Re: [ubuntu-art] Layout Examples for Book on Open Soure Publishing

2010-12-08 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Tue, 2010-12-07 at 13:45 -0700, Rob Oakes wrote:


What you write about examples in books and quality issues with many
free-software related offerings resonates with me.

Free Software could do with more and more skilled design and artwork
contributors. The path into free software development seems to be much

>  I wanted to see if there are examples of promotional materials,
>  newsletters, posters, or templates that might be appropriate to
>  include in the book from the Ubuntu project?


>  Any example of graphic communication (regardless of source) would be
>  appropriate.  I am more  interested in inspiring and showing solid
>  design principles than  advertising for a particular product (even
>  something as wonderful as  open source).

I can't hand out the few more recent examples of my layout work due to
copyright and privacy concerns and the rest is just old and done with
Quark Xpress.

But have a look at the following. Might not be exactly what you're
after, but all qualifies at least for being done with Inkscape:

SVG sources available.

In case illustrations done with GIMP are OK, too:

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] Layout Examples for Book on Open Soure Publishing

2010-12-07 Thread Rob Oakes
Dear Ubuntu Artwork Team,

I am currently working on a book about writing and publishing using open source 
tools.  The book includes two chapters on visual communication which cover 
Scribus and Inkscape.

As part of these chapters, I would like to include examples of professional 
quality work.  These include newsletters, magazines, book spreads, posters, 
illustrations, and others.  The examples should:

1) Beautify the final volume and showcase examples of graphic communication
2) Demonstrate that open source tools can create high quality 
3) Provide templates and finished layouts that can be distributed both with and 
separately from the book (the files will be licensed under LGPL, MIT or 
Creative Commons) to help people master the programs.

(For more information on what I want to accomplish with the examples, see this 

Naturally, I've raided my own portfolio to do this, but any book with the work 
of a single person is at an inherent disadvantage.  (Which is a way of saying 
that it's boring.)  Which brings me to the reason that I am writing.

I wanted to see if there are examples of promotional materials, newsletters, 
posters, or templates that might be appropriate to include in the book from the 
Ubuntu project?  I've already looked at the examples on the Share Ubuntu 
website, and found an option that might work.  Are there other locations that I 
might check out where the work is available under permissive licenses?  The 
work doesn't have to be related to Ubuntu or free-software.  Any example of 
graphic communication (regardless of source) would be appropriate.  I am more 
interested in inspiring and showing solid design principles than advertising 
for a particular product (even something as wonderful as open source).

These examples from my portfolio would all fit within the scope of the chapter:

Alternatively, would members of the team be willing to craft templates/layouts 
which could  be used to illustrate a particular principle?  (The differences 
between a column grid or modular grid, for example.)  If you have works that 
are part of a personal portfolio, those might be used as well.  (As long as you 
hold copyright to the layout and other assets.)

In addition to creating examples for the book, I also want to contribute back 
to the respective upstream projects.  For example, brochures would be sent to 
the Scribus project as templates.**  For this reason, I would prefer that all 
contributions be licensed under permissive terms (Public Domain, Creative 
Commons, LGPL).  There are few sources which provide examples and templates for 
open source projects.  I'm hoping that I can use this book as a way of plugging 
that need.

If you have interest in contributing, please let me know.  I can be reached 
either on the list, or via email at

Most Sincerely,

Rob Oakes
Oak-Tree Engineering

* The book is set to be published next year by rapidBooks Ltd.

** I understand that this may be impossible in many instances.  In those cases, 
I would be happy to only include the work in the book only and not add the 
assets to the associated files.  This would act as a way of preserving 
copyright protections.  My preference, though, is for examples that can be 
incorporated as templates and donated back to the respective projects.
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