and just stretch the rest of the design down.I've put the original, my own quick hack and your image up here: so we can consider the options. It might of course be good to base it on the new dapper gnome splash when that lands to make it more consistent.  -
 Hi Henrik,Thanks for the suggestions. I took out the black bottom part. Here is the new one; Mak --http://www.ubuntu.com ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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Re: [ubuntu-art] WinFOSS CD browser design

2006-03-28 Thread j Mak
Henrik Nilsen Omma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: It also needs a new splash screen. The old one looks too much like the old layout and is getting tired IMO. Anyone want to have a go? It obviously needs the logo and possibly some other graphics elements. It should have the text 'Loading browser. Please wait ...' somewhere and should contain the version number 6.06. The size should be roughly 400x200px.  - Henrik Hi Henrik,I've created this splash for the cd browser do you think?J. Mak --http://www.ubuntu.com ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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[ubuntu-art] Another update-notifier icon

2006-03-24 Thread j Mak
 version. Mak 
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Gimp splash redesign for edubuntu

2006-03-23 Thread j Mak
Oliver Grawert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:what about xubuntu and edubuntu? also please make sure that the themeingprocess and how to change the theme is well documented, there are abunch of derivatives that will want to change it as well, the oo.opackage needs to provide an opportunity to do so...ciao oli I've redesigned the Gimp splash for edubuntu. Colors: yellow, orange and black from the ubuntu color palette.Here is the image;   
 What do you think?    J. Mak -- ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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Re: [ubuntu-art] update-notifier icon

2006-03-23 Thread j Mak
 I disagree with
 Henrik.  I think the icon needs a gloss because all the other icons on the panel have some kind of gloss to them; so  this feature would make it stylistically blend better with the rest.J. Mak Julian Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I made another version without swooshes and outlines on the arrows: shows what it look likeon the panel (the arrows still need some fine-tuning).That image also contains a darker version (both colors are from theUbuntu palette, but I like the lighter one better.Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:> IMO, both of these versions (Julian's and Manu's) have too much detail. > The fancy arrow ribbon which
 flips around in 3D is to delicate. I like > the glossy look, but I would put plain white arrows on the surface and > not sunken into the translucent plastic (does that make sense?)> > Also try using the slightly darker Ubuntu red.-- ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ooo splash redesign for dapper

2006-03-22 Thread j Mak
Oliver Grawert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: hi,Am Dienstag, den 21.03.2006, 19:01 -0500 schrieb j Mak:> from the kde color palette.> > Here it is.> >> what about xubuntu and edubuntu? also please make sure that the themeingprocess and how to change the theme is well documented, there are abunch of derivatives that will want to change it as well, the oo.opackage needs to provide an opportunity to do so...ciao oli Hi Oli,I've created a version of the OOo splash for edubuntu. Xubuntu doesn't use OOo but Abiword.Here is the one for edubuntu views this, please give me some feedback.J. Mak ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ooo splash redesign for dapper

2006-03-21 Thread j Mak
Mark Shuttleworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: These are very nice. We have a problem with Oo.o because the splash is shared across Kubuntu and Ubuntu. The second one would look good on Ubuntu but not on Kubuntu. If you'd like to discuss this with Riddell and Doko, it might be possible to optimise for each of them, otherwise we'll use the current B&W one which looks OK on both.  Mark --
  Hi Mark,I was just finishing the kubuntu splash when got your email.The image is "kde black and white" chosen from the kde color palette.Here it is. Mak ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ooo splash redesign for dapper

2006-03-20 Thread j Mak
Henrik Nilsen Omma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: j Mak wrote:> > Hi,> I've redesigned the openoffice splash for dapper. I've created two color > versions.>>> Please tell me what you think.Cool! I like the second one as well. I would make the .0.2 part less obvious though. The avarage user might want to know that it's OpenOffice 2, but probably doesn't need to know the exact release number. At least not in such a prominent way.- Henrik Thanks for the comments to everyone.Henrik,The size of the OOo office logo is the official one. I didn't make the version number bigger or modified it in any way other
 than added the release number. But here is one  without the release number.,J. Mak -- ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com

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[ubuntu-art] Ooo splash redesign for dapper

2006-03-19 Thread j Mak
 I've redesigned the openoffice splash for dapper.  I've  created two color versions. tell me what you think.    J. Mak 
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Gimp splash for dapper[Modified]

2006-03-16 Thread j Mak
Pascal Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Just a final pointer, the '2.2' seems rather blurred. :)Fixed. MakCheers,klepas-- Pascal Kleinhttp://wombat.nuxified.comUbuntu Art team Australia ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Gimp splash for dapper[Modified]

2006-03-15 Thread j Mak
 The brush is exactly the same as before, only the text was replaced with the gimp logo.J. Mak Jerome
 Gotangco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: My eyes seem to fail me, but does it look like the brush looks smallernow and looks a bit out of focus because of the font change?JeromeJerome Gotangco[EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED]Mobile: +639196555242GPG: 0xA97B69A0On 3/16/06, j Mak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> A new version with the original gimp logo.>>>  J. Mak--ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Gimp splash for dapper[Modified]

2006-03-15 Thread j Mak
Mark Shuttleworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Suzan wrote: j Mak schrieb:  ��� This is the modified gimp splash.  ���  ��� I incorporated Mark's and Susanne's suggestions into the new design.  ��� Let me know what you think.      ��� J. Mak Much,much,muuuch better! :-) This one looks good. Yes, this one looks great. Minor comments:  �- the txt "the Gimp 2.2" looks not-so-classy, the
 colour is grey, the characters not nicely spaced, the alignment with the underlying colour change is off a little �- perhaps the pen should be above the text too?  Mark A new version with the original gimp logo. J. Mak -- ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Gimp splash for dapper[Modified]

2006-03-14 Thread j Mak
Susanne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Mark Shuttleworth schrieb: > j Mak wrote: >> Hi all, >> This is my gimp splash for dapper. >> >> What do you think? > I like it, but I think it would look better if the whole background was the Ubuntu beige, removing the grey top and bottom bits. >Hello everyone!I think the GIMP-Splash ist to much "Photoshop". As I see the hand, the first thought was "its a Photoshop-Vector-Form". Maybe it's better to work without Photoshop-Forms for GIMP. ;-)And I agree, beige would be nicer for Ubuntu as grey.Greetings from germanySuzan Hi,This is the
 modified gimp splash. incorporated Mark's and Susanne's suggestions into the new design.  Let me know what you think.J. Mak -- ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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Re: [ubuntu-art] What are the Dapper Artwork guidelines ?

2006-03-14 Thread j Mak
�tienne Bersac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello,This is mainly a question to Mark. This is quite a braindump.As i read DapperUbuntuLook pages and some discussions in this mailing  list, i see an obvious lake in the Dapper theme work : some clear  guidelines.I see orange, I heard "Ubuntu beige", "Chocolate brown", etc. But  what do we want ? What is the artwork goal of Dapper (more than be  polish) ? How to achieve the "Dapper" in dapper drake ?We have great piece of artwork, but nothing fit well with each  others. What about a "DapperArtworkGuidelines" or something like  that ? What specs do artist have to read in order to fit the  DapperUbuntuArtwork spirit ?Which colours ? Which blendings, fade, range, reflections, etc. fit  the ArtworkSpirit ? What guideline for
 usplash/gdm/gnome-splash  consistency ? Obviously, it seems DapperArtwork which look a bit like  glass/crystal/aqua, but this is not written anywhere.I wish you understand my desire to see a very consistent and  professional artwork for dapper. At this time, it seems Apple and  Novell are the leader in artwork consistency. Is ubuntu community  able to build a superior artwork, which make Ubuntu unique and  beautiful during 3 years ?Best regards. I agree with you 100%. Without clear and concise guidelines, artist can only guess or improvise. And this is not good, first because lots of time is wasted and second because we might end up with a collection of inconsistent set of artworks. The most important thing would be to set clear color guidelines stating the values in RGB or hexadecimal numbers rather than just saying brown or orange and so on.J. Mak 
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[ubuntu-art] Gimp splash for dapper

2006-03-13 Thread j Mak
 Hi all,   
 This is my gimp splash for dapper. do you think?J. Mak 
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Another splash concept

2006-03-09 Thread j Mak
Travis Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 3/9/06, j Mak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> This is my version of the splash image:>>>> J. MakLooks nice. Two things though:1) The reflection of "ubuntu" is too opaque, try fading it out a bit more.2) The black bar doesn't really fit, perhaps brown would be better?--Travis Watkins   
  Thanks for the suggestions, but I keep the black stripe because it gives contrast to the image. In the mean time, I made a bit of tweaking to the logo.Here is the new one: Mak 
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[ubuntu-art] Another splash concept

2006-03-09 Thread j Mak
 This is my
 version of the splash image: Mak 
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Re: [ubuntu-art] New Dapper icon set

2006-03-01 Thread j Mak
sascha brossmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 3/1/06, Pascal Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Making branding icon sets is a lot of work, which is just going to> be seen in that one far as i understand it would not be restricted to be used just inubuntu, will it? though, given the, erm... disputable >;-> sense andunderstanding of all things design in the FOSS community it willpropably not spread as widely as it could.> Although the icon set thus far obviously is great work, pity it had> to be a contracted artist rather than someone from the community.depends on what the community delivers, doesn't it? i have more thanserious doubts that the community currently(!) is able to delivernear-to-professional quality in terms of design, especially
 comparedto the (technical) quality FOSS as a whole has risen to (if i do nottake graphical interfaces and certain types of special domainapplications into account, that is). why that? some roughly sketchedpoints in lose order (and all my very personal opinion):* the community lacks the presence of enough extraordinarily skilled(i.e. with a non-hobbyist background) _and_ committed individuals whocould provide a sort of leadership to make a difference. further itseverely lacks the presence of skilled and committed individuals whocould provide a solid basis for and guide along lesser skilledcontributors.* compared to the FOSS hackers, the FOSS design community isinsufficient in both quality and number of contributors. this could beat least partly resolved by e.g. trying to target art & designeducational institutions in order get more contributions fromacademics in that field. especially as most professionals won't
 be atall interested in contributing, at least not without getting paid forit. in contrast to (professional) software developers, FOSS is aone-way street for most designers: in practically all cases they won'tget anything back which they can *use* themselves. apart from pureboredom (which won't happen to most pros i know) i cannot think of anyjustifiable motiviation apart from purely idealistic enthusiuasm or,maybe, at best, being a kind creative outlet.* understanding design as (visual) icing on the cake is still anall-too-widespread belief, especially amongst software developers. butdesign is not about things looking nice. it's about making the thingsat hand manageable (_and_ pleasurable, as such) - looks are only apart of that story.* existing larger projects like e.g. tango are creating visualmetaphors without being actually able to define or influence theinteractions that they should serve. it should be the
 other way round,everything else is constant tinkering with basically broken kettles.FOSS design needs a larger perspective. soon.* if i look at the current results, bottom-up design methods don'tseem to work well. yet, mind you. lack of experience how to use themappropriately and still achieve professional results.* design != art (requires different skills, different methodologiesand a different mindset) btw: i would really, really, really like tosee the name "art team" changed to reflect this.mind you, i *do* recognise (and very happily i do) how things haveprogressed during the last years. but things are still lightyearsbehind of where they should be (and where the two other major desktopsare or are heading). one of my main concerns being what could be named*copycat desease*: nearly complete absence of strong original ideascombined with the tendency to imitate the looks of other desktops(without really
 understanding the concerning interactions). and apainful lack of skill, knowledge, and competence in both creation andevaluation/discussion. makes at least two major barriers that need tobe overcome. propably,sascha By and large, I agree. I just would like to add that the art team has always been a scattered,  unorganized group of individuals, without direction and guideline. In such a situation, it is impossible to produce anything but random improvisations.  Providing strict guidelines and precise time limits for projects could revitalize the group. But for this to happen, you need a project leader who could be anyone knows enough about the parameters of the job.   Regards,J. Mak --:: :: ..: .:. . :.. ..:  .   .  .   .  .   .:: public key id 0x2EA549A0 ::.. :: . .  .  . ....   .:: fingerprint 0A0C AE42 62F5 DB65 C5A1 
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Re: [ubuntu-art] New icons

2006-03-01 Thread j Mak
 I agree 100%.
 You need guidelines to be able to work efficiently. We don't even know what will be the color scheme of ubuntu. This would be important to learn because color is a unifying motif in the overall visual impact, and the login screen, splash, wallpapers and so on should reflect this. Also the size. Will the splash, for instance, be the same size as in Breezy?I hope someone will set up a list of parameters quickly so that we can start creating actual artworks because not that much time has left until April. Regards,J. Mak Nick Burman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   While I don't have time to organise� I am more than willing to come under the leadership of anyone
 who is up to the task.  In an effort to subscribe to some sort of sign up list, I would like to make myself available for splashes or backgrounds. I'm a professional graphic and web designer and would love to help where I can. I'm more than capable of working within guidelines - I just can't waste time making mounds of aimless backgrounds and splashes that nobody wants. Just point me in the right direction! However, should a position be necessary, I'd be more than happy to head-up Critique Sessions to make sure they stay objective and away from endless, hollow postings of 'hey thats cool'.   As a suggestion, perhaps someone could take the list, divide it into groups of ,say, four , and assign tasks to each group.   All that to say this - put me in a group, tell me what to do, I'll do it!  Nick.   Mark Shuttleworth wrote:Pascal, I'm surprised to hear that from you given that we spent several hours together at LCA in New Zealand, and discussed ways to get community contributions directly into Dapper.The goal is to get a few of the best community themes into Dapper, and have professional artists supplement that work where necessary. I see a partnership between community contributors and professional artists as one of the great things about Ubuntu - the community gets its best work showcased, and interested folks get to work with professionals where previously they may not have been able to.Now, as I understood it, Pascal was going to help organise the community side of things here, so that we could identify two or three crisp, clean community-contributed themes for inclusion in Dapper.� Best I can tell, that hasn't happened yet, so Pascal please get onto that or ask someone else to take the reins. I suggest that you identify at most three
 candidates for inclusion, based on their quality and completeness, and focus the energy of the art team on those three to see if one or more can get up to snuff for Dapper.Getting a good theme together requires strong leadership - those of you who think you have what it takes, organise teams around your themes and polish them up. Make sure that there's a web site where we can review and assess the themes. Ubuntu and Kubuntu are of course equally important, so make sure we give equal time to the blue folks.We will only include themes that meet a very high standard of quality and completeness - it wouldn't be Ubuntu if it were half done.We have a UI sprint in London next week (all welcome) where we will be polishing more of the icons / desktop / theme bits. I expect Dapper to look pretty sharp by the end of that.I've subscribed to this list and I'll stay monitoring it for the next couple of week. If you want to live up to the standard of
 other Ubuntu teams you need:�- Leadership. Identify someone who is dedicated (this stuff takes time) and work with Henrik to organise all the work that is to be done. As a team, you need to know how to take decisions and then move forward with those decisions. You won't all agree most of the time - so you need leadership to get everyone to go in a common direction rather than following their own artistic muses all the time.�- Teamwork. If you want community-contributed themes to match up, then you can't divide yourselves a hundred different ways. Pick a few high quality starting points, and push hard on those to improve their completeness. Write up good style guides for the key themes you pick, so that new contributors can produce work that is consistent. It isn't so much of an accomplishment to do a single beautiful desktop image as it is to produce a complete set of icons, with GTK theme and desktop, splash screens etc. You will ONLY
 achieve this with teamwork.�- Organisation. There is a lot to be done, and I can't find any obvious starting point that lists each of the areas that need work. Get that right, and you will find new people joining in as they can see what needs to be done.�- Presentation. This is even more important in the art team than it is elsewhere. Your stuff needs to be shown off to best effect! Don't hide your light under a b

Re: [ubuntu-art] New Dapper icon set

2006-02-28 Thread j Mak
 These Icons
 are great; also elegant. Far better than the dull Tango set.The best so far.J. Mak Julian Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi,I just saw the preview of the new Dapper icon set Mark posted at . I have a few questions regarding these icons:Who made this set? I'm just curious.What license will it be published under?How can I contribute? My own Still Life is quite similar in style, andsome of my icons might only need slight colour adjustments to make aperfect addition (some others might suck, though). Please take a look at and/or .Regards,Julian-- ubuntu-art mailing
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Screenshot of Idea

2005-12-11 Thread j Mak
I like it. Elegant.  J. MakViper550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Okay team, I actually loaded up my idea for the Dapper interface designinto Ubuntu's Gnome Desktop and made this screenshot to show how it allclicks into place., enjoy! More information is shown in the OpenOffice window openedalongside. Please note that this uses the Human icons, even though thenew Humility ones will be used on 6.04 Final.Viper550p.s. I sent this using Evolution on Ubuntu, most of my other messageswere sent from my Windows computer using Thunderbird, I have multiple,the main one I use for email only has Windows, the Ubuntu computer dualboots. I really LOVE it! Also, nice default wallpaper you've got
 there!-- ubuntu-art mailing listubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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